NEW Platform to Access Information
at the Donnelly Library!

Visit NMHU’s

Libguides provide easy access to databases and other resources through subject and course guides. Ask a Donnelly librarian how our LibGuides are beneficial to both students and faculty.

Take a tour of LibGuides at nmhu.libguides.com. Try it today!

Need Help?

Contact us by phone, email, or even make an appointment to talk one-on-one using ZOOM – Click Here for details!

Need help navigating Donnelly Library streaming services or databases?

Check out the expanding list of instructional videos on the Donnelly Library’s YouTube Channel to get helpful tips and ideas for using database resources!

Students Needing a Loaner Computer 

The Donnelly Library now has a limited number of laptop & tablet computers available for checkout at the Donnelly Library on the Las Vegas Main Campus.

Computer equipment is available on a first come, first served basis and will be due back at the Donnelly Library the week of midterms and can be rechecked out until the end of the semester.

Click Checkout Form for Students to see student responsibilities before checking out equipment.


Books and DVDs may be checked out at the circulation desk in the library building. Patrons may also make an appointment to have a library staff member bring library materials to them outside of the building by the front entrance.

Use our Borrowing Request Form to request items from the Donnelly Library’s collection.

Links to Library Hours & University Alerts

Complete Donnelly Library hours.

University weather alerts.

Visit the online Special Collections Exhibits!

As always, please contact the Donnelly Library if you have any questions about any of your research needs.