Retention Evidence

This page archives the evidence related to recruitment and retention efforts at Highlands. Retention is a centerpiece of our HU Vision 2020 Strategic Plan, including Strategic Goal #2:

Highlands University will achieve strategic enrollment management.

We commit to establishing and implementing a strategic enrollment management plan that includes target enrollments, recruitment, and retention strategies for all academic degree programs and all locations.

For our overall Retention Plan, as approved by the Board of Regents, Faculty Senate, Staff Senate, and Student Senate, click here.

In Fall 2016, Highlands contracted with Ruffalo-Noel-Levitz (RNL), a consulting firm that specializes in enrollment management and retention services. RNL is working closely with Highlands to provide data and implementable solutions regarding our recruitment and retention efforts, helping us to more closely focus these important initiatives.

RNL has worked closely with the Office of Strategic Enrollment Management to create a Retention Management Systems Plus (RMSPlus), which utilized student data to develop a statistical model of which Highlands students are most likely persist at Highlands, and what risk factors and opportunities for intervention were present with these students. In Fall of 2016, RNL helped us administer two surveys to students: the Student Satisfaction Inventory (SSI), given to all incoming Las Vegas students, and the Adult Student Priorities Survey (ASPS), given to all Center students. The data from these reports has helped to inform our retention planning and the implementable steps to achieve that plan.

For an introduction to RNL and the services they provide, see this PowerPoint presentation made by Dr. Edward Martinez to the Board of Regents on December 2, 2016.

RNL has also visited campus several times, hosting a Retention Forum on 11-3 to 11-4-16 and returning for a follow up visit on 12-8 and 12-9. Agenda and materials are included below. There were follow up visits from RNL on January 10, 2017 and April 20, 2017.

The Office of Strategic Enrollment Management has also created a Matriculation Task Force, charged with enhancing communication between offices, reviewing and adjusting policy, and streamlining processes across campus related to matriculation, and a Retention Advisory Council, charged with implementing the Retention Plan. Agendas are included below.

Retention Plan Updates and Accomplishments:

Retention Activities Summary 2-20-17

Retention Update 2017-2018

Retention Accomplishments 2016-2017

Reports Provided by RNL:

RNL RMSPlus Report 8-2016

RNL Retention Opportunities Analysis Report 9-2016

RNL Recruitment Report 10-2016

RNL Retention Plan Report 11-2016

SRP Model Scale Summary Chart Fall 2016

SRP Explanation

RNL Survey Results:

Student Satisfaction Inventory (SSI) Results 10-2016

SSI Comparison Class Level – 10-2016

SSI Comparison Class Level (2) – 10-2016

Adult Student Priorities Survey (ASPS) Results 10-2016

ASPS Comparison Current Enrollment Status 10-2016

ASPS Comparison Institution Question 2 10-2016

RNL Retention Summit:

Agenda for November 03-04, 2016

Appendix01 Recommendations 09 16

Appendix02 Affinity 09 16

Appendix03 Current Plan Matrix 09 16

Appendix04 35 Good Practices in Retention Survey 09 16

Appendix05 SSI GapOrder NMHU 10 14 16

Appendix06 ASPS 10 14 16

Appendix07 New Mexico Highlands University Variable Diagnostics10 06 16

Appendix08 LifeStage groups

NewMexicoHighlandsUniv RetPlanWkbk  10 16

Matriculation Task Force Minutes:

Fall 2016

January – August 2017

Retention Advisory Council Minutes:

Fall 2016-Fall 2017