A High Wind Warning and Red Flag Warning have been issued for Las Vegas and surrounding areas until 7 p.m. on Thursday, March 6. As a precaution, the NMHU Las Vegas Campus will be closed Thursday at 10 a.m. for the remainder of the day. All classes have been also canceled through the end of the day, including asynchronous and all NMHU centers (Albuquerque, Rio Rancho, Santa Fe, and Farmington).

Student Senate Vacancy Inquiry

Involvement in ASNMHU

Hello from ASNMHU!

We are so excited you are interested in joining us. Becoming involved in ASNMHU is one of the best ways to get your voice heard and to represent your fellow colleagues’ voice as well!

The best way to know if there is a vacancy on ASNMHU is to watch for Globals sent to your NMHU email. You can also inquire at asnmhu@nmhu.edu.

Executive Branch
The executive branch of ASNMHU consists of the office of the president, vice president, secretary, treasurer and parliamentarian. The student body president for NMHU serves as the head of the executive branch of ASNMHU. They are responsible for enforcing any legislation passed by the senate. Furthermore, they are the primary advocate for ASNMHU and the Highlands’ student body. This branch facilitates in advising and assisting the president in her or his duties, as well as coordinates among the executive committees and executive officials. The members of the executive branch have all served on ASNMHU student senate for at least two semesters and are elected in the spring during the general elections. For more information on the executive branch of student government, please feel free to contact Tamlyn Crain, Student Body President at asnmhu@nmhu.edu.

Legislative Branch
The senate serves as the legislative body of ASNMHU. The senate makes all laws and regulations it deems necessary and proper for the ASNMHU government, approves the budget, and appropriates all funds of ASNMHU. Each senator represents 100 students and there is at least one graduate senator from each of the schools (College of Arts & Sciences, School of Business, School of Education, and School of Social Work). Each senator also serves on multiple committees and sponsors bills for funding for clubs, organizations, and for individual students for professional development. For more information on the legislative branch of student government please feel free to contact Tamlyn Crain, Student Body President at asnmhu@nmhu.edu.

Judicial Branch
The judicial branch of ASNMHU consist of one chief justice and two associate justices. The hustices serve ASNMHU in their official capacity when deal with different student matters as well as presiding over the court in the event of an impeachment proceeding. For more information on the legislative branch of student government, please feel free to contact Tamlyn Crain, Student Body President at asnmhu@nmhu.edu.