NMHU-CARES is a safe zone.

Safe Zone is a community of people who will understand, support, and be trustworthy if anyone in the LGBTQ+ community needs help, advice, or just someone to talk to.

NMHU-CARES supports all members across all spectrums of diversity.

Learn how to support and be an ally to your LGBTQ+ loved ones:

Be an ally: If you’re straight, publicly show your support for the LGBTQ+ community. If you’re LGBTQ+, affirm your identity and offer support to loved ones.

Know the facts: Over 80% of LGBTQ+ youth have been assaulted or threatened, and every instance of victimization in an LGBTQ+ person’s life more than doubles the likelihood of self-harming.

Ask and listen: Be an active part of your LGBTQ+ loved ones’ support systems and check in with them often. If they show any warning signs for suicide, be direct. Tell them it’s OK to talk about suicidal feelings. Practice active listening techniques and let them talk without judgment.

Get them help and take care of yourself: Don’t be afraid to get your loved one the help they might need. The Lifeline is always here to talk or chat, both for crisis intervention and to support allies.

Strong family bonds, safe schools and support from caring adults can all protect LGBTQ youth from depression and suicidal ideations (Committee on Adolescence 2013).

Family and community support: For transgender children and youth, family and community support makes all the difference. A recent study found that transgender children whose families affirmed their gender identity were as psychologically healthy as their non- transgender peers (Olson 2016).their non- transgender peers (Olson 2016).

In New Mexico

State Nondiscrimination and Hate Crimes laws were passed in 2003, protecting on the basis of both sexual orientation and gender identity. However, we know that ‘legal’ equality does not always translate to ‘live’ equality. As such, we work against efforts to undermine existing protections for LGBTQ New Mexicans, educate on fair treatment, and continue to be a resource for addressing discrimination throughout the state.

In December 2013, the New Mexico Supreme Court ruled that same-gender couples in New Mexico have the right to marry. In June 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in support of nationwide marriage equality.

Mental health and the LGBTQ community (PDF)

Human rights campaigns resource guide to coming out (PDF)



CARES after hours: 505-765-3665

NMHU Student Health Center
Free counseling available 505-454-3218

Dean of Students

Trevor Lifeline

Available 24/7

non-judgmental hotline with LGBTQ-sensitive trained counselors you can contact through a call, text, or chat during a mental health crisis and/or suicidal thoughts.

Trans Lifeline


A 24/7 hotline available in the U.S. and Canada staffed by transgender people for transgender people. Trans Lifeline is primarily for transgender people in a crisis, from struggling with gender identity to thoughts of self-harm.

Transgender Resource Center of New Mexico