Rodgers Hall

Named in honor of Thomas C. Rodgers, a professor of mathematics who also served as academic dean of the Normal University. He guided hundreds of students over the years who found his council good and his friendship an inspiration. Once used as the campus library, Rodgers Hall now houses the offices of the president, vice presidents and the cashier’s office.



1950s Circulation Desk at Rodgers Library, New Mexico Highlands University.  Photo courtesy of Las Vegas CCHP.




Rodger's Library Information Center Float, New Mexico Highlands University

(and yes, we do know that the library was named for Tom G. Rodgers, but who are we to argue with that lovely hand-lettered sign!)  Photo courtesy of Las Vegas CCHP.




Rodgers Library, from the 1963 Southwest Wind.


Do you have memories of Rodgers Hall?  Email us and let us know – we'd love to hear from you!