Alert: All classes and non-essential operations have been canceled at the LAS VEGAS campus on Monday, Feb. 17

Media Arts & Technology Graduate Requirements

School of Business, Media and Technology
Veena Parboteeah, Ph.D., Dean
Sininger Hall, Room 235
505-426-2088 FAX: 505-454-3354

Media Arts & Technology

Mariah Hausman, MFA – Department Chair
Trolley Building


  • Mariah Fox Hausman, MFA (Media Arts)
  • Miriam Langer, MFA (Media Arts)
  • Elias Gonzales, MA (Media Arts)
  • Lauren Addario, MA (Media Arts)
  • Jonathan Lee, MA (Software Systems Design)
  • Becca Sharp (Media Arts)
  • Rianne Trujillo, MA (Software Systems Design)

Master of Fine Arts in Cultural Technology, MFA (MFACT)

The Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Media Arts Cultural Technology is a 3-year terminal degree with 2 1/2 years of course work and one semester of thesis. The Media Arts and Technology Department currently resides in the School of Business, Media and Technology where it sits among other programs with a professional focus. The MFA degree is the current standard for a terminal degree in this field for those wishing to pursue an academic or high-level professional career. The program positions graduates to work in the constantly evolving field at the intersection of culture and technology. The MFA faculty seek to cultivate multi-talented students capable of working in all areas of interpretive media. Students will become proficient in several technological areas including design, the creation and installation of exhibitions, responsive installations, audio/video production, web/mobile application development, user experience, and the application of these skills to cultural, historical and scientific content. The purpose of this program is to engage highly skilled, creative, ethically-aware cultural technologists capable of working with the richness of diverse cultural content.

Requirements for the admission to the MFA Program:

Students should submit the following:

  • A graduate application for admission (available from the Graduate Student Office)
  • An official transcript (in a sealed envelope) from each university attended. Official
  • Electronic transcripts can be sent to
  • Personal Objective Statement/essay (600 – 1,000 works) demonstrating writing capabilities, which addresses the following: purpose in seeking an MFA degree at NMHU Media Arts & Technology, research interests, personal and technical strengths; what you bring to our program.
  • Link to an online portfolio of best/relevant work, including detailed descriptions (2d work: 10-20 samples, video: not more than approximately 5 min. reel) which demonstrates proficiency, research or exploration in: photography, videography, digital imaging, writing, exhibition, design, code, games, or hardware projects.
  • Three (3) letters of reference from individuals familiar with the student’s abilities
  • Work experience and personal characteristics.
  • Resume/CV
  • A one-time non-refundable $25 application fee.
  • A phone or video interview may be requested before final acceptance.


A personal laptop is strongly recommended for each graduate student in the department.

The department provides industry standard software, but unfettered access through a personal computer is recommended.


To qualify for the degree a final GPA of 3.0 or better is required. Students earning below 3.0 will be placed on a semester of academic probation/provisional status.

Required Core: 51 credit hours + Elective Courses: 9 credit hours

Total credit hours: 60

Year 1


MART 6180  History of Media Seminar (3)

MART 6210  Studio I (3)

MART 5xx0  Elective course (3)


MART  6220 Studio II (3)

MART 6310  Media Theory (3)

MART 6550 Critical Practice I (3)


MART 6980 Cultural Technology Internship I (3)

Year 2


MART 6920  Thesis Research & Writing I (3)

MART 6230  Studio III (3)

MART 6560  Critical Practice II (3)


MART 5260 Multimedia Project Management (3)

MART 5950 Exhibition Design (3)

MART 6240 Studio IV (3)


MART 6980 Cultural Technology Internship II (3)

Year 3


MART 6920 Thesis Research & Writing II (3)

MART 5xx0 Elective course (3)

MART 5xx0 Elective course (3)


MART 6920 Thesis Research & Writing III (3)

MART 6990 Thesis (6)

Core:  51 credit hours

Electives:  9 credit hours

Program Total:  60 credit hours

Requirements for MFA

Degree Timeline    

Students are eligible to graduate after completion of 60 graduate credit hours and have passed a final oral defense in conjunction with a written thesis document, and a public exhibition of the final body of work.  Reviews each semester for the first two years are required; passing the end-of-second year review will qualify a student to continue on MFA Cultural Technology path or alternatively, be dismissed from the program.

MFA students must successfully complete at least 8 credits of qualifying cultural technology exhibit design and internship (regular and intermediate) with a museum, business or institution and 24 credits of required seminar/writing/critical thinking courses.  The remaining courses consist of studio and elective credits.  Well prepared students may complete the program in 5 semesters while others may elect to extend behind that time.  Students wishing to become instructors in higher education should actively apply for the available teaching assistantship positions and/or take pedagogy-related classes as electives.


The graduate student coordinator will provide course advisement, a program of study and assist with scheduling until the student has chosen a faculty mentor from Media Arts who will serve as their primary academic advisor and the chairperson of their committee (by end of semester).

By the end of the fourth semester, graduates must have secured their final advisory committee of three members (two Media Arts and Technology academic faculty and one qualified expert outside the department of university. A fourth, optional advisor will be allowed. This committee can be formed earlier, but should be in place no later than the fourth semester.

Review, Thesis and Defense Requirements
Practice Review (First semester)

Submit and present initial projects and concepts to the Media Arts & Technology faculty for review feedback.  This required review is considered practice and designed to make improvements for future reviews and critiques.  A written evaluation, signed by the graduate coordinator and department chair will be provided to the student and kept in the student’s file

First Year Review (Second Semester)

Submit and present further developed projects and concepts to the Media Arts & Technology faculty for review feedback.  The student should inquire/indicate the potential advisory committee, or one will be assigned by the graduate coordinator and department chair.  This review indicates whether the student has begun to find a focus.  A written evaluation signed by the graduate coordinator, department chair and current advisory committee will be provided to the student and kept in the student’s file.

MFA Evaluation/Review (Third Semester)

Submit and present project concept and accompanying written draft document to the Media Arts & Technology advisors/faculty for feedback.  The student should indicate their choice of advisory committee.  This review will access the student’s performance at the present time and should indicate what improvements are needed and necessary to qualify for the MFA work into the next semester.  If the student presents poorly at this juncture, further measures will be addressed for continuance towards the MFA degree.  If the student shows promise, the committee will promote the student to the suggested MFA path for semester four and present the formalized thesis concept.  A written evaluation, signed by the advisory committee, graduate coordinator and/or department chair will be provided to the student and kept in the student’s file.

Qualifying MFA Thesis Project Review/Oral Presentation (Fourth semester)

Deliver a qualifying oral presentation and refined body of work to the advisory committee and faculty.  Successful completion of the qualifying MFA thesis oral exam enables regular continuation towards the third year of the program.  Students who do not pass this review shall be required to continue working and present once again the following semester.  Note: If a student fails two reviews in a row, dismissal from the program will occur.  A written evaluation, signed by the advisory committee, graduate coordinator and/or the department chair will be provided to the student and kept in the student’s file.

The following should be adequately addressed in the qualifying visual/oral presentation:

1.   What is the scope of the project/thesis?

2.   List references for other projects that inspire or inform the work proposed.

3.   What skills are utilized within the project?

4.   What materials (hardware/software) are needed to achieve the project?

5.   What learning occurs from the project that’s new/relevant to the field in general?

6.   Who is the best advisory team (two faculty in Media Arts and one person outside of the department) to help achieve the goals?

7.   What is the proposed timeline for completion?

Thesis Defense/Review (Fifth and Sixth semesters)

To Qualify for Graduation

1.   Complete all credit requirements and apply for degree with registrar

2.   Submit written thesis component to the advisory committee at least two week prior to

scheduled defense date

3.   Publicly schedule, exhibit, and orally defend body of thesis work to advisory committee

The following should be adequately addressed in both the oral and written defense/thesis presentation:     

1.   Clearly describe the project/thesis in abstract and in-depth format.

2.   Explain skills, mediums and materials (hardware/software) utilized within the project. 3.  Thoroughly document the process of creating the work (including successes, plateaus and failures).

3.   Discuss, compare and relate others who have done projects that inspire or inform this work.

4.   What personal learning occurred from creating the project that is new/relevant in the field?

5.   How can/will this work affect, influence or improve society and culture?

6.   What makes this work unique and unprecedented?

7.   Include bibliographical citations and labels/descriptions for all images/figures.

8.   Bind the written document.

Note:  If the advisory committee determines the work does not satisfy MFA defense requirements, the student is evaluated and advised to continue taking courses and/or working on areas of weakness until defense requirements are satisfied.

Courses in Media Arts (MART)

MART 5050. Digital Painting (3); Fa
A course designed for students interested in learning how to use Corel Painter and the Wacom table tools to enhance their digital art skills. Painter is a digital studio application that aims to recreate the analog tools of an artist’s studio, painting, ink drawing, pastels, and other techniques. Previous NMHU MART 505.

MART 5110. Graphics and Meaning (3); Fa, Var
This course introduces a pictorial media design process of conveying messages through concept development and visual narrative problem solving. Students will explore semiotics and graphic forms within social and cultural contexts, and reinterpret meaning using images, icons and shapes. Prerequisite: MART 5730. Previous NMHU MART 511.

MART 5120.  History of Design (3) Var
Course covers the pivotal aesthetic, cultural, economic, political, religious, propaganda/ideologic and technological influences of visual communication throughout recorded human history.  Material spans ancient pictograms through the present modern era of digital design and intends to provide an essential base of historical knowledge, surveying numerous important cultural zeitgeist, including: typography, color, layout, illustration, photography and motion graphics. Prerequisites:  6 credits of writing

MART 5130. Non-Linear Digital Video Editing (3); Sp
The study of video editing techniques and systems which have emerged from the intersection of television and computer techniques. Previous NMHU MART 513.

MART 5150. Design Projects for the Community (3); Var
This course focuses on developing critical thinking skills for relating media content and for understanding how social and cultural issues impact public perceptions and behaviors. Through advocacy of a non-commercial cause, students will explore the many facets of an issue, identify key points to impact public appeal, develop a media promotional strategy, and employ visual communication skills to promote social change. Previous NMHU MART 515.

MART 5170. Publication Design (3); Sp
A comprehensive study covering the design process of page architecture and information hierarchy for the production of print and digital multi-page formats such as book, magazine, newspaper and scree-based publications.  Previous NMHU MART 517.

MART 5180. Principles of Multimedia (3); Fa
Learning the basic principles and applications used to create interactive animated movies, games and websites. Previous NMHU MART 518.

MART 5220. HD Cinema Workshop (3); Sp
An advanced production course focusing on documentary and narrative video production as well as high-definition cinema production tools.

MART 5260. Multimedia Project Management (3); Alt, Sp, Odd
Through working on a creative team you will learn how to interact with clients, manage exhibition and project content, information flow, budget, and production schedule, and master the art of problem solving and trouble-shooting. Previous NMHU MART 526.

MART 5270. Web Production Workshop (3); 2, 2 Fa
An introduction to producing websites, planning a website and using HTML, JavaScript, and dynamic HTML in the Dreamweaver authoring environment. Previous NMHU MART 527.

MART 5340. Practicum (3); Var
A course designed to let graduate students develop leadership on multimedia projects. Prerequisite: Permission of Instructor. Previous NMHU MART 534.

MART 5350. ST: Selected Topics in Media Arts (1 – 4 VC); Var
Course in a topic or topics in media arts. May be repeated with a change of content. Previous NMHU MART 535.

MART 5360. Experimental Video Production (3); Var
In this course students will explore approaches to and aspects of experimental storytelling using advanced high-definition video. Students will learn the basics of project proposal writing as well as how to secure funding and seek distribution for experimental projects.

MART 5380. Advanced Multimedia Project Management (3); Alt, Sp, Odd
The program for Interactive Cultural Technology is a full semester, 16-week, immersive academic and hands-on program designed to prepare students for careers as multimedia professionals in museums, cultural organization, & exhibition design businesses.  PICT students help create a professional exhibition for an elite institution & participate in professional internships.  Graduates receive a Certificate in Cultural Technology from NMHU & the NM Dept. of Cultural Affairs. Through readings, class discussions, field trips & guest presentations, you will gain a mastery of exhibition content, the principles of exhibition design, the design of physical spaces, static & interactive exhibit elements and how to combine design, construction & multimedia skills. Through readings, class discussions, field trips and guest presentations, you will gain a mastery of exhibition content, the principles of exhibition design, the design of physical spaces, static and interactive exhibit elements and how to combine design, construction and multimedia skills. Prerequisite: MART 3500 or 5180.  Previous NMHU MART 538.

MART 5460. Screenwriting (3); Fa
The study of the format, the writing styles, and the creative and technical techniques useful in the development of the dramatics screenplay for television and film. Previous NMHU MART 546.

MART 5470. Digital Photography III (3); Sp
This class introduces students to skills that are imperative in professional photography: studio lighting, portraiture, product photography, and macro photography. The techniques learned in this class will be introduced through lectures about historical and contemporary photographers and photographic movements. Professional modes of presentation, such as matting, framing, shipping, and archival treatments for gallery and commercial settings, will be addressed as well. This course is structured with assumption that you will create a sound, professional portfolio of work that is presentation ready by the end of the semester.

MART 5490. Digital Photography 4: Photographic Installation (3); Var
This class explores the ever-evolving area of interactive photography. Starting with an introduction to 3D imagery through stereoscope and lenticular photography, the course will introduce students to new ways of thinking about photography as an interactive rather than an indexical tool. Students will research on contemporary photographic installation artists and will present their academic findings in the form of an oral presentation. The final class project will culminate in the creation of a photographic installation that uses at least one form of interactivity. Students will learn how to write professional artist’s statements to accompany their work and how to document their work. Prerequisite: 5740. Previous NMHU MART 549.

MART 5560. Physical Computing (3); 2, 2 Sp
This course focuses on physically interactive technology, enabling student’s work to sense and respond to its environment. This course is geared toward people interested in exploring new possibilities for screen-based and installation art, robotics, and “smart” architecture. The course begins with the basic theories of electronics and leads to fully functional interactive projects which react to physical interactions. Students build a series of working prototypes. Previous NMHU MART 556.

MART 5570. Surround and Installation Workshop (3); Var
The course prepares students to create multi-media, interactive audio installations. Works for gallery and public art installation are given special emphasis in this course. Prerequisite: MART 3660, 3260, or 3180.   Previous NMHU MART 557.

MART 5590. Advanced Interactive Multimedia (3); Fa
A course designed for students interested in advanced multimedia and web development. This course is designed to relate directly to current professional standards in multimedia, interaction and web production. Previous NMHU MART 559.

MART 5600. Alternative Photographic Techniques (3); Var
This course will focus on alternative processes and techniques: light box imagery, lazertran, imagery on silk, digital negatives, and cyanotypes. Students will also explore creative shooting options: hola cameras and lens babies. Throughout the semester students will examine and evaluate how alternative photographic techniques can be used to extend the meaning of a piece. Previous NMHU MART 560.

MART 5610. Advanced Design Practice (3); Fa
This class is an advanced design class and an advanced practice class. The course projects will focus on targeting audiences, in a cohesive manner, with print, web, and interactive materials. How to identify users and buyers will be presented. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Previous NMHU MART 561.

MART 5620. Video Effects (3); Var
The study of digital video, post-production techniques, such as chroma key production, image morphing, and video composing. Previous NMHU MART 562.

 MART 5630. Video Animation (3); 2, 2 Var
The study of 3D animation and modeling, using LightWave. Previous NMHU MART 563.

MART 5640. Advanced Digital Cinema (3); Var
A capstone course in video production that requires the student to write, produce and direct a professional quality video piece. Prerequisite: MART 5360 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU MART 564.

MART 5660. Audio for Video (3); Var
The course prepares students to create multi-track audio for layered use in a variety of common video and multimedia programs. Digital audio tools are given special emphasis. Previous NMHU MART 566.

MART 5670. Character Animation (3); Var
This course focuses on character animation. Students will develop their skills in 2D and clay animation by learning the concepts of storyboarding, character movement, walk cycles, facial expression, audio syncing, and camera angles. Previous NMHU MART 567.

MART 5690. Advanced Video Animation (3); Var
The study of advanced techniques of LightWave animation, including the use of metanurbs, inverse kinematics, multiple-target morphine, and quasi-cel animation. Prerequisite: MART 3630 or MART 5630. Previous NMHU MART 569.

MART 5700. Advanced Design Practice 2 (3); Var
This class is an advanced design class, placing an advanced practice class-placing an emphasis on process as well as client relations. The curriculum will focus on accurately targeting audiences, for professional clients using print, web, and interactive materials. Students will learn how to most effectively position a unique brand in the market. Prerequisite: Permission of Instructor. Previous NMHU MART 570.

MART 5720. Distributed Network Production (3); Var
An advanced course in development and production for distributed networks, such as the internet, social networks, and other methods of networked communication and delivery. Prerequisite: MART 5270. Previous NMHU MART 572.

MART 5730. Typography (3); Var
A study to typographic form and usage. The course covers the design and appropriateness of letter form systems in the communication process. Previous NMHU MART 573.

MART 5750. Advanced Screenwriting Workshop (3); Fa
The goal of advanced screenwriting is to establish a workshop atmosphere where students can delve seriously and intently into the discussion of each other’s work. Students will be expected to complete a feature-length screenplay. Prerequisite: MART 5460. Previous NMHU MART 575.

MART 5770. Typography II (3); Fa
This course explores the area of kinetic typography, an industry standard media form commonly seen in broadcast television media and film. A basic understanding of typography should have already been explored, as students will use their knowledge of vector-based software as a springboard for effects software. Animation on track paths, light, and camera angles come into play. Conceptual studies of environment-specific design will also be assessed and studied. Prerequisite: MART 5730. Previous NMHU MART 577.

MART 5900. Independent Study (1 – 4 VC); Var
Individual study arranged with an instructor. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Previous NMHU MART 590.

MART 5940. Cultural Technology Mentorship (1 – 4); Var
A course designed to help students develop leadership skills and complete the necessary training for an AmeriCorps placement. Prerequisite: Permission of Instructor. Previous NMHU MART 594.

MART 5950. Exhibition Design (3); Alt, Sp, Odd
The Program for Interactive Cultural Technology (PICT) is a full-semester, 16 week immersive academic & hands-on program designed to prepare students for careers as multimedia professionals in museums, cultural organizations, and exhibition design businesses. PICT students help create a professional exhibition for an elite institution & participate in professional internships. Through readings, class discussions, field trips & guest presentations, you will gain a mastery of exhibition content, the principles of exhibition design, the design of physical spaces, static & interactive exhibit elements and how to combined design, construction & multimedia skills. Prerequisite: MART 5150 or 5730.  Previous NMHU MART 595.

MART 5960. Advanced Exhibition Design (3); Alt, Sp, Odd
This advanced course is for students who have already taken Exhibition Design. In this class students will expand their understanding of designing in a physical space, static and interactive elements, and combining design, construction and multimedia skills to produce a final exhibit for the public. Prerequisite: MART 5950 or Permission of instructor. Previous NMHU MART 596.

MART 6000. Principles of Media Arts and Computer Science (3); Fa
An interdisciplinary investigation of the terminology, roots, assumptions and principles that underlie the merging disciplines of media arts and computer science. Cross-listed as CS 6000. Previous NMHU MART 600.

MART 6100. Synthesis of Media Arts and Computer Science (3); Sp
An interdisciplinary synthesis of the principles that underlie the merging disciplines of computer science and media arts. Cross-listed as CS 6100. Previous NMHU MART 610.

MART 6180. History of Media Seminar (3); Fa
This course explores the basic concept of invention as it pertains to a creative digital environment, and the role that new technology plays in society. How have we evolved to use and interpret technology? Students will examine, research and write about important moments in computing and media history to query: How does the evolution of technology impact a culture-from banal moments of everyday life to global concerns on a much larger scale? Lectures, readings, and research, discussions and presentations will cover important artists, movements and works that have inspired, influenced and marked precedence for creators up until today. Current and former theoretical positions of art and media criticism will be exampled to assist students in forming their own approaches and opinions. Previous NMHU MART 618.

MART 6200. Multimedia Project Development (3); Fa
A study of the processes, techniques, and tools used in the development of sophisticated multimedia-based projects. The course focuses on both the theoretical and practical aspects of multimedia design and programming. A key component to the course is the completion of a project that combines the various tools and techniques discussed in the course. The course will also involve student presentations on the research related to their thesis or project. Cross-listed as CS 6200. Previous NMHU MART 620.

MART 6210. Studio I (3); Fa
This first studio class explores conceptual and procedural frameworks that guide the creative process in order to address our needs in relationship to the current demands of technology culture. The focus will be on contextualizing ideas in reaction or in relation to existing movements. Students will combine critical thinking with hands-on and experimental practice. This semester, students will be expected to embark on and begin exploring their MFA body of work. Previous MART 621.

MART 6220. Studio II (3); Sp
Following-up on initial creative and conceptual process, graduate students will take their initial direction and begin building a body of work. They will spend time articulating, contextualizing, and defending their ideas, develop a conceptual focus, and begin refining their MFA body of work. Prerequisites: MART 6210. Previous MART 622.

MART 6230. Studio III (3); Fa
This class follows the Studio II course.  Graduate students will hone, build, construct, critique and propose a body of work for their final show. They will continue to refine the articulation and craftsmanship of their work in context with the world around them. Aiming to defend their ideas as original and potentially groundbreaking in nature. At the conclusion of the course, each student’s proposal must be approved in order to advance in the program. Prerequisites: MART 6210 and 6220.  Previous MART 623.

MART 6240. Studio IV (3-6 VC); Var
This studio class is the final studio course in the MFA path. Graduate students will prepare, round out, complete and document their final, resolved body of work with the intention of display in an approved format (public exhibition, online gallery and/or printed publication). Students will prepare and plan to practice orally defending and presenting their final project, and submit a written support document to their advisors. Prerequisites: MART 6210, 6220, 6230. Previous MART 624.

MART 6310. Media Theory (3); Var
This course begins a critical discourse on aesthetic and culturally-based media. The class will be dedicated to interactive media with regards to interfaces. Informational architecture and visualization will be covered and defined in relationship to human psychology of communication and will be geared to address semiotic visual messages; from individual signs and symbols to larger network systems. We will explore and justify why certain visual and interactive models are successful while others are unsuccessful. What needs to occur between creator and user to ensure that proper actions are being followed? Previous MART 631.

MART 6550. Critical Practice I (3); Fa, Sp
This is a combination studio and seminar course that presents, questions and interprets our own objectivity and social relationships, consumerism and the cultural reception of media. These interpretations will be related contextually to cultural institutions, artists, techniques, emerging technologies, media and movements and then applied collaboratively to practice by selecting a particular cause for a public cultural project, with the goal of using it to display, demonstrate and inform an understanding of diversity, ethics, accessibility and social responsibility. Prerequisites: second semester MFA standing. Previous MART 655.

MART 6560. Critical Practice II (3); Fa, Sp
This repeatable elective course content is specifically geared towards supporting students interested in teaching at the higher level. In consultation with their mentor/advisor, the graduate student will be assigned an appropriate teaching assistantship position and work directly with an instructor in order to learn pedagogical methods related to teaching in a media studio environment. TAs will strengthen presentation and problem-solving skills, learn to design effective hands-on project assignments, how to manage a critique, and best practices for evaluation of media work. In addition, they will articulate and share personal research with the aim of publishing it professionally. Prerequisites: second semester MFA standing, and MART 6550. Course is repeatable. Previous NMHU MART 656.

MART 6920. Research & Writing I (3); Fa, Sp
This initial course explores the principles and content of technical writing with a focus on audience and purpose and will prepare students to effectively present, discuss, compare, analyze and interpret media work in various formats. As technical communicators, you must be able to craft varied messages concerning changing and integrated media, and how to convey your written ideas to diverse audiences. This course is designed to prepare a student for the sound formation and groundwork for their central approach to writing the MFA thesis draft, and will focus on a combination of refined, focused and targeted readings as well as extensive writing, editing, citation and studio practice research. Prerequisites: year 3 MFA standing, MART 6180, 6550, 6560, 6310, 6210, 6220, at least 6 elective credits, and MFA qualifying thesis presentation/review. Course is repeatable. Previous NMHU MART 692.

MART 6920. Research & Writing (3); Fa, Sp
This secondary course explores the principles and content of technical writing with a focus on audience and purpose and will prepare students to effectively present, discuss, compare, analyze and interpret media work in various formats. As technical communicators, you must be able to craft varied messages concerning changing and integrated media, and how to convey your written ideas to diverse audiences. This course is designed to prepare a student for the sound formation and groundwork for their central approach to writing the MFA thesis draft, and will focus on a combination of refined, focused and targeted readings as well as extensive writing, editing, citation and studio practice research. Prerequisites: year 3 MFA standing, MART 6180, 6550, 6560, 6310, 6210, 6220, at least 6 elective credits, and MFA qualifying thesis presentation/review. Course is repeatable. Previous NMHU MART 692.

MART 6970. Field Project (1 – 6 VC); Var
Individual field research and writing in preparation of a graduate field project (equivalent to a thesis). Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Previous NMHU MART 697.

MART 6980. Cultural Technology Internship I (3); Var
The first segment of a two-semester professional internship between NMHU students and New Mexico cultural institutions. This course is designed to support students as they gain practical technology experience, engage with current trends in emerging technology, and critical thinking through research, reflection papers and working with industry professionals. Students will collaborate with their advisors and on-site mentor to explore best practices and accessibility in cultural organizations.  Previous NMHU MART 698.

MART 6980. Cultural Technology Internship II (3); Var
The second segment of a two-semester professional internship between NMHU students an New Mexico cultural institutions. Students will refine and develop practical experience and critical thinking in emerging cultural technology. Students will continue to collaborate with their advisors and industry professionals to synthesize their research and/or projects, actively mentor first semester students, present original research and apply best practices and accessibility in cultural organizations. Prerequisites: Completion of first year MFA status, repeat for credit after completion of MART 698, Cultural Technology Internship I. Previous NMHU MART 698.

MART 6990. Thesis (1 – 6 VC); Fa, Sp
Under the guidance of their primary mentor and advisory committee, students will work on completion of individual research, writing, documentation and editing in preparation of the finished graduate thesis that is designed to accompany, defend and support the final public MFA studio body of work/exhibition. Course is repeatable.  Prerequisites: Year 3 MFA standing, MART 6180, 6310, 6210, 6220, 6920, 6550, 6560, and at least 6 credits of Media Arts electives. Previous NMHU MART 699.

Master of Science in Software-Driven Systems Design (MSSD)

Applying to the MSSD degree in Media Arts

Although the SSD program adheres to the NMHU admission guidelines, the program conducts its own selections and admissions process for all graduate applications. Applications are generally for full-time enrollment only; part-time study is discouraged. Applications are reviewed annually, and students are encouraged to apply by April 15 for priority consideration. Students who are interested in applying for assistantships in particular are encouraged to apply early, since assistantships are granted based in part upon admission to the program.

Requirements for admission to the MSSD Program:

Students should submit the following:

  • A graduate application for admission (available from the Graduate Student Office)
  • A personal Objective Statement/essay (600 – 1,000 words)
  • An official transcript (in a sealed envelope) from each university attended. Official electronic transcripts can be sent to
  • Three letters of reference from individuals familiar with the students’ academic abilities, work experience, and personal characteristics
  • A link to your online portfolio which includes links to three projects in your area of interest (code, games, or hardware projects). Examples should be of your own work, if projects were group created, please include a write up detailing your role in the project for the MSSD program.

Full and Provisional Acceptance: To gain admission to the program, students should have at least a 3.0 overall GPA (based on a 4.0 scale). Students who do not meet these requirements but who demonstrate other strengths may be admitted to the program on a provisional status while they make up deficiencies. Students with a low GPA must maintain a 3.0 or higher GPA for the first year and then the provisional acceptance is waived. Successful applicants should demonstrate the ability to perform well in a challenging academic program, the interest and ability to perform creative research, and the personal communication skills necessary for the field of Software Systems Design. Successful applicants will possess goals and a career orientation that are congruent with the SSD program’s philosophy and emphasis.


A personal laptop is strongly recommended for each graduate student in the department. The department provides industry standard software, but unfettered access through a personal computer is recommended.


To qualify for the degree a final GPA of 3.0 is required. Students earning below 3.0 will be placed on a semester of academic probation/provisional status.

Upon completing the program, Software Systems Design graduate students will have developed proficiency in a variety of programming languages and hardware solutions used by professionals in the fields of software development, web development, mobile development, game development, physical computing, and microcontrollers. Students synthesize their knowledge in a final field project or thesis.

Required Core: 23 credit hours

BSSD 5410 Applied Algorithms & Architecture (3)

BSSD 6000 Principles of Software Design (3)

BSSD 5340 Practicum (4)

BSSD 6340 Practicum (4)

BSSD 6110 Embedded Systems (3)

Choose one:

BSSD 6970 Field Project (6) OR

BSSD 6990 Thesis (6)

Core: 23 credit hours

Electives: 15 credit hours

Program Total: 38 credit hours

Elective courses: 15 credit hours

Choose 5 courses from the following:

BSSD 5150 Game Development (3)

BSSD 5200 Mobile Applications (3)

BSSD 5250 Advanced Mobile Applications (3)

BSSD 5300 Advanced Web Applications (3)

BSSD 5310 Web Applications (3)

BSSD 5450 Ambient Computing (3)

BSSD 5520 JavaScript (3)

BSSD 5540 Data Visualization (3)

BSSD 5560 Generative Art (3)

BSSD 5650 Patterns & Pattern Languages (3)

BSSD 5700 Interfaces (3)

BSSD 5850 Data Modeling (3)

MART 5190 Design for Emerging Interfaces (3)

MART 5560 Physical Computing (3)

CS 5360 Human-Computer Interaction (3)

CS 5730 Artificial Neural Networks (3)

CS 5740 Machine Learning Algorithms (3)