August 30, 2022 The New Mexico Highlands University Facundo Valdez School of Social Work receives $1.6 million in federal funding annually through Title IV-E. The grant is issued in three-year cycles, and on July 1, 2022, Highlands University renewed its regular Title...
August 29, 2022 Lauren Addario, faculty in Media Arts & Technology at New Mexico Highlands University and Director of the Cultural Technology Internship Program, will bring her Media Arts Seminar class and four faculty members to Tucumcari for a pop-up projection...
August 16, 2022 New Mexico Highlands University President Sam Minner has awarded six scholarships to members of the Highlands community to take the Animal Care and Control course from the National Animal Control and Care Association, or NACA. Six people were chosen...
August 15, 2022 The Fire Relief Center once located at the old Memorial Middle School gymnasium was moved to Sala de Madrid on the New Mexico Highlands University campus at the end of July. The Center will continue to provide hot meals twice a day at 9 a.m. and 11...
August 6, 2022 Graduate and undergraduate students at New Mexico Highlands University celebrated a belated commencement ceremony on Saturday, August 6, 2022, at the John A. Wilson Complex in Las Vegas. The ceremony, which is typically held in May each year, was...