The New Mexico Highlands University Student Career Advancement Fund (a.k.a. the Canteen Fund), supported by revenue from the university’s vending contract with Coca-Cola and Triple R Vending, will provide funding for student organizations and/or individual students to participate in activities including, but not limited to, professional conferences in order to enhance their academic programs, thesis research, etc.
Rules for Canteen Fund Requests
Requests for appropriations from the fund will be made through the Office of Campus Life. This office will then determine the viability of each request.
Clubs or organizations may receive only one grant per semester from the fund. The maximum amount granted will be $250 (or 100%, if less than the maximum amount) if presenting scholarly work. Funding shall be for career advancement activities including professional meetings in the student’s field of study. High priority will be given to students who are presenting papers or demonstrations. Eligible members in student organizations are welcome to apply for funding. Again, only one request per organization/individual per semester is allowed, providing we have not exceeded funding for that particular semester. (Exceptions will be considered on a case by case basis.)
Requests must be approved by the appropriate student organization adviser. Requests must be received at the Office of Campus Life at least one month prior to the date that funding is needed, to allow for processing. Applications received after the date of participation and/or incomplete applications will not be considered.
Requests must indicate a specific breakdown of costs as well as any other funding sources.
Requests must be submitted to the Office of Campus Life by the third Friday of each month at least one month prior to the date funding is needed.
Students requesting funding must present a short written summary of participation. This report must be made to this office no later than one month after the date of travel. Should this report not be submitted in a timely fashion, any additional requests for funding will not be honored.
Questions regarding the Student Career Advancement Fund should be directed to the Office of Campus Life, Room 301 , Student Union Bldg., telephone 454.3495 or 454.3590.