Master of Business Degree Requirements

School of Business, Media and Technology
D. Veena Parboteeah, Ph.D., Dean
Sininger Hall, Room 235
505-454-3582 FAX: 505-454-3354
E-mail: parbotev@nmhu.edu


  • Ali Arshad, Ph.D. (Economics & Finance) Rio Rancho
  • Emmanuel Nkwenti-Zamcho, DBA (International Business & Management) Rio Rancho
  • Rodney Sanchez, Ph.D. (Management) Rio Rancho
  • Charles Swim, DBA (Management) Rio Rancho
  • Kent Tucker, DBA (Finance)
  • Zollner, Melanie, Ed.D. (Management)


The School of Business, Media and Technology promotes best professional practices, preparing students for successful careers and future academic endeavors. Our active learning environment supports critical and creating thinking, cultivating ethical problem solvers.

Vision Statement

The School of Business, Media and Technology will be the premier school in the southwest, preparing students to become successful and respected professionals. We strive to extend frontiers of knowledge to solve complex problems.

The Department of Business Administration


The Department of Business Administration is accredited by the Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) to offer the master of business administration (MBA) degree with concentrations in accounting, finance, human resource management, international business, management and marketing.

The MBA is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) as an online degree. Students can be physically located anywhere in the world and complete the MBA degree from New Mexico Highlands University.

Mission of the Department of Business Administration

The Department of Business Administration is committed to the success of our students and to the highest observance of our professional accreditation standards. The department’s goal is to be the best small business department in the Southwest, preparing students to be confident, competent, ethical, and responsible business decision-makers, managers, leaders, and agents of economic and social betterment in today’s changing global business environment.

Vision Statement

The Department of Business Administration provides an inspiring multicultural learning environment that promotes excellence, empowerment, transformation, and global understanding.

Core Values

  • Advancement of knowledge
  • Active leaning
  • Student success
  • Diversity of ideas
  • Accessible education
  • Community
  • Individual well-being
  • Sustainable practices
  • Multiculturalism

Resources and Facilities

NMHU Campus

The MBA degree is available live at the main campus. Department of Business Administration classroom facilities and faculty offices are located in Sininger Hall on the NMHU campus directly across the quadrangle from Thomas C. Donnelly Library. Distance education-equipped classrooms are available in the building. High-speed wireless internet and networked computer facilities are located throughout the campus, which provide student access to online classes and course materials.

Distance Education

Our MBA degree and concentrations are also offered completely online.

NMHU Center/Sites
The MBA degree is offered on site at the main campus and online elsewhere. Business faculty advisers are located at the New Mexico Highlands University center in Rio Rancho.


Requirements for admission to the MBA Program:

  1. Students must have at least a 3.0 GPA in undergraduate coursework to be admitted to the MBA program. However, students with a GPA between 2.8 – 2.99 may be provisionally admitted if space is available. Students provisionally admitted with low GPA must earn a minimum 3.0 GPA in their first 12 credit hours to remain in the program.
  2. Students with an undergraduate degree in a field other than business are required to complete a proficiency course, BUSA 5000, to establish an appropriate background for graduate work in business administration. Students must take BUSA 5000 in their first semester of coursework.
  3. All students are expected to have computer proficiency and be able to use basic tools of business: word processing and spreadsheets. Students lacking these skills are advised to take classes in these areas prior to requesting admission to the program.

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

The master of business administration is a 36-credit hour program for students with a background in business. Students lacking undergraduate coursework in business must take a proficiency course, BUSA 5000 Principles of Business Administration, in their first semester. A minimum of at least 30 credit hours must be taken in courses restricted to graduate students. The program prepares students for leadership positions in business, state and federal government, or non-profit institutions. Building on a foundation of management, accounting, finance, economics, and marketing, the program emphasizes administrative ability, managerial potential, financial decision making, and long-range planning skills.  Our program utilizes an intensive problem-solving approach, featuring case studies and simulations across the spectrum of decision areas within business organizations and emphasizing the integrative nature of managerial responsibilities.

Dual Master’s Degrees in Business and Social Work

New Mexico Highlands University allows students to complete Masters Degrees in Social Work (MSW) and Business Administration (MBA) with minimal overlap. Interested students should refer to the catalog section for the School of Social Work.

Exit Requirements for Completing the MBA Degree

During the last semester of MBA coursework all students must take MGMT 6890 Business Strategy. MGMT 6890 is the MBA capstone course and focuses on strategic business and case analysis of business problems. Upon successful completion of any deficiencies and all coursework, the student will be nominated to candidacy for the MBA degree.

Required courses: 27 credit hours

MBA students lacking or with limited undergraduate coursework in business must take BUSA 5000 Principles of Business Administration (3). The course hours are in addition to the required business core courses of 27 credit hours.

Required Core:

MGMT 6010 Quantitative Methods (3)

MGMT 6040 Business Research Methods (3)

ACCT 6050 Financial Accounting (3)

ECON 6080 Managerial Economics (3)

BFIN 6070 Managerial Finance (3)

BLAW 6390 Law and Ethics in Bus (3)

MKTG 6840 Marketing Management (3)

MGMT 6210 Business and Society (3)

MGMT 6890 Business Strategy (3) (taken in last semester)
(ACCT 6050 is not required for students in the accounting concentration)

Core Total: 27 credit hours

Students must choose an MBA concentration from one of the following areas:


Concentration in Accounting

Proficiency Courses:

Students must have a demonstrated proficiency in the following two courses; the courses may be assigned or waived depending on the student’s prior coursework: ACCT 3870 Intermediate Accounting 1 (3) and ACCT 3880 Intermediate Accounting 2 (3).

Required Courses for Concentration in Accounting

Required Courses: 12 credit hours

ACCT 6060 Managerial Accounting (3)

ACCT 6850 Financial Statement Analysis (3)

Choose 2 courses from the following list:

ACCT 5810 Accounting Systems (3)

ACCT 5920 Auditing (3)

ACCT 5890 Governmental Accounting (3)

Concentration Total: 12 credit hours

Core: 24 credit hours

Program Total: 36 graduate-level credit hours


Concentration in Entrepreneurship

Required Courses: 9 credit hours

MGMT 5310 Entrepreneurial Forum (3)

MGMT 5510 Entrepreneurship (3)

MKTG 6510 Managerial Approach to Internet Marketing Strategies (3)

Concentration Total: 9 credit hours

Core: 27 credit hours

Program Total: 36 credit hours


Concentration in Finance

Required Courses: 9 credit hours

BFIN 5050 Financial Markets & Institutions (3)

BFIN 6090 Investments (3)

ACCT 6850 Financial Statement Analysis (3)

Concentration Total: 9 credit hours

Core: 27 credit hours

Program Total: 36 credit hours


Concentration in General Business

Required Courses: 9 credit hours

Students may take no more than one course from any one discipline (ACCT, BFIN, BMIS, ECON, INTB, MGMT, MKTG) at the 5000- or 6000-level in consultation with their advisor. Please note that at least one of the three courses will need to be at the 6000-level.


Concentration in International Business

Required Courses: 9 credit hours

BFIN 5750 International Finance (3)

INTB 6400 International Business (3)

MKTG 5740 International Marketing (3)

Concentration Total: 9 credit hours

Core: 27 credit hours

Program Total: 36 credit hours


Concentration in Human Resources Management

Required Courses: 9 credit hours

MGMT 6650 Personnel Practices & the Law (3)

MGMT 6870 Human Resources Management (3)

An approved 5000 or 6000 Elective in consultation with Advisor (3)

Concentration Total: 9 credit hours

Core: 27 credit hours

Program Total: 36 credit hours


Concentration in MSW/MBA Human Resources Management

Required Courses: 9 credit hours

MGMT 6650 Personnel Practices & the Law (3)

MGMT 6650 Personnel Practices and the Law (3)

MGMT 6870 Human Resources Management (3)

An approved 5000 or 6000 Elective in consultation with Advisor (3)

Concentration Total: 9 credit hours

Core: 27 credit hours

Program Total: 36 credit hours


Concentration in Management

Required Courses: 9 credit hours

MGMT 6650 Personnel Practices & the Law (3)

MGMT 6870 Human Resources Management (3)

An approved 5000 or 6000 Elective in consultation with Advisor (3)

Concentration Total: 9 credit hours

Core: 27 credit hours

Program Total: 36 credit hours


Concentration in Marketing

Required Courses: 9 credit hours

MKTG 5150 Consumer Behavior (3)

MKTG 6510 Managerial Approach to Internet Marketing Strategies (3)

MKTG 5730 Advertising (3)

Concentration Total: 9 credit hours

Core: 27 credit hours

Program Total: 36 credit hours


Certificate in Accounting (Graduate)

Proficiency Courses: Students must have a demonstrated proficiency in the following courses; the courses may be assigned or waived depending on the student’s prior coursework:

ACCT 3870 Intermediate Accounting 1 (3)

ACCT 3880 Intermediate Accounting 2 (3)

Certificate Courses: 18 credit hours

Choose six courses from the following list

ACCT 5810 Accounting Systems (3)

ACCT 5890 Governmental Accounting (3)

ACCT 5920 Auditing (3)

ACCT 6050 Financial Accounting (3)

ACCT 6850 Financial Statement Analysis (3)

ACCT 6060 Managerial Accounting (3)

BLAW 6390 Law & Ethics in Business (3)

Certificate: 18 graduate-level credit hours


Certificate in Finance (Graduate)

Choose six courses from the following:

BFIN 5050 Financial Markets & Institutions (3)

BFIN 6070 Managerial Finance (3)

BFIN 6090 Investments (3)

BFIN 5750 International Finance (3)

ACCT 6050 Financial Accounting (3)

ACCT 6850 Financial Statement Analysis (3)

ECON 6080 Managerial Economics (3)

Certificate: 18 credit hours


Certificate in Human Resources Management (Graduate)

Required Courses: 12 credit hours

MGMT 6210 Business and Society (3)

MGMT 6640 Organizational Theory (3)

MGMT 6870 Human Resources Management (3)

MGMT 6650 Personnel Practices and the Law (3)

Elective Courses: 6 credit hours

Choose two graduate-level business courses in consultation with an adviser.

Certificate: 18 credit hours


Certificate in Marketing

Required Courses: 12 credit hours

MKTG 5730 Advertising (3)

MKTG 5150 Consumer Behavior (3)

MKTG 6510 Managerial Approach to Internet Marketing Strategies (3)

MKTG 6840 Marketing Management (3)

Elective Courses: 6 credit hours

Choose two graduate-level business courses in consultation with an adviser.

Certificate: 18 credit hours


Courses in Accounting (ACCT)

ACCT 5100. Accounting Technology (3); Fa
A study of computerized financial accounting technology using integrated accounting systems. Previous NMHU ACCT 510.

ACCT 5810. Accounting Systems (3) Fa
This course examines the formal accounting information system with emphasis on the application of general theory of information to the problem of efficient economic operations.  Previous NMHU ACCT 581.

ACCT 5890. Governmental Accounting (3); Sp
Principles and procedures in governmental and institutional units and fiduciaries. Previous NMHU ACCT 589.

ACCT 5920. Auditing (3); Sp
This course covers techniques of auditing procedures, with a focus on analyzing and successfully completing auditing cases. Previous NMHU ACCT 592.

ACCT 6050. Financial Accounting (3); Fa, Sp, Su
The organization and analysis of financial accounting information. Previous NMHU ACCT 605.

ACCT 6060. Managerial Accounting (3)
This course explores the use of cost information in evaluating past performance and planning future operations.

ACCT 6850. Financial Statement Analysis (3); Sp
The core objective of this course is to teach students how to read and interpret a firm’s 10-K filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). A firm’s 10-K filing is the most comprehensive, publicly available, and audited report of a firm’s financial and operating87 activities. Previous NMHU ACCT 685.

ACCT 6870. Advanced Accounting Topics (3); Sp
Advanced topics in accounting with emphasis on consolidated financial statements and partnerships. Previous NMHU ACCT 687.

Courses in Business Law (BLAW)

 BLAW 6390. Law and Ethics in Business (3); Fa, Sp, Su
A study of legal and ethical concepts that influence and guide business activity in the United States. Previous NMHU BLAW 639.

Courses in Economics (ECON)

 ECON 6080. Managerial Economics (3); Fa, Sp, Su
The course emphasizes the application of micro-economic theory to business management and strategy. Key course concepts include marginal analysis, prices and the allocation of resources, cost analysis, market structures, and information. Previous NMHU ECON 608.

ECON 6090. Political Economy (3); Var
Public economics is the study of government’s effect on the economy. The primary focus of this course is on the provision and financing of government services. Key concepts covered in the class include the cost of providing government services, pricing government services, cost-benefit analysis, intergovernmental finance, and tax theory and practice. Previous NMHU ECON 609.

Courses in Finance (BFIN)

BFIN 5050. Financial Markets and Institutions (3); Fa
This course focuses on the use of financial markets by the private and public sectors and the facilitating role played by intermediary agents. The course relies on the basic tools of micro- and macroeconomics theory in the study of private and public financial behavior and the problems posed for public policy. Previous NMHU FIN 505.

BFIN 5750. International Financial Management (3); Sp
An overview of the workings of trade and finance in an international setting. Particular attention is given to handling problems associated with exchange rate movements, sources of funds for overseas operations and investments, and criteria to judge foreign investment opportunities. Previous NMHU FIN 575.

BFIN 6070. Financial Management (3); Fa, Sp
A study of the tools and techniques used in financial management. Analysis of financial needs, acquisition of financial resources, and allocation of funds are covered in readings, case problems, and class discussions. Prerequisite: ACCT 6050. Previous NMHU FIN 607.

BFIN 6090. Investments (3); Sp
Provides an understanding of investment history, practices and the various types of securities traded in financial markets. It focuses on investment strategies, portfolio construction and management. Prerequisite: BFIN 6070. Previous NMHU FIN 609.

Courses in International Business (INTB)

INTB 5800. Doing Business in the Spanish-Speaking World (3); Var
The goal of this course is to expose students to how business is conducted in different Spanish-speaking countries. The course requires students and their professor to visit numerous businesses as well as major cultural destinations in the country. The course exposes students to various kinds of business, but focuses on those involved in international commerce. Students are required to observe, describe and analyze major factors affecting business in the country and propose courses of action that business should consider to effectively compete in international markets. Previous NMHU INTB 580.

INTB 6400. International Business (3); Fa
This course introduces MBA students to key elements of international business, including factors influencing management decision making in an international setting. It explores managerial response to the economics, political, cultural, and social factors shaping business and contrasts the success potential and operations of internationally focused companies to those that are solely focused on the domestic market. Previous NMHU INTB 640.

Courses in Management (MGMT)

 MGMT 5310. Entrepreneurial Forum (3); Fa, Sp
Ownership and operation of one’s own business is an overwhelming drive for many people. This course explores starting a business, including understanding the right questions to ask about all aspects of business operations, such as financing, buying, sales and marketing, cost considerations, cash conversion concepts, product and service delivery, customer service, personnel issues, pricing policies, accounting and financial record keeping, and reporting for start-up purposes and for planning for future success. Previous NMHU MGMT 531.

MGMT 5510. Entrepreneurship (3); Fa, Sp
An advanced study of entrepreneurship, new business ventures, and professional resources available for aspiring entrepreneurs. Particular attention is given to the development of the business concept and its implementation through the development of a business plan.

MGMT 5530. Organizational Leadership (3); Fa, Sp
This course is designed to address the fundamental aspects of leading and motivating people. It includes understanding and working with people individually, as well as in groups. Students study high performance organizations and challenges of leading change in organizations and identify their own leadership traits. Previous NMHU MGMT 553.

MGMT 6010. Quantitative Methods (3); Fa, Sp, Su
This course introduces graduate students to quantitative and qualitative analytical techniques used in contemporary business research. Previous NMHU MGMT 601.

MGMT 6040. Business Research Methods (3); Fa, Sp, Su
This course applies quantitative and qualitative techniques used in business and economics research. Students conceptualize, plan, and implement a formal research project using standard research methodology, Students analyze and discuss results in a formal technical report. Prerequisite: MGMT 6010. Previous NMHU MGMT 604.

MGMT 6210. Business and Society (3); Fa, Sp, Su
This course is an introduction to ethical decision making in business. Students examine moral principles and standards that are available to guide behavior in the world of business. Students use normative and descriptive ethical decision making frameworks to analyze ethical issues that business managers confront. Previous NMHU MGMT 621.

MGMT 6640. Organizational Theory (3); Fa, Sp
Analysis of formal organizations and informal relationships among individuals and small groups. This course stresses the study of business organization as a system of authority and status, control and communication, decision-making centers, and leadership positions. Use is made of cases and research studies. Previous NMHU MGMT 664.

MGMT 6650. Personnel Practices and the Law (3); Sp
This course addresses the increasing role of the law in personnel functions by familiarizing students with the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and personnel law. Such topics as the Family Medical Leave Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act will be discussed as they relate to personnel practices. Previous NMHU MGMT 665.

MGMT 6870. Human Resources Management (3); Fa, Sp
The study of human resources management issues, including management theory, and labor law from the manager’s perspective. Previous NMHU MGMT 687.

MGMT 6890. Business Strategy (3); Fa, Sp, Su
This course exposes students to the theory and practice of strategic management as practiced by business firms and other organizations. The course requires students to analyze business case studies. Must be taken in the last semester for the program. Prerequisite: MGMT 6040, 6210, BFIN 6070 and MKTG 6840. Previous NMHU MGMT 689.

Courses in Marketing (MKTG)

 MKTG 5150. Consumer Behavior (3); Sp
A seminar studying how individuals make buying decisions. It focuses on the psychological, sociological, behavioral, and cultural aspects of the buying decision and on how firms can use this information to sell more effectively in the marketplace. The course will emphasize current research in the field of consumer behavior. Previous NMHU MKTG 515.

MKTG 5460. Social Media (3), Sp
Social media represents one of the most significant changes in consumer media behavior hi history, resulting in fundamental shifts in the way marketers communicate and interact with consumers. This course provides the practical knowledge and insights required to establish objectives and strategies, properly select the social media platforms to engage consumers, and monitor and measure the results of these efforts. Previous NMHU MKTG 546.

MKTG 5730. Advertising (3); Fa, Sp
This course examines the role of advertising and promotion in a firm’s integrated marketing communications strategy. Traditional advertising functions and strategies are analyzed along with new forms of advertising and promotion driven by changing technology. Previous NMHU MKTG 573.

MKTG 5740. International Marketing (3); Sp
Objectives, problems, and challenges facing those who engage in marketing operations in foreign countries. Foreign marketing organizations, cultural dynamics, trade channels, the legal environment, and political considerations are examined. Previous NMHU MKTG 574.

MKTG 5890. Strategic Brand Marketing (3); Fa
This course will offer an overview of brands, branding, brand strategy, brand portfolios and brand management. Students will examine how to create and maintain strong brands and brand portfolios. Previous NMHU MKTG 589.

MKTG 6510. Managerial Approach to Internet Marketing Strategies (3); Fa, Sp
This course focuses on a managerial approach to internet marketing strategies. Students will be introduced to the most current managerial tactics and trends in the field of internet marketing. Students will gain an appreciation for consumer behavior in a digital world, communication via traditional and emerging media, business analytics, strategic planning, problem solving and decision making. Previous NMHU MKTG 651.

MKTG 6840. Marketing Management (3); Fa, Sp, Su
The approaches and problems of marketing decision making, considered from the standpoint of the marketing manager. Previous NMHU MKTG 684.
