Wellness Program

The New Mexico Highlands University’s Wellness Program offers a variety of physiological and fitness testing services to faculty, staff, students, and members of the community.  The goal of these services is to provide educational information and ongoing personalized instruction for exercise, nutrition, and other wellness related topics. Many services are available through the Highlands Wellness Program, including cardiorespiratory testing, flexibility testing, muscular fitness testing, body composition testing, nutritional recommendations, and personalized exercise programs based on these analyses.  A confidential file is maintained on all clients tested.  Therefore, when clients choose to be re-tested, a comparison of pre- and post-testing can be performed to track improvements and maintenance of the client’s physiological profile.

Before any subject can be tested in the Highlands Wellness Program, individuals must undergo an initial screening, including a health history questionnaire, Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire, and an informed consent for the testing.  The subject should understand the tests in which they will participate, as well as the pre-testing instructions.  Any individual that has a significant medical condition must obtain a doctor’s release prior to testing.  This is in strict accordance with ACSM Guidelines For Exercise Testing and Prescription.

Everett Delgado, HU Wellness Program Director send email

Call 505.454.3104 to schedule an appointment for your own personal fitness assessment.