STEM Stars

New Mexico Highlands University is the recipient of an enrichment grant from the National Science Foundation.  STEM-Stars has as its expressed goal to increase the number of students with disabilities registered in the STEM fields.  STEM majors include science, technology (computer science), engineering, and mathematics and some behaviors and social sciences, such as sociology and psychology.

STEM-Stars is designed to assist students with disabilities a greater possibility of attaining a degree and transitioning into a successful career.  A STEM degree can open the door to many employment opportunities that are too numerous to list.

The goal of STEM-Stars is to create a learning environment that will provide the greatest opportunity for all students to do well in the classroom.  A method called Universal Design for Learning (UDL) will be used in three courses in the Fall 2012 semester.  UDL is an instructional system that uses a variety of methods to present information to students.  The concept of UDL is not just to assist students with disabilities, but all students.

In addition to UDL, STEM-Stars will use graduate assistants and specially trained peer mentors to assist students in achieving their goals.

College is different from high school in many ways and in order to make the transition as smooth as possible, you are encouraged to meet with your high school counselor to ensure you have a plan in place and are taking the courses that will best prepare you for a post-secondary education.

The STEM-Stars faculty, consultants and Accessibility Services coordinator, extend a hearty welcome to you and invite you to come and join us as we explore the world of STEM education.

STEM Stars brochure

STEM video (Youtube)