Elementary Education

Degrees Offered

If you’re the type of person who inspires others and likes to make a positive impact, education is a great career choice. For more than a century, New Mexico Highlands University has been the school of choice for generations of students wishing to pursue a teaching career. Our program provides a solid foundation in the latest education methods and hands-on classroom experience. We also offer a range of specialized majors in minors – early childhood multicultural education, elementary education, special education, secondary education, bilingual education, and ESL – to accommodate students’ passions.




Undergraduate course catalog: Education

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Ut vulputate vestibulum nunc, eget molestie leo tempus ultricies. Nunc ornare commodo hendrerit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas


Graduate course catalog: Education

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vitae gravida purus. Nunc et nulla justo. Nam volutpat iaculis faucibus. Duis pulvinar ante ac dui tempor, nec posuere dui gravida. Praesent porttitor, velit ac aliquet mollis, risus quam posuere eros, a interdum felis urna non orci. Suspendisse ac rhoncus velit. Mauris sed condimentum nibh.

Ut vulputate vestibulum nunc, eget molestie leo tempus ultricies. Nunc ornare commodo hendrerit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.


Graduates of the NMHU School of Arts and Sciences can be found in the following occupations:

  • Kindergarten and Elementary School Teacher
  • Postsecondary Teacher
  • Middle School Teacher
  • High School Teacher
  • Special Education Teacher
  • Preschool and Childcare Center Director

Considering a major in Elementary Education?



College of Arts & Sciences

Faculty & Staff


Faculty & Staff


We immerse our students in authentic academic and professional settings, providing them with opportunities to bridge theory and practice and to engage in critical reflection that informs action.