
Travel is a two-step process for the University.

  1. Submit travel pre-approval before trip.
  2. Submit expense report after trip to request reimbursement or reconcile p-card transactions.

Employees who travel for University business MUST submit a travel pre-approval in Chrome River. The pre-approval must be in approved status (approved by Accounts Payable) before making travel purchases. A travel pre-approval is required for all travel, regardless of reimbursement.

  • If additional approval is separately mandated by department/chair/dean/VP be sure to include that approval in the backup documentation in Chrome River.
  • The Provost requires Faculty to obtain dean approval before travel. Attach memo/email to travel pre-approval attachments. Chrome River does not route for dean approval.
  • In-state – approved at least 3 days prior to date of travel
  • Out-of-state – approved at least 10 days prior to date of travel
    • Note: An “After the Fact “(ATF) explanation must be submitted with Chrome River pre-approval if the travel pre-approval was not submitted according to the above timelines. ATF pre-approvals will be routed to the Vice President for approval.

Travel pre-approval documentation (Chrome River attachments – not all are applicable)

  • Airfare – 3 airline quotes
  • If attending conference/seminar/meeting
    • Itinerary/agenda
    • Registration information
    • Conference hotel information (if staying at the conference hotel)
  • Car rental – 1 quote


Unrestricted – Approval routing in Chrome River:

  • Traveler
    • If a delegate creates a pre-approval on behalf of someone, the pre-approval will route to the traveler for approval. This cannot be bypassed.
  • Supervisor/Director
  • Allocation(FOAP) approver
  • VP – Out of State
  • Provost- Faculty only
  • President-International travel

Restricted – Approval routing in Chrome River:

  • Traveler
    • If a delegate creates a pre-approval on behalf of someone, the pre-approval will route to the traveler for approval. This cannot be bypassed.
  • Supervisor/Director
  • Allocation (FOAP) approver
  • ORSP Grant Manager
  • VP – Out of State
  • Provost –  Faculty only
  • President-International travel

Helpful tips:

  • When completing a pre-approval be sure to verify dates. All dates should correspond with the travel dates.
  • Pay attention to:
      • Traveler Type Account
        Faculty: In State 7611
        Staff: In State 7611
        Faculty: Out of State 7612
        Staff: Out of State 7612
        Faculty Development 7618
        Athletics: Team 7615
        Athletics: Recruiting 7617
        Student 7614
    • Trip type
    • University vehicle check box
    • FOAP (allocation)

Lodging, Meals, and Incidental Expenses (Per Diem)


  • When claiming straight per diem for lodging a receipt is not required.
  • Lodging will only be reimbursed if the travel destination is at least 35 miles away (one-way) from the traveler’s post-of-duty
  • When lodging costs exceed the per diem amount due to taxes and fees, an actual receipt will be required to receive full reimbursement.

Conference Hotels

  • NMHU will reimburse the full amount for lodging for a conference hotel.
  • Conference information must reference the conference hotel.
  • An actual receipt is needed to request reimbursement for conference hotels that exceed the GSA rate for that area.

Per Diem Meals and Incidental Expenses

  • Receipts are no longer required for meal reimbursement. Actual receipts for meals will not be reimbursed.
  • Per GSA: The first and last calendar day of travel is calculated at 75%.
  • Two-day travel is considered first and last day travel.
  • Incidental expenses include fees and tips for porters, baggage carriers, hotel staff, or laundry and dry cleaning.
  • Per Diem for meals and incidental expenses include applicable taxes and tips.
  • Exceptions: Athletic team travel, field trips, and field work travel will require meal receipts.

Conference Meals

  • Meals provided by the conference/meeting will decrease per diem amounts.
  • The deduction breakdowns are located on
  • Use the Deductibles section on the meals line item to deduct meals that were provided by the conference/meeting.

Same-Day Travel Per Diem

  • Same Day meal per diem is taxable for employees.
  • Reimbursement will be processed through Accounts Payable, and taxes will be withheld on a following payroll check.
  • Per diem rates are found on and will be reimbursed according to the below percentages:
    Less than 2 hours $0.00
    2-6 hours 50% of the rate
    Greater than 6 hours 75% of the rate


  • Reimbursed at the prior year’s IRS Mileage rate, per mile, when traveling in a privately owned vehicle. (The use of the prior year is mandated by NM State Law)
  • Chrome River uses Google Maps when processing mileage reimbursements.
  • Mileage is not reimbursable when traveling in a university vehicle.
  • Departments are still responsible for reserving a university vehicle with facilities.
  • Facilities will receive a notification of the approved travel if the University vehicle check box is selected on the pre-approval.
  • Employees working at the Centers must still complete a pre-approval to use Center University vehicles, for liability purposes.
  • Gas receipts will not be reimbursed for personal vehicles. 


Travelers using federal grant funds must comply with the Fly America Act. See Travelers that extend trips for personal business must provide airline documentation of the flight cost for the business return date and the personal return date. If the business return date is less expensive than the personal return date, then the smaller amount will be reimbursed.

  • Three airline quotes must be included with the pre-approval; the chosen airfare must be the least expensive of the 3 quotes.
  • Quotes do not need to be from different airlines.
  • Provide an explanation if the least expensive option is not used.
  • If a personal vehicle is used in lieu of air travel, mileage reimbursement cannot exceed the cost of coach/economy airfare.

Blanket Pre-Approvals

  • May be used for multiple trips or multiple days.
  • Estimation will be accepted, however please include specific details, if they are known.
  • Reimbursements will take place after the completion of all trips, that are covered under the blanket pre-approval.

Expense Reports

  • An expense report must be processed in Chrome River to request reimbursement or reconcile p-card charges
  • Expense report must be submitted within 30 days of completion of travel. Reimbursement may not occur if the expense report is submitted after 30 days.
  • All travel reimbursement requests require a travel pre-approval. Use the “IMPORT PRE-APRPOVAL” button to attach pre-approvals.
  • If claiming same day per diem, be sure to check the box that is labeled “Check if claiming meal per diem for same day travel” on the header page in Chrome River.
  • When requesting reimbursement for airfare, lodging, registration, etc. provide the actual receipt or credit/debit card transaction that includes a proof of payment.
  • If a P-card was used to pay for travel expenses, be sure to add them to the expense report from the “eWallet”.
  • If the expense report exceeds the pre-approval by 10%, an explanation is required in the comments, and will be routed to the VPFA for approval, for unrestricted funds. Restricted funds will require ORSP approval.
  • Never include charges for a University vehicle on an expense report – these are not allowed.
  • Gasoline reimbursement is only allowed for a rental car. 

Travel Cancellations

  • To cancel a pre-approval, use the EXPIRE button in Chrome River. The Pre-approval and the funds will be released back to the budget.

Contact Information

Accounts Payable:

Crystal Romero

Lori Gonzales