Strategic Planning

This is historical data. See current data on NMHU here.

Task: As stated in the HLC action letter, Highlands must provide evidence that the institution has ameliorated the findings of non-compliance identified in this action that resulted in the imposition of Probation, Core Component 5.C:

  1. completed integrated planning process;
  2. accomplishments attained for the Strategic Plan-HU Vision 2020, as endorsed by all governance groups and approved by the Board of Regents; and
  3. sustained processes for strategic plan implementation, implementation of established budget procedures, and sustained accountability reporting.

More information was provided in the HLC action letter:

The University is out of compliance with Criterion Five, Core Component 5.C, “the institution engages in systematic and integrated planning,” for the following reasons:

  • The University is not engaging in a regular and effective process of planning as required by this Core Component because:
    • the 2009 Comprehensive Evaluation Report identified strategic planning as an area of concern; since that time, the University has not demonstrated a sustained implementation and evaluation of accomplishments of its strategic planning activities, as evidenced by its discontinuation of 2009-2014 Strategic Plan implementation; and
    • the University’s strategic planning implementation stopped after receiving HLC feedback to a Monitoring Report in 2012 and has only recently been resumed; and
  • While the University in its August 2016 response described efforts to initiate a strategic plan, that effort is very recent and has not yet demonstrated evidence of a robust planning process and a completed strategic plan.

Resolution: Highlands needs to accomplish things to resolve Probation Area:

  1. Formally approve the HU Vision Strategic Plan through all governance groups, including Board of Regents.
  2. Design an integrated planning process.
  3. Implement the strategic planning process.
  4. Sustain the strategic planning process, budget process, and accountability reporting.
  5. Demonstrate accomplishments attained via the strategic planning process.

Department and Unit Strategic Plans 2016-2017

Department and Unit Strategic Plans 2017-2018

Executive Strategic Plan

  Milestone Completion Responsibility Evidence
 ✓ Launch of HU 2020 Process January 28, 2015 VPAA-Provost Strategic Planning Timeline
 ✓ Community and Campus Forums on Vision, Mission, and Priorities January 2015-April 2015



Strategic Planning Timeline
 ✓ Input and Approval from Highlands Governance Bodies on Proposed Mission, Vision, and Priorities (Staff Senate, Faculty Senate, General Faculty, Student Senate) April 2015-December 2015 Staff Senate, Faculty Senate, General Faculty, Student Senate Strategic Planning Timeline, General Faculty Minutes, Staff Senate Minutes, Student Senate Minutes, Survey of Students, Faculty, and Staff
 ✓ Approval from Board of Regents February 26, 2016 Board of Regents Board of Regents Minutes
 ✓ Launch of the 2016-2017 Unit Strategic Planning Process August 30, 2016 VPAA-Provost Global Unit Strategic Plan E-mail
 ✓ Draft Unit Strategic Plans Due to Supervisor September 23, 2016 Unit directors Strategic Plan Archive
 ✓ Feedback on Unit Strategic Plans from Supervisor October 7, 2016 Unit supervisors Strategic Plan Archive
 ✓ Final Unit Strategic Plans Due October 21, 2016 Unit directors Strategic Plan Archive
 ✓ Unit Strategic Plans Loaded to Website November 4, 2016 Provost-VPAA Strategic Plan Archive
  Unit Strategic Plans utilized in Budget Prioritization Process November 22, 2016 President, VPFA, Provost-VPAA Budget Prioritization
  Unit Strategic Plans Implemented Fall 2016-Fall 2017 Units Provost’s Strategic Plan report
  Regular Update on Strategic Plan Accomplishments to Board of Regents Every BOR Meeting Vice-Presidents, Dean of Students, Unit Directors Board of Regents minutes; 2016-2017 Mission AccomplishmentsMission Accomplished web page
  Assignment of VP to each Strategic Area to draft Mission Accomplishments and Executive Strategic Plan Spring 2017 President, Vice-Presidents, Dean of Students, Director of University Relations 2016-2017 Mission Accomplishments; Executive Strategic Plan
  Finalization of Executive Strategic Plan Fall 2017 President, Vice-Presidents, Dean of Students, Director of University Relations Executive Strategic Plan
  Revision of Strategic Plans for 2017-2018 Fall 2017 Unit Directors Updated strategic plan archive
  Use of Strategic Plans in Budget Requests for Fiscal Year 19 Fall 2017 Unit Directors Updated strategic plan archive
  Unit Strategic Plans utilized in Budget Prioritization Process Winter 2017 Executive Management Team FY19 Budget Prioritization; process shown in 17-18 strategic plan and budget request archive