HLC Committee Archives

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HLC Focused Visit 2020: Committee Membership

Steering Committee

In academic year 2019-20, Highlands University will host a focused visit from the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) to address three areas of continuing concern. A steering committee has been formed to oversee the preparation process for this focused visit. Steering Committee members include:

  • Orit Tamir, Faculty – Anthropology
  • Brandon Kempner, Dean – Arts and Sciences
  • Gloria Gadsden, Faculty – Criminal Justice
  • Nariman Arfai, Faculty – Psychology
  • Ian Williamson, Associate Vice-President for Academic Affairs
  • Kevin Corcoran, Library
  • Lee Allard, Director of Institutional Effectiveness

Steering Committee meeting agenda and minutes:


Enrollment Management (4C) Subcommittee

This subcommittee will focus on the first area of HLC concern, specifically enrollment management. Subcommittee members include:

  • Benito Pacheco, Director of Academic Support
  • Carla Romero, Faculty – Business
  • Gloria Gadsden, Faculty – Criminal Justice
  • Ivy Romero, Research Analyst
  • Jessica Jaramillo, Director of Admissions
  • Josephine Sena, Librarian / Head of Govt Documents & Periodicals
  • Keith Tucker, Dean – School of Business
  • Lee Allard, Director of Institutional Effectiveness
  • Vick Evans, Faculty – Anthropology
  • Ann Wolf, Faculty – Curriculum and Instruction

Subcommittee 4C meeting agenda and minutes:

Finance (5A) Subcommittee

This subcommittee will focus on the second area of HLC concern, specifically finance. Subcommittee members include:

  • Adam Bustos, Director of Purchasing
  • Brandon Kempner, Faculty – English
  • Denise Montoya, Director of Human Resources
  • Lee Allard, Director of Institutional Effectiveness
  • Max Baca, VP Finance and Administration
  • Stephanie Gonzales, Comptroller and Budget Director

Subcommittee 5A meeting agenda and minutes:

Strategic Planning (5D) Subcommittee

This subcommittee will focus on the third area of HLC concern, specifically strategic planning and institutional effectiveness. Subcommittee members include:

  • Buddy Rivera, Director – Farmington Center
  • Ian Williamson, Associate VP for Academic Affairs
  • Kathie Gray, Librarian / Head of Archives
  • Kim Blea, Dean of Students
  • Lauren Fath, Faculty – English
  • Lee Allard, Director of Institutional Effectiveness
  • Michelle Bencomo, Customer Relations Coordinator
  • Nariman Arfai, Faculty – Psychology
  • Shawn Flood, Institutional Research and Assessment Analyst
  • Susan Chavez, Director of Financial Aid
  • Terri Law, VP Advancement

Subcommittee 5D meeting agenda and minutes: