Theses and Professional Paper Services

Donnelly Library provides a thesis and professional paper processing service to Highlands graduate students. Before the end of the semester in which the degree is to be awarded, the student should review the library’s online thesis information sheet which includes instructions on the required format, signatures, paper type, accompanying documents, number of copies, and library binding fees. When the student submits the original copy of the thesis with accompanying paperwork, the library staff member in charge of theses processing will review the material to see that all the requirements are met before sending it out for binding. Students should keep in mind that thesis- binding takes about six weeks.

Contact Josephine Sena, Librarian-Head of Government Documents/Periodical Sections (Phone: (505) 454.3411, email: jlsenag@nmhu.edu) for more information about formatting theses for the library. Graduate students must make an appointment with Josephine Sena before printing the final copies of their theses. 

Theses Services

Thesis InfoLetter of TransmittalTitle PageSignature Page

 Professional Papers Services

Professional Papers ServicesLetter of TransmittalTitle PageSignature Page