Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences Graduate Requirements

Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences
Dr. Jay Lee, Department Chair
Wilson Physical Education Complex, Room 233
505-454-2195 FAX: 505-454-3001
E-mail: jaylee@nmhu.edu

Graduate Admission Requirements Department of Exercise and Sports Sciences

Human Performance and Sport (MA)


  • Teacher Education
  • Sports Administration
  • Statement of Educational Goals
  • 2 Letters of Recommendation from Faculty
  • Transcripts from all previously attended regionally accredited institutions (3.0 GPA or higher)

Will consider those who do not meet the GPA requirement.


Mission of the Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences
The mission of the Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences is to improve the quality of life related to the many aspects of human movement. We concentrate on a full spectrum of human potential, from young to old, fit to unfit, recreational to highly athletic, healthy to diseased, and able bodied to disabled. Our programs are related to the study of exercise physiology, health, teaching, athletic injuries, recreation, sport administration, and coaching.

Kristin Bogda, Ph.D. (Health)
William Hayward, Ph.D. (Exercise Science)
Kathy Jenkins, Ph.D. (Exercise Science)
Yongseek Kim, Ph.D. (Recreation and Sport Management)
Jay Lee, Ph.D. (Exercise Science)
Joe Schmalfeldt, Ph.D. (Physical Education)

Master of Arts in Human Performance and Sport (MA)
This program continues the undergraduate program’s emphasis on physical education, health, wellness, and sport. The program is flexible in offering a number of course options for school applications; social, legal, and ethical dimensions; advanced exercise physiology; health; and specialized topics such as sports psychology and special physical education.

Students in the master’s program also receive a foundation in inquiring skills including research methods and assessment as preparation for a comprehensive study. Students may select either a thesis, field project or non-thesis option. A total of 36 credit hours are required.

Master of Arts in Human Performance and Sport (MA)
Teacher Education and Sports Administration Concentration
This program presents an opportunity to focus on careers in teaching in the public or private sector, national or international market, or in the sports and fitness industry. Students may select an area of study that best meets their specific interest in the fields of teacher education and sports administration. The following emphasis areas are flexible and inclusive: teacher education and sports administration with advisement, students may select an interdisciplinary approach that best satisfies their specific needs. Students may select a thesis, field project, or comprehensive exam option. A total of 36 credit hours are required.

Exercise and Sport Sciences

Master of Arts in Human Performance and Sport (MA)Required courses: 6 credit hours
HLED 6200 Research Methods in HPLS (3)
HLED 6700 Assessment & Evaluation in HPLS (3)
Electives: 24 (30 if you choose the Comprehensive Exam Option)
Choose at least 24 credits from the following:
HLED 5210 Epidemiology (3)
HLED 5350 Selected Topic in Health (3)
HLED 5690 Public Health & Wellness (3)
HLED 5740 Stress Management (3)
EXSC 5890 Fitness/Wellness Program Leadership (3)
EXSC 5900 Independent Study (1–4)
EXSC5080 Principles, Ethics, & Problems of Athletic Coach (3)
EXSC 5150 Women in Sport (3)
EXSC 5160 Aquatic Management (3)
EXSC 5210 Designs for Fitness (3)
EXSC 5280 Nutrition & Supplements for Sport (3)
EXSC 5300 ACSM Health Fitness Instructor Review (3)
EXSC 5320 NSCA Strength Coach Review (3)
EXSC 5/6340 Practicum in HPS (1-4)
EXSC 5/6350 Selected Topic in HPS (1-4)
EXSC 5360 Pediatric Exercise Physiology (3)
EXSC 5380 Physical Activity & Aging (3)
EXSC 5610 Sport Marketing & Promotion (3)
EXSC 5650 Planning Areas & Facilities (3)
EXSC 5680 P.E. for Special Populations (3)
EXSC 5720 Biomechanics of Sport (3)
EXSC 5760 Stress Testing (3)
EXSC 5780 Psychology of Coaching (3)
EXSC 5/6900 Independent Study (1-4)
EXSC 6040Curriculum Design (3)
EXSC 6120 Sport in Society (3)
EXSC 6130 P.E., Athletics & Law (3)
EXSC 6410 Issues in HPLS (3)
EXSC 6500Seminar (1)
EXSC 6510 Administration of Athletics (3)
EXSC 6600 History & Philosophy of P.E. & Sport (3)
EXSC 6820 Physiological Basis of Sport Performance & Conditioning Programs (3)
EXSC 6920 Independent Research (1-4)
Students must choose one of the following:
EXSC 6970 Field Project (6)
EXSC 6990 Thesis* (6)
*Students register for at least one credit hour of Thesis until completed; thesis credits hours may exceed the required minimum of six.
Comprehensive Exam Option: Students must complete six more credits of approved electives. In addition, students must pass a comprehensive examination over the graduate program. This examination may not be taken until after midterms in the last semester of coursework.
Program Total: 36 credit hours

Master of Arts in Human Performance and Sport (MA):
Teacher Education and Sports Administration Concentration

Required in either concentration:
Research Methodology: 6 credit hours
GNED 6100 Educational Research Interpretation (3)
HLED 6200 Research Methods HPLS (3)
MGMT 6040 Business Research Methods (3)
EXSC 6700 Assessment & Evaluation (3)
Required core: 12 credit hours
EXSC 6120 Sport in Society (3)
EXSC 6130 P.E., Athletics, & Law (3)
EXSC 6410 Issues in HPLS (3)
EXSC 6040 Curriculum Design (3) (Education Students Only)
EXSC 6510 Administration of Athletics (3) (Sports Administration Students Only)
Core Total: 18 credit hours


Concentration in Teacher Education
Select 12 credits from the following (18 credits if you are selecting the comprehensive exam option).
HLED 5740 Stress Management (3)
EXSC 5080 Principles, Ethics, & Problems of Athletic Coach (3)
EXSC 5150 Women in Sport (3)
EXSC 5160 Aquatic Management (3)
EXSC 5210 Designs for Fitness (3)
EXSC 5280 Nutrition & Supplements for Sport (3)
EXSC 5300 ACSM Health Fitness Instructor Review (3)
EXSC 5320 NSCA Strength Coach Review (3)
EXSC 5/6350 Selected Topic in HPS (1-4)
EXSC 5360 Pediatric Exercise Physiology (3)
EXSC5380 Physical Act & Aging (3)
EXSC 5/6500 Seminar in HPS (1-4)
EXSC 5610 Sport Marketing & Promotion (3)
EXSC 5680 P.E. for Special Pop (3)
EXSC 5720 Biomechanics of Sport (3)
EXSC 5760 Stress Testing (3)
EXSC 5780 Psychology of Coaching (3)
EXSC 5/6900 Independent Study (3)
EXSC 6600 History & Philosophy of P.E. & Sport (3)
EDLD 6730 Public School Administration (3)
EXSC 6820 Physiology Basis of Sport Performance & Conditioning (3)
Concentration Total: 12-18 credit hours
Students must choose one of the following:
EXSC 6970 Field Project (6)
EXSC 6990 Thesis* (6)
*Students register for at least one credit hour of Thesis until completed; thesis credits hours may exceed the required minimum of six.
Comprehensive Exam Option: Students must complete six more credits of approved electives. In addition, the students must pass a comprehensive examination over the graduate program. This examination may not be taken until after midterms in the last semester of coursework.
Program Total: 36 credit hours


Concentration in Sports AdministrationSelect 12 credits from the following (18 credits if you are selecting the comprehensive exam option):
EDLD 6730 Public School Administration (3)
ACCT 6060 Managerial Accounting (3)
BFIN 6070 Financial Management (3)
MGMT 6640 Organizational Behavior (3)
BMIS 5250 Information Systems: Management Issues & Tech (3)
MKTG 5110 Marketing Res (3)
EXSC 5080 Principles, Ethics, & Problems of Athletic Coach (3)
EXSC 5150 Women in Sport (3)
EXSC 5160 Aquatic Management (3)
EXSC 5/6340 HPS Practicum (1-4)
EXSC 5/6350 Selected Topics in HPS (1-4)
EXSC 5/6500 Seminar in HPS (1-4)
EXSC 5090 Economics & Finance in Sport (3)
EXSC 5120 Public Relations in Sport (3)
EXSC 5610 Sport Marketing & Promotion (3)
EXSC 5650 Planning Areas & Facilities (3)
EXSC 5720 Biomechanics of Sport (3)
EXSC 5780 Psychology of Coaching (3)
EXSC 5/6900 Independent Study (1-4)
EXSC 6040 Curriculum Design (3)
EXSC 6600 History & Philosophy of Sport & P.E. (3)
EXSC 5/6980 Internship (1-9)
(See additional licensure requirements for New Mexico’s State certification.)
Concentration Total: 12-18 credit hours
Students must choose one of the following:
EXSC 6970 Field Project (6)
EXSC 6990 Thesis* (6)
*Students register for at least one credit hour of Thesis until completed; thesis credits hours may exceed the required minimum of six.
Comprehensive Exam Option: Students must complete six more credits of approved electives. In addition, the students must pass a comprehensive examination over the graduate program. This examination may not be taken until after midterms in the last semester of coursework.
Program Total: 36 credit hours


Courses in Health Education (HLED)

HLED 5150. Health, Culture & Diversity (3); Fa
This course examines what is meant by culture, the ways in which culture intersects with health issues, how public health efforts can benefit by understanding and working with cultural processes, and an overview of conceptual tools and research methods that are useful in identifying relationships between culture and health. Previous NMHU HLTH 515.

HLED 5210. Epidemiology (3); Sp
Epidemiology, the study of “all around,” is the science behind public health statistics. Epidemiological concepts and skills involving interpretation and use of health-related data in populations or groups are studied. The course enables the understanding of causes and transmission of disease, tracking community health problems, and identifying trends related to public health problems. Critical judgment in assessing health related data is developed. Prerequisite: HLED 3210 or the equivalent. Previous NMHU HLTH 521.

HLED 5690. Public Health and Wellness (3); Sp
This course includes advanced public health concepts and development of critical thinking about the role of public health in the community. With interactive discussions, the course reviews community health promotion objectives and epidemiologically derived statistical information. Comprehensive focus is on three major areas: community health promotion, environmental health protection, and health resources and services. Prerequisite: HLED 3210 or the equivalent. Previous NMHU HLTH 569.

HLED 5740. Stress Management (3); Sp
This course includes an overview of the body of literature available on the topic of stress and the techniques required to manage stress effectively. With interactive discussions, the course reviews health promotion objectives as they relate to stress. Course modules include; a) the nature of stress; b) the mind and soul; c) coping strategies; d) relaxation techniques. Comprehensive focus is on strategies designed to help one cope with the stressors of life. Previous NMHU HLTH 574.

HLED 5890. Fitness/Wellness Program Leadership (3); Sp
Practical field experience and supportive lecture in the fitness and wellness program management aspects of health promotion. Leadership skills include administration, health education, nutrition strategy, and applied exercise science/technology. Students assist in the operation of the New Mexico Highlands University Wellness (HU-Wellness) Program. Students may want to choose another work site to gain valuable field experience upon approval from the professor. Previous NMHU HLTH 589.


Exercise Science (EXSC), Courses in

EXSC 5050. Body Composition (3); 2, 2 Fa
Theory and practice of body composition assessment and right management programs will be presented. Laboratories will include skinfolds, bio-impedance, and hydrostatic weighing techniques. Previous NMHU HPS 505.

EXSC 5080. Principles, Ethics, and Problems of Athletic Coaching (3); Fa
Seminar approach to non-technical, “off-field” aspects of athletic coaching, including education implications, equipment, financing, liability, and coach-athlete rapport. Prerequisite: Human performance major/minor, coaching minor, athletic training minor, or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU HPS 508.

EXSC 5090. Economics and Finance of Sport (3); 3, 0 Su
This course will explore the principles of financial management and economics of the sport industry. Budgeting practices, fundraising methods, economic impact analyses, methods of financing, and computer applications in financial management will be analyzed in the context of sport. Previous NMHU HPS 509.

EXSC 5120. Public Relations in Sport (3); 3, 0 Su
This course will provide both theoretical and practical applications of public relations with regard to the sport industry. Specific managerial functions relating to effective communication with various publics will be analyzed, including employee relations, community relations, media relations, customer relations, and image enhancement. Previous NMHU HPS 512.

EXSC 5150. Women in Sport (3); Sp
This course discusses the past, present, and future of women in sport. Information includes the historical and cultural foundation of women’s sport from ancient to modern times, biomedical considerations specific to women, and the psychosocial dimensions of women’s sport. Previous NMHU HPS 515.

EXSC 5160. Aquatic Management (3); Fa
This course is designed to provide guidelines for safe operation and efficient management of swimming pools and other related aquatic facilities. Students will take the Certified Pool Operator certification examination the end of the course. A score of 75% or above certifies the student as a Certified Pool Operator for five years. Previous NMHU HPS 516.

EXSC 5210. Designs for Fitness (3); 3, 0 Sp
This course teaches the comprehensive approaches to writing exercise prescriptions for cardiorespiratory and muscular fitness, and weight management programs. Additionally, graduate students must analyze current exercise prescription research. Previous NMHU HPS 521.

EXSC 5240. Sport Psychology (3); Var
The overall objective of this course is to identify and understand important psychological concepts related to sport and exercise psychology and application of these concepts to teaching, coaching, and consulting situations. This class focuses on the application of psychological principles of behavior to individuals and groups involved in physical activity. This course examines the questions of how variables influence individuals’ psychological development and how they affect their participation and performance in physical activity. Various mental skills (e.g., imagery, goal setting) will be introduced through discussion of pertinent theory and research. This class is specifically designed to help students begin formulating practical strategies for teaching various psychological skills. The application of knowledge grounded in theory and research will be stressed.

EXSC 5280. Nutrition and Supplements for Sports (3); Sp
Various sports supplements used as ergogenic aids will be discussed, as to their use, safety, and validity. Previous NMHU HPS 528.

EXSC 5300. ACSM Health Fitness Instructor Review (3); Fa
This course will help prepare students for the certification in Health/Fitness Instructor by the American College of Sports Medicine. Previous NMHU HPS 530.

EXSC 5320. NSCA Strength Coach Review (3); Sp
A course designed to help students prepare for the National Strength and Conditioning Association’s Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) exam. The course will focus on NSCA terminology and training philosophy, helping to integrate the student’s knowledge of personal training, exercise physiology, and kinesiology. Previous NMHU HPS 532.

EXSC 5340 – 6340. Practicum in Human Performance and Sport (1 – 4 VC); Fa, Sp, Su
Field experience work placement with specific responsibility over a sustained period of time. Includes on-campus seminars with supervisor. Credit hours for each experience are approved separately by program area. May be repeated for a maximum of four credit hours. Practicum areas may be offered in aquatics, adapted physical education, athletic coaching, athletic training, health education, and physical education. Prerequisite: Pre-approval by petition and permission of instructor. Previous NMHU HPS 534 – 634.

EXSC 5350 – 6350. Selected Topics in Human Performance and Sport (1 – 4 VC); Var
Course in topic or topics in human performance and sport. May be repeated with change of content. Previous NMHU HPS 535 -635.

EXSC 5350. Selected Topic in Health (3); Var
Course in topic or topics in health. May be repeated with change of content. Previous NMHU HLTH 535.

EXSC 5360. Pediatric Exercise Physiology (3); Su
The physiological aspects of exercise in children will be discussed. Differences between the physiology of adults and children will be compared to enhance the understanding of this special population. Previous NMHU HPS 536.

EXSC 5380. Physical Activity and Aging (3); Su
The Biological aspects of aging and their relationship to physical fitness and assessment are discussed. Previous NMHU HPS 538.

EXSC 5400. Experiential Activities (3); Var
Developing a repertoire of activities to promote self-esteem, improve communication skills, promote group cohesion and trust among individuals, and to expand problem-solving skills. Previous NMHU HPS 540.

EXSC 5500. Seminar in Human Performance and Sport (1 – 4 VC); Var
Seminar investigations in physical education and/or the related areas of health education, recreation, and athletics. Previous NMHU HPS 550.

EXSC 5610. Sport Marketing and Promotion (3); 3, 0 Fa
Course will cover elements and salient issues in management of sport marketing and promotion including segmentation and targeting, marketing mix, research, and analysis. Previous NMHU HPS 561.

EXSC 5650. Planning Areas and Facilities (3); Fa
Planning, financing, and managing physical education and athletic grounds and facilities, health and fitness centers, private and commercial facilities, and campsites–course is designed for professional personnel. Previous NMHU HPS 565.

EXSC 5680. Physical Education for Special Populations (3); Sp
Investigations of the historical aspects and current issues of providing adapted/special physical education programs for special populations. The course covers implications of federal legislation, practice in preparing Individual Education Programs (IEPs), and program assessment, planning, and evaluation. Previous NMHU HPS 568.

EXSC 5720. Biomechanics of Sport (3); Sp
An examination of the musculoskeletal system and how it related to human movement. This will include analysis of human movement and sport techniques, using principles of biomechanics. Previous NMHU HPS 572.

EXSC 5760. Stress Testing (3); 2, 2 Fa
Theory and practice of graded exercise testing for analysis of safe functional capacity and for prescription of exercise training programs. Students will learn to read EKG’s and monitor blood pressure during testing. Prerequisites: HLED 3700 and HLED 3760. Special lab fee. Previous NMHU HPS 576.

EXSC 5780. Psychology of Coaching (3); Sp
This course is a practical survey of sport psychology that is grounded in science. Attitudes, feelings, and behaviors that affect athletic performance and coaching effectiveness are dealt with from the standpoint of description, explanation, and prediction. Students develop the ability to interpret research results. Major topical areas include review of psychological needs of athletes and coaches, and development of mental skills and control with applied techniques. Previous NMHU HPS 578.

EXSC 5900. Independent Study (1 – 4 VC); Fa, Sp, Su
Individual, directed study arranged with an instructor. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Previous NMHU HLTH 590.

EXSC 5900 – 6900. Independent Study (1 – 4 VC); Fa
Individual, directed study arranged with an instructor. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Previous NMHU HPS 590 – 690.

EXSC 5980 – 6980. Internship (1 – 9 VC); As needed
External work placement with substantial responsibilities. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Pre-arrangement and permission of instructor. Previous NMHU HPS 598 – 698.

EXSC 6040. Curriculum Design (3); Su
A critical evaluation of curricula patterns in exercise and sport sciences (past and present). Topics include: National and State Standards for your ESS area of interest, development of a sports handbook or curriculum guide for your ESS area of interest, and development of an advocacy plan for your ESS area on interest. Previous NMHU HPS 604.

EXSC 6120. Sport in Society (3); Su
An investigation of the influence sports have had in American society, including Little League, interscholastic, intercollegiate, and professional sports. The course will include a critical analysis of such trends as violence in sports. Previous NMHU HPS 612.

EXSC 6130. Physical Education, Athletics, and the Law (3); Sp
A study of the areas of negligence, supervision, and administrative issues related to school settings. Previous NMHU HPS 613.

EXSC 6200. Research Methods in Human Performance, Leisure, and Sport (3); Fa
Topics include descriptive methods, experimental design, and historical research; formal writing procedures; measurements; the research process; and library techniques. The composition of a manuscript is a major part of the course. Previous NMHU HPS 620.

EXSC 6410. Issues in Human Performance, Leisure, and Sport (3); Sp
A seminar on issues in the human performance, leisure, sport fields studied, analyzed, written formally, and presented orally. The composition of a manuscript comprises a prominent portion of the course. Previous NMHU HPS 641.

EXSC 6500. Seminar in Human Performance and Sport (1); As needed
The development and exchange of scholarly information and/or secondary research in physical education. The exchange of ideas may involve written papers and critiques as well as oral presentations. Previous NMHU HPS 650.

EXSC 6510. The Administration of Athletics (3); Fa
The relationship of interscholastic and intercollegiate athletics to education; implementation of athletic programs for men and women; eligibility; finance; trends, development in management; and public relations. Previous NMHU HPS 651.

EXSC 6600. History and Philosophy of Physical Education and Sport (3); Fa
A seminar approach to the historical and contemporary foundations, philosophies, future of physical education, and sport. Previous NMHU HPS 660.

EXSC 6700. Assessment and Evaluation in Human Performance, Leisure, and Sport (3); Sp
An interpretation of practical statistical data utilized in the assessment and evaluation of athletic and physical education performance. Previous NMHU HPS 670.

EXSC 6820. Physiological Basis of Sport Performance and Conditioning Programs (3); Var
Review of current scientific literature on the functioning of body systems during training and competition, with specific emphasis on the development of strength, power, flexibility, cardiovascular endurance, agility, and speed. Factors affecting performance such as nutrition, altitude, and thermal stress will also be covered. Previous NMHU HPS 682.

EXSC 6920. Independent Research (1 – 4 VC); Var
Independent research arranged with an instructor. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Previous NMHU HPS 692.

EXSC 6970. Field Project (1 – 6 VC); Fa, Sp, Su
Individual field research and writing in preparation of a graduate field project (equivalent to a thesis). Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Previous NMHU HPS 697.

EXSC 6980. Internship (1 – 9); Var
External work placement with substantial responsibilities. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Pre-arrangement and permission of instructor. Previous NMHU HPS 698.

EXSC 6990. Thesis (1 – 6 VC); Fa, Sp, Su
Individual research and writing in preparation of a graduate thesis. Prerequisites: HPS 620, HPS 670 and permission of instructor. Previous NMHU HPS 699.