Academy For Assessment of Student Learning

The Academy for Assessment of Student Learning offers the Higher Learning Commission’s (HLC) member institutions a four-year sequence of events and interactions that are targeted at accelerating and advancing efforts to assess and improve student learning and at building institution-wide commitment to assessment of student learning.  At Highlands, we are implementing a strategy that builds on our online assessment of the university’s core curriculum outcomes. Using outcomes as a starting point, faculty are identifying overarching traits that students should possess as a result of what they learn in departmental programs, developmental courses, and core curriculum courses.

       Four Traits Identified:
1.       Mastery of content knowledge and skills
2.       Effective communication skills
3.       Critical and reflective thinking skills
4.       Effective use of technology
– For the NCA visit, these traits now need to be linked to existing courses, syllabi, or outcomes in Highlands programs.

About the Academy

Assessing & Improving Learning (PDF)

Student Learning and Accreditation (PDF)

Notes and Resources (PDF)

Roundtable Schedule

Academy Roundtable schedule(PDF)

Concurrent Sessions One (PDF)

Concurrent Sessions Two(PDF)

Good Practices in Student Learning & Assessment(PDF)

Storyboards (PDF)

Team Sessions (PDF)

Indentified Needs & Goals (PDF)

Instruments, Surveys, Measures, Technology Used(PDF)

Assessment Plan

Assessment of Student Learning (PDF)

Leadership for Learning (PDF)

Traits Survey

Faculty Traits Survey of Student Learning (PDF)

Staff Traits Survey of Student Learning (PDF)

Student Traits Survey of Student Learning (PDF)

Faculty Presentations

Faculty Week – Student Learning Presentation

Fall 2009:  Presentation


Faculty Week – Student Learning Presentation

Fall 2008:  Presentation

Faculty Workshop on Aligning Traits with Program Outcomes Assessment

Spring 2009:  Presentation