CAEP- Eight Annual Measures

CAEP (Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation) Annual Measures


Impact Measures 

(CAEP Standard 4)

Impact on P-12 learning and development (4.1) NMHU SOE Completer Contribution to Student Growth
Indicators of teaching effectiveness (4.2) Completer NMTEACH 2017-2018
Satisfaction of employers and employment milestones (4.3, A.4.1) 2018 Employer Satisfaction Survey Results
Satisfaction of Completers (4.4, A.4.2) 2018 Completer Satisfaction Survey Results
Outcome Measures
Graduation Rates NMHU SOE Graduation Rates 2016 – 2018
Ability of completers to meet licensing requirements Licensure Pass Rates
Ability of completers to be hired in education positions for which they have prepared NMHU SOE Completers Employed in NM
Student loan default rates 2013-2015 Student Loan Default Rates NMHU