photo of Vatos rugby club players

Club Advisor Roles & Responsibilities

Advisors play a significant role in the in the creation and continuation of high-performing organizations. Advisors have historical knowledge as well as professional experience that can help them to guide and mentor clubs by providing support for creating and amending group policies, training and transitioning officers, and helping their clubs or organizations to recruit and retain members. They are responsible for encouraging active membership and supporting the personal and professional development of club officers and members. They should attend as many meetings and club programming as possible, as well as be available for consultation and advising. Specific duties of the advisor include the following:

  1.  Confirming that all chartering policy requirements are met
  2.  Ensuring clubs or organizations meet all requirements to maintain their charter, including attending Foundation trainings and professional development workshops, completing the stipulated number of service hours, and maintaining the organization’s page on Engage
  3. Encouraging the maintenance of good record-keeping and financial data provide long term continuity of the group
  4.  Discussing and sensitizing students to issues of cultural diversity and equity
  5.  Ensuring that the activities of the club or organization constitute no legal liability to the university or the organization
  6.  Assisting with the assessment and improvement of club meetings and programming
  7.  Providing expert knowledge support the success and sustainability of the organization
  8.  Suggesting and encouraging new programming ideas
  9.  Helping members to make connections between in-class and out-of-class learning
  10.  Developing and maintaining a knowledge of university policies and procedures
  11.  Maintaining open lines of communication with club officers, members, and the Center for Professional Development & Career Readiness

The advisors of chartered campus clubs and organizations must be a current NMHU faculty or staff member. Their e-signature is required on the chartering form, signifying their willingness to serve as advisor to that student club/organization. If the advisor resigns, they are expected to notify the Center for Professional Development & Career Readiness.