Requirements for Bachelors of Arts in Psychology Transfer from SJC

The left side of the table below are the course requirements from San Juan Community College with a AA in Psychology that will transfer and meet the corresponding requirements of New Mexico Highlands University when completing your Associates of Arts in Psychology at SJC.  The lower section of the table are the remaining requirements that are needed to be taken in order to complete your Bachelor of Arts in Psychology at Highlands University.  This table reflects the Articulation Agreement between the two schools and is an advisement guide.

Transfer Advisement Guide between San Juan Community College and New Mexico Highlands University
San Juan College New Mexico Highlands University
General Education Bachelor of Arts Psychology
General Education 38 Core Curriculum 35
Area I. Communications-9 credits Area I. Communications-9 credits
ENGL 111 3 ENG 111 Fresh Comp I 3
ENGL 211 3 ENG 112 Fresh Comp I I 3
COMM 110 or 111 3 MART 124 Beginning Speech 3
Area II. Mathematics-3 credits Area II. Mathematics-3 credits
MATH C130, 160, 180, OR 188 3 Math 140 College Algebra 3
Area III. Lab Science-8 credits Area III. Lab Science-8 credits
Select two from: Science Requirement 4
BIOL 110,121,122 4 Science Requirement 4
Or CHEM 110,111,112 4
Or PHYS 211&211L, 212&212L,
215&215L, or216&216L
Or GEOL 110,111 4
Area IV. Social/Behavioral Sciences 6- 9 Highlands University Corresponding Courses
PSYC 120 3 PSY 101 3
SOCI 110 3 SOC 152 3
ANTH 210 or 211 3 ANTH 102 or 103 3
Area V. Humanities and Fine Arts 6-9 credits Area V. Humanities and Fine Arts 6-9 credits
HIST 211 or 212 3 Fine Art Intro to Art, Music or Theater 3
Select one:
ARTS 110, MUSI 110,111, or 112, or
THEA 110 or 120
3 Humanities Intro to Survey Courses, History or Philosophy 3
Other SJC General Education Requirements
COSC 111 3
Associate Degree Program Requirements 23 Highlands University Courses Waived
PSYC 210 Statistics for the Social and Behavioral Sciences 3 PSY 321/405 Social Psychology or Positive
PSYC 230 Human Development 3 PSY 324/328 Abnormal Psychology or Theories of Personality
PSYC 240 Social Psychology 3 PSY 340 Developmental Psychology
PSYC 275 Theories of Personality 3
Associate Degree Program Electives Highlands University Program Electives
Elective Course Psychology Elective Hours 6 PSY Psychology Electives 3
Elective Course Other SJC Elective Hours 9
Total Credits-SJC Associate’s Degree 65
Electives at any level at either Institution 11 Electives at any level at either Institution 11
Remaining HU – BA Program Requirements
PSY 301 Psychological Research Methods 4
PSY 302 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences 4
PSY 408 Drugs and Behavior 3
PSY 433 History of Psychology 3
PSY 319 Memory and Cognition 3
PSY 320 Memory and Cognition Lab 1
PSY 317 Learning Basics Processes 3
PSY 318 Learning Lab 1
** Note: Students take either PSY 319/320 or PSY 317/318
Total 18
Upper Division Electives 34
SJC Credits 65
Open Electives 11
Total Credits 128