Department of Visual and Performing Arts Undergraduate Requirements

Professor David Lobdell, Department Chair
Burris Hall, Room 109 D
Phone: 505-454-3570/3126
FAX: 505-454-3241
E-mail: dlobdell@nmhu.edu

Mission of the Department of Visual and Performing Arts
Visual and Performing students work alongside artists and community members in an integrated curriculum that supports global citizenship within the context of our local, state and national identities. Faculty lead in the learning process both in and out of the classroom to inform students in historical, technical and aesthetic applications of material, hands on education. Arts education leads to a wide variety of occupations addressing the professional artist, musician or theatrical performer.


Todd Christensen, MFA (Art)

Donald Evans, MFA (Speech and Theater)

Andre Garcia-Nuthmann, D.M.A. (Music)

Edward Harrington, Ed.D. (Music)

David Lobdell, MFA (Art)

Shereen Lobdell, MFA (Art)

Kevin Zoernig, BA (Music)

Resources and Facilities
New Mexico Highlands University provides music studios for audio recording, songwriting, group rehearsal, and individual practice, art studios for ceramics, painting, drawing, jewelry and metalsmithing, printmaking, sculpture, and a fully equipped art foundry.

Students in Visual and Performing Arts are joined by other students on campus and by community members in the concert choir, madrigal choir, HU Jazz Singers, wind ensemble, guitar ensemble, jazz ensemble, and mariachi, as well as four main-stage productions. The gallery at Burris Hall serves as the focal point for artistic work produced through various classes and by professional artists. The Art Club and Music Club are an active part of campus life and work to promote the arts on and off campus.

Visual Arts
The Bachelor of Fine Arts degree prepares students for a career in visual art and prepares them to advance academically. A focus on critical thinking and commitment in coursework enables students to become visually literate, technically competent, historically informed, and conceptually relevant.

The program aims to support time honored, fine art mediums, as well as contemporary art forms that merge multiple disciplines, including digital media. Art History informs students of background and traditional content issues in art. The expectation is that students will assimilate this knowledge into their practice. The program provides training in electronic media for documentation and publication purposes, which helps the student gain access to exhibition venues and academic program applications.

New Mexico Highlands University art discipline reserves the right to retain student images submitted for course credit for the purposes of education, exhibition, and promotion. Lab fees are required for all studio courses. Expenses vary from course to course and some supplies are provided from student fees.

Interdisciplinary Bachelor of Fine Arts

The fine arts and media arts BFA is designed to address a creative trend in art that combines electronic media with traditional media. This degree applies to those wishing to use multimedia for the sake of expression. The program creates a bridge between traditional and electronic media beyond the need for documentation and exhibition.

The Music Program provides a foundation in music theory, piano skills, ear training, and music history for students who choose an area of specialization such as Music Technology, Vocal Performance, Piano, or Education. Each week, students support each other in a familial atmosphere of performance in their chosen area of study at Convocation events. The Music Building has choral, instrumental, and technology spaces for group and individual practice. Music majors have 24/7 access to the piano/computer lab, the recording studios, and practice rooms.

Music majors, non-majors, and community members participate in New Mexico Highlands University Concert Choir, Madrigal Choir, Jazz Ensemble, HU Singers’ musical theater productions, and the student Mariachi Club. Each semester, recitals, concerts, and musical theater productions are presented in the historic Ilfeld Theater on campus. (Additional fees may apply for specific courses.)

New Mexico Highlands University music program is open to students with any background in music, with no auditions required. Our graduates have entered Master’s programs and professional careers in music, but may have started at Highlands with little experience in music. Recent graduates of New Mexico Highlands University music program have worked in a variety of music fields including professional performance, studio production, and as educators.

Associate of Arts in Music (AA)

To be admitted into the Music Program, the student must first complete three Audition Courses with a “C” or better in the following courses: MUSC 1210, MUSC 1230, and either MUSC 1004 or MUSC 1155, or MUSC 1008.

Required courses: 16 credit hours

MUSC 1210 Rudiments of Music (3)

MUSC 1155 Basic Songwriting (1) or MUSC 1006 Basic Voice (1) or MUSC 1008 Basic Instrument (1)

MUSC 1230 Sight Singing (3)

MUSC 1470 Class Piano 1 (1)

MUSC 1471 Class Piano 2 (1)

MUSC 1160 Theory 1 (3)

MUSC 1165 Theory 2 (3)

MUSC 1451 Aural Skills 2 (1)

Emphasis in Music Production (10 credit hours):

MUSC 2310 Music Technology (3)

MUSC 2510 Applied Music: Songwriting (2/2) (2 semesters)

MUSC 2510 Applied Music: Recording (2)

MUSC 2120 Ensemble: (any Ensemble) (1)

MUSC 1310 Recital Attendance (0/0/0) (3 semesters)

Major Total: 26 credit hours

Core Total: 35 credit hours

Extended Core: 5 credit hours

Total for Degree: 66 credit hours

* *Total units for the degree may exceed 66 credit hours if proficiency courses are required. New Mexico Highlands University requires a minimum of 66 credit hours for this degree.

Emphasis in General Music (8 credit hours):

Choose a single subject for Applied Music:

MUSC 2510 Applied Music (2/2) (2 semesters)

Choose a single subject for Ensemble:

MUSC 2120 Ensemble (1/1/1/1) (4 semesters)

MUSC 1310 Recital Attendance (0/0/0) (3 semesters)

Major Total: 24 credit hours

Core Total: 35 credit hours

Extended Core: 5 credit hours

Total for Degree: 64 credit hours

* *Total units for the degree may exceed 64 credit hours if proficiency courses are required. New Mexico Highlands University requires a minimum of 66 credit hours for this degree.

Concentration in Musical Theater (10 credit hours):

THEA 1415 Theater Practicum (1)

THEA 1220 Acting 1: The Actor Prepares (3)

MUSC 2993 Musical Theater (2)

MUSC 2510 Applied Music: Voice (2/2) (2 semesters)

MUSC 1310 Recital Attendance (0/0/0) (3 semesters)

Major Total: 26 credit hours

Core Total: 35 credit hours

Extended Core: 5 credit hours

Total for Degree: 66 credit hours

* *Total units for the degree may exceed 66 credit hours if proficiency courses are required. New Mexico Highlands University requires a minimum of 66 credit hours for this degree.

Degree Majors and Minors in Fine Art:

Bachelor of Fine Arts (Pre professional or Interdisciplinary)

Bachelor of Arts (liberal arts)

Minor in Art

Minor in Art History

Visual and Performing Arts
Major in Fine Art, Pre-Professional (BFA)

Required courses: 66 credit hours

All BFA majors are required to take coursework in the following order:

Note: No minor is required for the completion of the professional degree program (BFA) in art.

Tier 1: 9 credit hours required

ARTS 1240 Design I (3)


FDMA 1021 Visual Concepts (4)


ARTS 1610 Drawing 1 (3)

FDMA 2033 Imaging History and Production (4)

Tier 2: 12 credit hours required

ARTS 2610 Drawing 2 (3)

ARTS 1630 Painting 1 (3)

ARTS 1840 Sculpture 1 (3)

ARTS 1710 Introduction to Printmaking (3)

Tier 3: 15 credit hours required

ARTH 2110 History of Art 1 (3)

ARTH 2120 History of Art 2 (3)

Choose nine credit hours of electives

Tier 4: 12 credit hours required

ARTH 3400 Modern Art (3)

ARTH 3800 Art of the Americas (3)

ARTH 4500 Seminar in Art History (3)

ARTS 4910 Senior Colloquium (2)

ARTS 4950 B.F.A. Exhibit (1)

Electives: 18 additional credit hours required

Studio Elective Courses for BFA and BA in Fine Arts:

ARTS 1320 Ceramics 1 (3)

ARTS 1810 Jewelry and Small Metal Construction 1 (3)

ARTS 2850 Art Foundry 1 (3)

ARTS 3020 Life Drawing 1 (3)

ARTS 3210 Painting 2 (3)

ARTS 3220 Painting 3 (3)

ARTS 3310 Ceramics 2 (3)

ARTS 3350 Selected Topics in Art Studio (1-4)

ARTS 3410 Sculpture 2 (3)

ARTS 3610 Jewelry and Metalsmithing 2 (3)

ARTS 3710 Printmaking 2 (3)

ARTS 3720 Printmaking 3 (3)

ARTS 3850 Art Foundry 2 (3)

ARTS 4020 Life Drawing 2 (3)

ARTS 4220 Painting 4 (3)

ARTS 4310 Ceramics 3 (3)

ARTS 4350 Selected Topics in Art Studio (1-4)

ARTS 4410 Sculpture 3 (3)

ARTS 4420 Sculpture 4 (3)

ARTS 4610 Jewelry and Metalsmithing 3 (3)

ARTS 4720 Printmaking 4 (3)

ARTS 4850 Art Foundry 3 (3)

ARTS 4930 Directed Study in Art Studio (1-4)

ARTS 4960 Exhibit Design (3)

ARTS 4980 Professional Internship (1-4)

A maximum of three courses may be chosen from the Media Arts list totaling 9 credits:

MART 3090 Conceptual Imaging and Methods (4)

MART 3200 Color Theory (4)

MART 4140 Portfolio (4)

MART 4330 Advanced Digital Imaging (4)

MART 4430 Digital Photography (4)

MART 4405 Advanced Digital Photo (4)

MART 4950 Exhibition Design (4)

MART 4960 Advanced Exhibition Design (4)

Major Total: 66 credit hours

Core Requirements: 21 credit hours

Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours

Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours

Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours

General Electives to 120 (if needed): 1-4 credit hours

Total for degree: 120 credit hours*

*A minor is not required. The number of proficiency credit requirements will vary based on student placement scores. New Mexico Highlands University requires a minimum of 45 upper-division units for the degree.

Interdisciplinary Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA)

Required courses: 33 credit hours; elective courses: 33

Tier 1: 9 credit hours required

ARTS 1240 Design 1(3)


FDMA 1021 Visual Concepts (4)


ARTS 1610 Drawing 1 (3)

FDMA 2033 Imaging History and Production (4)

Tier 2: 21 credit hours required

ARTS 2610 Drawing 2 (3)

MART 3200 Color Theory (4)

ARTH 2110 History of Art 1 (3)

ARTH 2120 History of Art 2 (3)

Choose nine credit hours of elective courses in media arts or fine art

Tier 3: 18 credit hours required

ARTH 3400 Modern Art (3)

ARTH 3800 Art of the Americas (3)

Choose 12 credit hours of elective courses in media arts and fine art

Tier 4: 18 credit hours required

MART 4650 Advanced Media Projects (4)


ARTS 4910 Senior Colloquium (2)


ARTS 4950 BFA Exhibit 1 (1)

ARTH 4500 Seminar in History (3)

Choose 12 credit hours of elective in media arts or fine arts

Major total: 66 credit hours

Core Requirements: 21 credit hours

Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours

Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours

Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours

General Electives to 120 (if needed): 1-4 credit hours

Total for degree: 120 credit hours*

*A minor is not required. The number of proficiency credit requirements will vary based on student placement scores. New Mexico Highlands University requires a minimum of 45 upper-division units for the degree.

Major in Fine Art, Liberal Arts (BA)

Required courses: 18 credit hours; elective courses: 18 credit hours

Tier 1: 6 credit hours required

ARTS 1240 Design 1 (3)


FDMA 1021 Visual Concepts (3)


ARTS 1610 Drawing 1 (3)

Tier 2: 9 credit hours

ARTS 2610 Drawing 2 (3)

Choose six credit hours of studio electives

Tier 3: 12 credit hours

ARTH 2110 History of Art 1 (3)

ARTH 2120 History of Art 2 (3)

Choose six credit hours of studio electives

Tier 4: 9 credit hours

ARTH 3400 Modern ART (3)

Choose six credit hours of studio electives

Studio Electives courses for B.A. in Fine ARTs:

ARTS 1320 Ceramics 1 (3)

ARTS 1810 Jewelry and Small Metal Construction 1 (3)

ARTS 2850 Art Foundry 1 (3)

ARTS 3020 Life Drawing 1 (3)

ARTS 3210 Painting 2 (3)

ARTS 3220 Painting 3 (3)

ARTS 3310 Ceramics 2 (3)

ARTS 3350 Selected Topics in Art Studio (1-4)

ARTS 3410 Sculpture 2 (3)

ARTS 3610 Jewelry and Metalsmithing 2 (3)

ARTS 3710 Printmaking 2 (3)

ARTS 3720 Printmaking 3 (3)

ARTS 3850 Art Foundry 2 (3)

ARTS 4020 Life Drawing 2 (3)

ARTS 4220 Painting 4 (3)

ARTS 4310 Ceramics 3 (3)

ARTS 4350 Selected Topics in Art Studio (1-4)

ARTS 4410 Sculpture 3 (3)

ARTS 4420 Sculpture 4 (3)

ARTS 4610 Jewelry and Metalsmithing 3 (3)

ARTS 4720 Printmaking 4 (3)

ARTS 4850 Art Foundry 3 (3)

ARTS 4930 Directed Study in Art Studio (1-4)

ARTS 4960 Exhibit Design (3)

ARTS 4980 Prof Internship (1-4)

Major Total: 36 credit hours

Minor: 20 credit hours minimum

Core Requirements: 21 credit hours

Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours

Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours

Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours

General Electives to 120 (if needed): 8-14 credit hours

Total for degree: 120 credit hours*

*A minor is required. The number of proficiency credit requirements will vary based on student placement scores. New Mexico Highlands University requires a minimum of 45 upper-division units for the degree.

Minor in Art (Art Studio Emphasis)
Required courses: 15 credit hours

ARTS 1240 Design 1 (3)


FDMA 1021 Visual Concepts (3)


ARTS 1610 Drawing 1 (3)

ARTS 2610 Drawing 2 (3)

ARTH 2110 History of Art 1 (3)

ARTH 2120 History of Art 2 (3)

Electives: 9 credit hours

Studio electives: nine credit hours (six credits must be at the 3000 or 400 0level)

Minor Total: 24 credit hours

 Minor in Art History
Required courses: 21 credit hours

ARTH 1120 Introduction to Art (3)

ARTS 1240 Design 1 (3)


FDMA 1021 Visual Concepts (3)


ARTH 2110 History of Art 1 (3)

ARTH 2120 History of Art 2 (3)

ARTH 3800 Art of the Americas (3)

ARTH 3400 Modern Art (3)

ARTH 4500 Seminar in Art History (3) (Repeatable)

Minor Total: 21 credit hours

Bachelor of Arts in Music (BA) or Bachelor of Fine Arts in Music (BFA) Degrees (various concentrations)

The following courses are required for all concentrations for the BA and BFA in Music degrees.

Required core for all concentrations: 35 credit hours

MUSC 1210 Rudiments of Music (3)

Choose one:

MUS 1440 Basic Voice (1) or MUSC 1006 Basic Songwriting (1) or MUSC 1008 Basic Instrument (1)

MUSC 1230 Sight Singing (3)

MUSC 2001 Class Piano 1 (1)

MUSC 2002 Class Piano 2 (1)

MUSC 2008 Class Piano 3 (1)

MUS 1460 Theory 1 (3)

MUS 1461 Theory 2 (3)

MUS 1451 Aural Skills 2 (1)

MUSC 3110 Western ART Music to 1750 (3)

MUSC 3120 Western ART Music since 1750 (3)

MUSC 3170 Functional Piano (1)

MUSC 3180 Piano Proficiency (0)

MUSC 3220 Choral Conducting (2)

MUSC 3230 Instrumental Conducting (2)

MUSC 3310 Theory 3 (3)

MUSC 3320 Theory 4 (3)

MUSC 3330 Aural Skills 3 (1)

BA/BFA Music Core Total: 35 credit hours

Concentration in Music Education (BA)
Required Music Core (see above): 35 credit hours

Additional requirements for concentration: 26 credit hours

MUSC 2510 Applied Courses (2/2) (2 semesters)

MUSC 1310 Recital Attendance (0/0) (2 semesters)

MUSC 2120 Major Ensemble: (1/1) (2 semesters)

MUSC 3500 K-12 Music Methods (3)

MUSC 3600 Half Recital (1)

MUSC 3830 Ensemble (1/1/1/1) (4 semesters)

MUSC 4250 Instrumental Techniques (4)

MUSC 4510 Applied Music (2/2/2/2) (4 semesters)

MUSC 4690 Recital Attendance (0/0/0/0) (4 semesters)

MUSC4700 Full Recital (1)

Music BA/BFA Core: 35 credit hours

Music Education Concentration Total: 26 credit hours

Secondary Ed Minor: 28 credit hours

Secondary Education Extended Core: 14-17 credits

Core Requirements: 21 credit hours

Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours

Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours

Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours

Total for degree: 153-162 credit hours minimum*

*A minor in Secondary Education is required for state licensure, which may begin in the sophomore year. Students should choose a primary area of specialization in vocal or instrumental music. Music Education majors consult with advisors in both Music and Education. The number of proficiency credit requirements will vary based on student placement scores.

Concentration in Music Technology and Composition (BA)

Required Music Core (see above): 35 credit hours (18 upper division)

Additional requirements for concentration: 28 credit hours (17 upper division)

MUSC 2310 Sound and Music Technology (3)

MUSC 2510 Applied Courses: Songwriting (2)

MUSC 2510 Applied Courses: Recording (2)

MUSC 1310 Recital Attendance (0/0) (2 semesters)

MUSC 2120 Major Ensemble (1/1) (2 semesters)

MUSC 3600 Half Recital (1)

MUSC 3830 Ensemble (1/1/1/1) (4 semesters)

MUSC 4510 Applied Music: Songwriting (2/2) (2 semesters)

MUSC 4510 Applied Music: Arranging (2)

MUSC 4510 Applied Music: Mastering (2)

MUSC 4690 Recital Attendance (0/0/0/0) (4 semesters)

MUSC 4700 Full Recital (1)

MUSC 4750 Sound Design (3)

MUSC 4770 Music Technology Practicum (2)

Music BA/BFA Core: 35 credit hours

Technology Concentration Total: 28 credit hours

*Minor: 20 credit hours minimum

Core Requirements: 21 credit hours

Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours

Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours

Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours

Total for degree: 133-139 credit hours*

*A minor is required for this degree. At least 20 credit hours, with 10 from upper-division level (3000-4999) are required and available for the minor. The number of proficiency credit requirements will vary based on student placement scores.

Concentration in Universal Music (BA)
Required Music Core (see above): 35 credit hours (18 upper division)

Additional requirements for concentration: 23 credit hours (14 upper division)

MUSC 2310 Sound and Music Technology (3)

MUSC 2510 Applied Courses: (2/2) (2 semesters)

MUSC 1310 Recital Attendance (0/0) (2 semesters)

MUSC 2120 Major Ensemble (1/1) (2 semesters)

MUSC 3600 Half Recital (1)

MUSC 3830 Ensemble (1/1/1/1) (4 semesters)

MUSC 4510 Applied Courses: (2/2/2/2) (4 semesters)

MUSC 4690 Recital Attendance (0/0/0/0) (4 semesters)

MUSC 4700 Full Recital (1)

Music BA/BFA Core: 35 credit hours

Universal Music Concentration Total: 23 credit hours

*Minor: 20 credit hours

Core Requirements: 21 credit hours

Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours

Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours

Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours

Total for degree: 128-134 credit hours*

*A minor is required for this degree. At least 22 credit hours, with 10 from upper-division (3000-4999) are required and available for the minor. The number of proficiency credit requirements will vary based on student placement scores.

Concentration in Vocal Performance (BFA)
Required Music Core (see above): 35 credit hours (18 upper division)

Additional requirements for concentration 45 credits hours (27 upper division)

MUSC 2510 Applied Courses: Voice (2/2) (2 semesters)

MUSC 1310 Recital Attendance (0/0) (2 semesters)

MUSC 2120 Major Ensemble (1/1/1/1) (4 semesters)

MUSC 3600 Half Recital (1)

MUSC 3830 Ensemble (1/1/1/1) (4 semesters)

MUSC4120 History of Opera (3)

MUSC 4510 Applied Music: (2/2/2/2) (4 semesters required)

MUSC 4690 Recital Attendance (0/0/0/0) (4 semesters)

MUSC 4700 Full Recital (1)

Vocal Performance Electives: 19 credit hours in any Music or Theater courses

Music BA/BFA Core: 35 credit hours

Vocal Performance Concentration Total: 45 credit hours

Core Requirements: 21 credit hours

Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours

Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours

Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours

Total for degree: 130-136 credit hours*

*A minor is not required for BFA degrees. The number of proficiency credit requirements will vary based on student placement scores.

Music Production (BFA)
Required Music Core (see above): 35 credit hours (18 upper division)

Additional requirements for concentration: 36 credits (27 upper division)

MUSC 2310 Sound and Music Technology (3)

MUSC 2510 Applied Courses: Songwriting (2)

MUSC 2510 Applied Courses: Recording (2)

MUSC 1310 Recital Attendance (0/0) (2 semesters)

MUSC 2120 Ensemble (1/1) (2 semesters)

MUSC 3600 Half Recital (1)

MUSC 3830 Ensemble (1/1/1/1) (4 semesters)

MUSC 4250 Instrumental Techniques (4)

MUSC 4510 Applied Music: Songwriting (2/2) (2 semesters)

MUSC 4510 Applied Music: Arranging (2)

MUSC 4510 Applied Music: Mastering (2)

MUSC 4690 Recital Attendance (0/0/0/0) (4 semesters)

MUSC 4700 Full Recital (1)

MUSC 4750 Sound Design (3)

MUSC 4770 Music Technology Practicum (2)

MUSC 4760 Musical Theater (2/2) (2 semesters)

Music Production Electives: 9 credit hours in Music or Theater

Music BA/BFA core: 35 credit hours

Music Production concentration: 36 credit hours

Major Total: 80 credit hours

Core Requirements: 21 credit hours

Flex Requirements: 10 credit hours

Extended Requirements: 8 credit hours

Proficiency Requirements: 11-17 credit hours

Total for degree: 130-136 credit hours*

*A minor is not required for BFA degrees. The number of proficiency credit requirements will vary based on student placement scores.

Art (ARTS), Courses In

ARTS 1120. Introduction to Art (3)
In this class, students will be introduced to the nature, vocabulary, media and history of the visual arts, illustrated by examples drawn from many cultures, both Western and non-Western and across many centuries. We will begin with a general overview of the subject, including basic concepts and themes that shed light on the continuity of the artistic enterprise across the span of human experience. We will study the visual elements from which art is made, including how artists use these elements and how the artists’ use of visual elements affects our experience of looking at art. We will examine both two-dimensional and three-dimensional media including drawing, painting, printmaking, camera and computer arts, graphic design, sculpture, installation, crafts and architecture. Selected works will be examined in context, including the history of the time and place in which they were created, as well as their function, patronage, and the character and intent of individual artists.

ARTS 1145. Visual Concepts (4); Fa, Sp
An introductory course in visual literacy for both two-and three-dimensional visual arts, including the concepts of unity, emphasis, balance, scale, rhythm, line, texture, space, motion, and color. Design thinking principles will be integrated within an interactive, ideational drawing approach. Students will become acquainted with these fundamental visual concepts through the use of both manual and digital tools. Previous NMHU MART 121.

ARTS 1240. Design I (3); 2, 4
This course introduces the fundamentals of two-dimensional design as it applies to fine art and commercial contexts. Emphasis will be on basic color theory, elements of dynamic composition, vocabulary of visual arts and design, and development of visual conceptual skills. Students will use a variety of materials and techniques. Previous NMHU ART 121.

ARTS 1320. Ceramics 1 (3); 2, 4
An introduction to the medium of clay incorporating hand building and wheel throwing to introduce the student to both the sculptural and utilitarian uses of clay. The student will also be introduced to a variety of glazing and firing techniques. Prerequisites: ARTS 1240 and 2610. Previous NMHU ART 231.

ARTS 1350-4350. Selected Topics in ART (1-4 VC)
Course in a topic or topics in fine arts. May be repeated with a change of content. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ART 135-435.

ARTS 1610. Drawing 1 (3); 2, 4
This course introduces the basic principles, materials, and skills of observational drawing. Emphasis is placed on rendering a 3-D subject on a 2-D surface with visual accuracy. Other topics include historical and contemporary references as well as an investigation of linear perspective, line, value, shape, space & composition. Previous NMHU ART 202.

ARTS 1630. Painting 1 (3); 2, 4
This course introduces the tradition of painting as a medium for artistic expression. Students will investigate materials, tools, techniques, history and concepts of painting. Emphasis is placed on developing descriptive and perceptual skills, color theory, and composition. Prerequisites: ARTS 1240 and ARTS 1610. Previous NMHU ART 221.

ARTS 1710. Introduction to Printmaking (3); 2, 4
This course provides direct experience of exploring basic printmaking processes, including relief, intaglio, and monoprint processes, as well as the investigation of materials/media, tools, techniques, history, and concepts of printmaking. Emphasis is given to solving problems through thematic development while producing a portfolio of prints. Prerequisites: ARTS 1240 and 1610 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ART 271.

ARTS 1840. Sculpture 1 (3); 2, 4
This course introduces the student to a variety of medium and techniques used in the production of sculpture; along with the historic, conceptual, and esthetic foundations of the sculptural process. Prerequisites: ARTS 1240 and 1610, or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ART 241.

ARTS 1810. Jewelry and Small Metal Construction 1 (3); 2, 4
This course introduces the basic techniques, materials, and tools traditionally used in the creation of jewelry and/or small-scale sculptural objects. Prerequisites: ARTS 1240 and 1610 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ART 261.

ARTS 2610. Drawing 2 (3); 2, 4
This course introduces color and colored media as an element of composition while emphasizing descriptive and perceptual drawing skills and conceptual approaches to contemporary drawing.

A continuation of ARTS 1610, with emphasis placed on the figure, still life, landscape, and personal imagery. Prerequisite: ARTS 1610 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ART 203.

ARTS 2850. Art Foundry 1 (3); 2, 4 Su
This course provides the student with an introduction to the use of the casting process in the creation of sculpture. Both sand mold and ceramic shell casting methods will be used.

Prerequisite: ARTS 1840 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ART 285.

ARTS 2900. Independent Study (1-4 VC)
Individual study arranged with an instructor. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ART 290.

ARTS 3020. Life Drawing 1 (3); 2, 4 Alt, Fa
This is an advanced drawing class working with the human figure, the landscape, and still life. Students explore a variety of techniques, expressive, and conceptual approaches in image making. Prerequisite: ARTS 2610 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ART 302.

ARTS 3210. Painting 2 (3); 2, 4
This course is a continuation of ARTS 1630, with an introduction to advanced painting techniques and concepts through still life, landscape, and the figure. Contemporary issues in painting will be explored through lectures. Prerequisite: ARTS 1630 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ART 321.

ARTS 3220. Painting 3 (3); 2, 4
This course is a continuation of ARTS 3210, with an introduction to advanced painting techniques and concepts through still life, landscape, and the figure. Contemporary issues in painting will be explored through lectures. Prerequisite: ARTS 1630 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ART 322.

ARTS 3310. Ceramics 2 (3); 2, 4
The fundamentals of ceramic construction involving activities in pottery and sculpture, throwing, hand building, glazing, firing, and equipment design and maintenance. Prerequisite: ARTS 1320 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ART 331.

ARTS 3340–4340. Practicum (1-4 VC)
Experience in an on-or off- campus work placement. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ART 334-434.

ARTS 3410. Sculpture 2 (3); 2, 4
A continuation of ARTS 1840. Exploration of three-dimensional form in permanent materials. Prerequisite: ARTS 1840 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ART 341.

ARTS 3610. Jewelry and Metalsmithing 2 (3); 2, 4
A comprehensive study of the history, techniques, and processes used in the fabrication of jewelry and related small objects. Prerequisite: ARTS 1810 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ART 361.

ARTS 3710. Printmaking 2 (3); 2, 4
A continuation of ARTS 1710, with emphasis on advanced methods of intaglio and relief processes in color, and introduction to black and white stone lithography, including color. Prerequisite: ARTS 1710 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ART 371.

ARTS 3720. Printmaking 3 (3); 2, 4
A continuation of ARTS 3710, with emphasis placed on innovative techniques in intaglio, the art of monotype, and advanced practices in lithography including color. Attention will be highly placed on individual imagery. Prerequisite: ARTS 3710 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ART 372.

ARTS 3850. Art Foundry 2 (3); 2, 4 Su
A continuation of ARTS 2850, with an emphasis on the aesthetics of cast sculpture. Prerequisite: ARTS 2850 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ART 385.

ARTS 3900 – 4900. Independent Study: Art Studio (1-4 VC)
Individual research in a selected area of art history or criticism arranged with an instructor. Prerequisite: The appropriate 3000-level course and permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ART 390.

ARTS 4020. Life Drawing 2 (3); 2, 4 Alt, Sp
A continuation of ARTS 3020. Prerequisite: ARTS 3020 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ART 402.

ARTS 4110. Mixed Media (3); Var
Acquisition of a wide variety of skills related to the processes of mixed media production. A wide variety of media will be utilized and combined in a range of methods. Prerequisites: ARTS 1240 and ARTS 1610.

ARTS 4210. Painting 3 (3); 2, 4
This course is a continuation of ARTS 3210, with an introduction to advanced painting techniques and concepts through still life, landscape, and the figure. Contemporary issues in painting will be explored through lectures. Prerequisite: ARTS 3210 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ART 421.

ARTS 4220. Painting 4 (3); 2, 4
A continuation of ARTS 4210 with emphasis placed on an individual topic decided upon by both student and instructor resulting in a series of paintings. This course is intended for majors anticipating a BFA or BA degree in studio art. May be repeated for additional credit. Previous NMHU ART 422.

ARTS 4310. Ceramics 3 (3); 2, 4
A continuation of ARTS 3310, including firing and glaze formulation. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: ARTS 3310 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ART 431.

ARTS 4320. Ceramics 4 (3); 2, 4
A continuation of ARTS 4310, including firing and glaze formulation. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: ARTS 3310 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ART 432.

ARTS 4410. Sculpture 3 (3); 2, 4
A continuation of ARTS 3410 and an introduction to bronze casting. Prerequisite: ARTS 3410 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ART 441.

ARTS 4420. Sculpture 4 (3); 2, 4
A continuation of ARTS 4410. Development of a personal aesthetic in sculpture course intended for majors anticipating the BFA or BA degree. May be repeatable for multiple credit. Previous NMHU ART 442.

ARTS 4610. Jewelry and Metalsmithing 3 (3); 2, 4
A continuation of ARTS 3610. Prerequisite: ARTS 3610 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ART 461.

ARTS 4620. Jewelry and Metalsmithing 4 (3); 2, 4
A continuation of ARTS 4610. Prerequisite: ARTS 3610 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ART 462.

ARTS 4720. Printmaking 4 (3); 2, 4
Continuation of ARTS 3720, with emphasis placed on an individual topic decided upon by both student and instructor, resulting in a suite or series of images in print. This course is intended for majors anticipating a BFA or BA in art studio. May be repeated for additional credit. Previous NMHU ART 472.

ARTS 4850. Art Foundry 3 (3); 2, 4 Su
A continuation of ARTS 3850, with an emphasis on refining aesthetic knowledge and technical skills. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: ARTS 3850 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ART 485.

ARTS 4860. Art Foundry 4 (3); 2, 4 Su
A continuation of ARTS 3850, with an emphasis on refining aesthetic knowledge and technical skills. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: ARTS 3850 or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ART 486.

ARTS 4910. Senior Colloquium (2); Fa
This course is taken during the fall semester of the senior year of a BFA candidate. The student will make slides and prepare a portfolio and an artist’s statement. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ART 491.

ARTS 4950. BFA Exhibit (1); Sp
Preparation for exhibition of works in the student’s major area that demonstrates ability and achievement. Faculty will provide some guidance in the projects required, however, evaluation is based on an individual’s self-motivated approach. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Previous NMHU ART 495.

ARTS 4960. Exhibit Design (3)
Students will participate in mounting a multimedia exhibit on a topic in fine arts. Previous NMHU ART 496.

ARTS 4980. Professional Internship (1–6 VC)
A student will work under the joint supervision of a work supervisor and an art faculty member at an on- or off-campus site. Previous NMHU ART 498.

Art History (ARTH), Courses In

ARTH 2110. History of Art 1 (3); Fa
This survey course explores the art and architecture of ancient pre-historic cultures through the end of the fourteenth century. While focused primarily on the art of the Western civilizations, this course will also provide insights into the works of other major cultures in order to provide alternate views of art and history. Emphasis will be placed on the relationship of artworks to political, social, spiritual, intellectual, and cultural movements that affect and are affected by their creation and development. Previous NMHU AH 210.

ARTH 2120. History of Art 2 (3); Sp
This survey course will explore the architecture, sculpture, ceramics, paintings, drawings, and glass objects from the 14th century to the modern era. While focused primarily on the art of the Western civilizations, this course will also provide insights into the works of other major cultures in order to provide alternate views of art and history. Emphasis will be placed on the relationship of artworks to political, social, spiritual, intellectual, and cultural movements that affect and are affected by their creation and development. Previous NMHU AH 211.

ARTH 3400. Modern Art (3); Sp
A survey of European and American art from the late eighteenth century until the present. Major artists and trends in painting, sculpture, photography, and architecture will be discussed, with particular emphasis on personality and innovation. Previous NMHU AH 340.

ARTH 3800. Art of the Americas (3); Fa
A survey of the arts of the Americas, covering the pre-Columbian indigenous cultures, Hispanic colonial presence, and contemporary Native American and Hispanic arts. Previous NHHU AH 380.

ARTH 3900–4900. Independent Study (1-4 VC)
Individual research in a selected area of art history or criticism arranged with an instructor. Prerequisites: ARTH 2110 and ARTH 2120, or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU AH 390-490.

ARTH 4500. Seminar in Art History (3) Sp
Seminar course in a topic or topics of art history. May be repeated with a change of content. Prerequisites: ARTH 2110 and ARTH 2120, or permission of instructor. Previous NMHU AH 450.

Music (MUS) Course Descriptions

MUSC 1040. Basic Voice (1); Fa, Sp
A study of the fundamentals of singing technique and vocal production. Repertoire will be drawn from “classical,” Broadway, and folk traditions.

MUSC 1080. Basic Instrument (1); Fa, Sp
A study of the fundamentals of instrumental music performance, including scales, arpeggios, practice habits, rehearsal etiquette, and solo and chamber repertoire that elevates the student’s skill. 

MUSC 1130. Music Appreciation: Western Music (3); Fa, Sp
This course explores the ideas of music in society and its cultural relevance and is designed to increase the students’ appreciation of music as well as to enhance their listening skills. Students are introduced to various periods, styles, and composers of music and become acquainted with knowledge and appreciation of Western music from various cultures and times. Previous NMHU MUS 100.

MUSC 1155. Basic Songwriting (1); Fa, Sp
Study of the fundamentals of songwriting, including song form, the writing of lyrics, and song accompaniment styles. Previous NMHU MUS 106. 

MUSC 1160. Music Theory 1 (3); Sp
Introduces the fundamentals of tonal harmony and voice leading, focusing on four-voice writing and analysis of excerpts from music literature. Previous NMHU MUS 211.

MUSC 1165 Music Theory 2 (3); Fa
Continuation of Music Theory I. Covers principles of harmony and voice leading, using all common diatonic triads and seventh chords. Introduces modulation, contrapuntal chord functions, and elementary structural analysis of excerpts from music literature. Prerequisite: MUSC 1160. Previous NMHU MUS 213. 

MUSC 1210. Fundamentals of Music for Non-majors (3); Fa, Sp
A beginning course in the fundamentals of music, this course includes notation, scales, key signatures and intervals. Aural comprehension is introduced through singing intervals, scales and triads and dictating simple rhythmic and melodic patterns and students explore the basic components of music. Previous NMHU MUS 101. 

MUSC 1230. Sight Singing (3); Fa, Sp
Enables the student to sing written melodies at first sight without the aid of a musical instrument. Topics include reading rhythmic notation, recognizing key signatures, seeing melodies as part of a scale, and learning the sounds of musical intervals. Previous NMHU MUS 144. 

MUSC 1310. Recital Attendance (0); Fa, Sp
This course is for music students to attend and participate in a good number of convocation, concert, and recital performances, creating a wider appreciation for the performing arts. Previous NMHU MUS 260. 

MUSC 1385. Aural Skills 2 (1); Fa
Continues to increase skills in melodic, harmonic and rhythmic dictation and sight singing. Corequisite: MUSC 1461 or 1471. 

MUSC 1440. Basic Voice (1); Fa, Sp
A study of the fundamentals of singing technique and vocal production. Repertoire will be drawn from “classical,” Broadway, and folk traditions.

MUSC 1470. Functional Piano I (1); Fa, Sp
Scales, chords, memorization. Harmonization of simple melodies with the ability to play simple melodies and rhythms. May be taken for unlimited credit. Restricted to music majors. No S/U option. Prerequisites: MUSC 1210, MUSC 1230 or instructor permission. Corequisite: MUS 211 or instructor permission. 

MUSC 1471. Functional Piano II (1); Fa, Sp
Scales, chords, memorization. Harmonization of simple melodies with the ability to play simple melodies and rhythms. May be taken for unlimited credit. Restricted to music majors. No S/U option. Prerequisite: MUS 201. 

MUSC 1472. Piano Class 3 (1); Sp
Chord progressions, sight-reading and harmonization with extended repertoire. Preference given to students seeking a degree in music. Prerequisites: MUS 2020. 

MUSC 1510. Applied Courses (2cr or 4cr); 0, 1-2, Fa, Sp
These courses are not expected to transfer and students will have to take a placement test upon transfer. For music majors and minors only. Private study in composition, songwriting, voice, piano, guitar, strings, woodwind, brass, and percussion. Students receive one, 30-minute lesson per week for each two credit hours and perform before a jury at the end of the semester. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Permission of Instructor. Corequisites: MUSC 1310 or 4690 and MUSC 2120 or 4830.

MUSC 2060. Guitar Class (1); 0, 2 Var
Introduction to guitar performances in all styles. Includes basic guitar performance technique, music reading, choral accompaniment, and melody playing. 

MUSC 2070. Guitar Class 2 (1); 0, 2 Var
A continuation of Music 206. Intermediate-level study of guitar technique, and exploration of various styles of guitar performance. Prerequisite: MUS 206 or permission of instructor.

MUSC 2310. Sound and Music Technology (3); Fa, Sp
This course serves as an overview of current technologies and principles for the recording and production of sound, and the use of computer-based technologies for the production of music. May be repeated for credit. Previous NMHU MUS 220. 

MUSC 2350–4350. ST: Selected Topic in Music (1 –4 VC); Var
Course in a topic or topics in music. May be repeated with change of content. Previous NMHU MUS 235-435. 

MUSC 2510. Applied Courses (2-4 VC); Fa, Sp
These courses are not expected to transfer and students will have to take a placement test upon transfer. For music majors only. Individualized study in a focused area of music where students receive one 30-minute lesson per week, per each two credit hours. Performances or presentations in convocations and final jury are required. Repeated courses vary according to degree requirements. A major course on skills and knowledge in the areas of studio and live recording techniques for voice, instruments, microphone selection and placement. Prerequisite: Instructor permission. 

MUSC 2110. Chamber Ensemble: (1-2 VC); Fa, Sp
This course is an exploration of chamber ensembles, allowing students to develop their abilities with their instruments in a group setting. Students will gain a broader understanding of chamber ensemble through study of musical history, as well as various practice exercises and performances. 

MUSC 2120. Major Ensemble: (1-2 VC); Fa, Sp
This course is an exploration of major ensembles, allowing students to develop their abilities with their instruments in a group setting. Students will gain a broader understanding of major ensemble through study of musical history, as well as various practice exercises and performances. 

MUSC 2610. Accompaniment Resource (1); Fa, Sp
The student meets with a piano accompanist for 30 minutes each week. Available only for music majors taking Applied Music Lesson in voice, brass, woodwinds, or composition. Previous NMHU MUS 288.

MUSC 2810. Pro Tools Fundamentals (2); Var
Covers the basic principles of digital music production, recording and editing, from initial setup to final mixdown. Involves recording instruments, recording vocals, MIDI sequencing, audio looping, this Pro Tools. Upon successful completion of exams, the “User” level certificate will be available from Avid. 

MUSC 2900–4900. Independent Study (1 – 4 VC); 1-4, 0 Var
Individual study arranged with an instructor. May not replace a course listed in the catalog. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Previous NMHU MUS 290-490. 

MUSC 2993. Workshop (2); Fa, Sp
Study, translation, analysis, rehearsal and performance of opera. May be repeated up to 10 credits. Restricted to Las Cruces campus only. 

MUSC 3110. Western Art Music to 1750 (3); 3, 0 Var
An overview of the history of Western art music from the ancient world through the Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque periods. Prerequisites: MUSC 1130 and 1210. Previous NMHU MUS 311. 

MUSC 3120. Western Art Music Since 1750 (3), 3, 0 Var
An overview of the history of Western art music from pre-Classical periods to the present. Prerequisites: MUSC 1130, 1210 and 1165. Previous NMHU MUS 312. 

MUSC 3170. Functional Piano (1); Var
Score reading on the piano and harmonic study through practical applications. Prerequisites: MUS 2080, 3310, and 3330. Corequisites: MUSC 3180 and 3320. Previous NMHU MUS 317. 

MUSC 3180. Piano Proficiency (0); Var
Score reading on the piano and harmonic study through practical applications. Prerequisite: MUS 1472. Corequisite: MUSC 3170. May be repeated with permission of the instructor, with a grade of B or better in Functional Piano without retaking MUSC 3170. Previous NMHU MUS 318. 

MUSC 3200. Diction for Singers (2); 2, 0 Var
A course in the proper pronunciation of German, French, and Italian. Prerequisite: Voice Class. Previous NMHU MUS 320. 

MUSC 3220. Choral Conducting (2); 2, 0 Var
This course focuses on techniques in rehearsal and performance settings of choral ensembles. Topics include: baton technique, score analysis, rehearsal techniques, and performance preparation. Includes experience conducting a public choral ensemble performance. Prerequisite: MUSC 1461 or instructor permission. Previous NMHU MUS 322. 

MUSC 3230. Instrumental Conducting (2); 2, 0; Alt, Fa
This course focuses on techniques in rehearsal and performance settings of choral ensembles. Topics include: baton technique, score analysis, rehearsal techniques, and performance preparation. Includes experience conducting a public instrumental ensemble performance. Prerequisite: MUSC 1461 or instructor permission. Previous NMHU MUS 323. 

MUSC 3310. Theory 3 (3); 3, 0 Sp
Study of harmonic function in chromatic music, particularly focusing on modulation and advanced harmonic structures. Prerequisite: MUS 1461. Corequisites: MUSC 1472 and 3330. Previous NMHU MUS 331. 

MUSC 3320. Theory 4 (3); 3, 0 Fa
Exploration of theories and techniques of the 19th and 20th century composition. Prerequisite: MUSC 3310. Previous NMHU MUS 332. 

MUSC 3330. Aural Skills 3 (1); Sp
Continues to increase skills in melodic, harmonic and rhythmic dictation and sight singing. Prerequisite: MUS 232. Corequisite: MUSC 1460 and 3310. Previous NMHU MUS 333. 

MUSC 3500. K-12 Music Methods (3); Var
This courses explores music education methods of instruction and course planning in the context of primary and secondary education. Includes classroom management strategies with cultural sensitivity required of K-12 music educators. Prerequisite: MUSC 1460 or instructor permission. Previous NMHU MUS 350.

MUSC 3600. Half Recital (1); 1, 0 Fa, Sp
The student will prepare a 30-minute public recital. Music technology and composition students may include a presentation of both recorded and live music. Composition students may include some computer realizations in addition to a significant proportion of live performances. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor; four semesters of corresponding applied music lessons, MUSC 1471, 1461, and 3110 or 3120. Corequisites: Applied Music with the same focus as the recital performance for MUSC 251 or 4510 and MUSC 1310 or 4690. Previous NMHU MUS 360. 

MUSC 3760-4760. Musical Theatre (2); Fa, Sp
Participation in a current musical theatre production in an on-stage voice role. Assignments vary from production to production. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Previous NMHU MUS 276-476. 

MUSC 3810. Pro Tools Production (2); Var
Covers techniques for operating a professional Pro Tools Ultimate system or advanced home studio. Develop advanced skills in editing, mixing, session management, control surfaces, and automation in Pro Tools Ultimate. Upon successful completion of exams, the “Operator” level certificate will be available from Avid. Prerequisite: MUSC 2810. 

MUS 3830–4830. Ensemble (1-2 VC); Fa, Sp
Musical performance in large- and small-group contexts, both choral and instrumental. See the Schedule of Classes for a list of ensembles offered during any given semester or summer session. Course may be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. 

MUSC 4000. Audition (3); 3, 3 Var
Explore audition techniques and preparation for community, University, and professional music theater. Prerequisite: One semester of acting class (theater) and one semester of voice class (music). Previous NMHU MUS 400. 

MUSC 4120. The History of Opera (3); Var
An overview of the history of opera. Previous NMHU MUS 412. 

MUSC 4250. Instrumental Techniques (4); Var
Study of performing and teaching techniques of instruments of the band and orchestra. Previous NMHU MUS 425.

MUSC 4500. Seminar in Music (1–4 VC); Var
Seminar course in a topic or topics in music. Previous NMHU MUS 450. 

MUSC 4510. Applied Music (2-4 VC); 0, 1-2, Fa, Sp
For music majors and minors only: Private study in composition, songwriting, voice, piano, guitar, strings, woodwind, brass, and percussion. Students received one, 25-30 minute lesson per week for each credit hour and perform before a jury at the end of the semester. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Corequisites: MUSC 1310 or 4690 and MUSC 2120 or 4830. Previous NMHU MUS 451. 

MUSC 4690. Recital Attendance (0); Fa, Sp
Music students attend and participate in a variety of convocation, concert, and recital performance, creating a wider appreciation for the performing arts. Previous NMHU MUS 469. 

MUSC 4700. Full Recital (1); 2, 0 Fa, Sp
The student prepares a 60-minute public recital, a culmination of their studies in Applied Music. Prerequisite: instructor permission. Previous NMHU MUS 470. 

MUSC 4710. History of Jazz (3); 3, 0 Var
Study of the origins and development of jazz from traditional New Orleans jazz through big band swing, bebop, and contemporary styles. Satisfies the fine arts requirement in the general education core. Previous NMHU MUS 471. 

MUSC 4750. Sound Design (3); Var
This course is a study of the advanced elements of sound design. Includes the historical background of sound synthesis, use of the lexicon of electronic sound generation, acquisition of the skills of sound synthesis, computer sound generation, sampling, and digital audio editing.This course is for students with an interest in composition, audio recording, and sound effects for video, film, and games; suitable for music majors, minors, and non-majors. Prerequisite: MUSC 2310 or instructor permission. Previous NMHU MUS 475. 

MUSC 4770. Music Technology Practicum (2); 0, 2 Var
Practical experience in the recording studio, working and communicating elements of recording and digital audio editing issues with students as clients, troubleshooting problems with computers and computer software, using critical thinking to solve technical issues that often arise in the studio, researching technical issues using the Internet. Prerequisite: MUSC 2310, with a grade of B or higher. Previous NMHU MUS 477. 

MUSC 4810. Pro Tools Advanced Music Production (2); Var
Highly advanced editing and mixing techniques, advanced control surfaces, troubleshooting techniques, automation and various complex plug-in processes covered. An emphasis on the skill of tactile control, also known as the memorization of “keyboard shortcuts” is stressed. A tactile exam and an online exam are required to earn the “Expert” level certificate from Avid. Prerequisite: MUSC 2810 and 3810.

Theater (THEA), Courses in

THEA 1110. Introduction to Theater (3); Var
This course provides an introduction to the study of theatre. Students will examine various components that comprise theatre, such as acting, directing, playwriting, dramaturgy, scenic and costume design, stagecraft, spectatorship, history, theory, and criticism. Previous NMHU THEA 100. 

THEA . Theater Practicum (3); Var
Students learn about backstage and front of house production positions and work on a technical aspect of a production in a rehearsal and performance environment.

THEA 3340-4340. Theater Practicum (3); Var
This course involves technical participation in theater shows working as set crew, light crew, stagehand, running crew, etc. The student must put in labor hours arranged with the instructor. Previous NMHU THEA 134-434.

THEA 1220. Beginning Acting (3); Var
This course serves as an introduction to the theory and practice of acting. Students will learn various terms, techniques, and practices of acting and will demonstrate their understanding in class. Through exercises and improvisations, partnered scenes, and group work, students will be better able to appreciate the work of others as they learn techniques of performing. Previous NMHU THEA 271. 

THEA 2220. Intermediate Acting (3); Var
Provides students with the opportunity to deepen physical, vocal, imaginative, and collaborative skills to which they were exposed in Beginning Acting. During the course of the semester, students will be introduced to techniques for working on script and character analysis, moment-to moment work, physical transformation, breath work, and truthful playing of the scene. Prerequisite: THEA 1220. Previous NMHU THEA 272.