Club Responsibilities

As a chartered club/organization, you are required to:

  1.  Maintain the profile for your respective club or organization on Engage, including your officer and membership lists
  2.  Accept responsibility for the supervision of events sponsored by their respective club or organization
  3.  Accept responsibility for assuring that facilities are used for the purpose(s) for which they were requested
  4.  Accept responsibility for reimbursing the university for any damage to said property
  5.  All chartered clubs or organizations are required to have an account with the Foundation office. Under no circumstances are clubs or organizations allowed to have an external, off-campus bank account. Any groups or organizations not abiding by this stipulation may face revocation of their charter.
  6.  Clubs or organizations are to represent the university in an appropriate manner and must adhere to all policies and procedures as outlined in the NMHU Student Code of Conduct, as well as all applicable local, state and federal laws. Failure to adhere to these stipulations may result in revocation of a group’s charter.
  7.  The Student Development Coordinator is responsible for monitoring the actions of student clubs and organizations. Members representing clubs or organizations are accountable for their actions and may be charged with violations to the Student Code of Conduct as individuals and/or as an organization. Further action may be taken by the Dean of Students as necessary.

Professional Development & Service Requirements

Leadership and professional development workshops are offered by the Center for Professional Development & Career Readiness throughout the academic year. All members of chartered clubs or organizations are invited to attend the workshops. It is required that each club attend at least two workshops per semester. Officers and/or advisors may be asked to attend additional workshops or trainings throughout the academic year. If a club or organization is unable to attend any of the workshops, they must present a valid excuse to the Student Development Coordinator and arrange a time to meet with them. A schedule of the workshops will be released at the beginning of each academic year to all club officers and advisors.

All members of chartered clubs or organizations are required to complete 4 hours of community service each semester. Club officers and advisors are responsible for ensuring that their members complete this stipulation. Service hours may be completed individually or as groups. Submit your service hours on Engage.

Privileges of chartered student clubs/organizations

A chartered club or organization is an organization that is officially recognized by New Mexico Highlands University. Chartered clubs or organizations benefit from additional privileges provided by the university and the Center for Professional Development & Career Readiness,

including access to consultation and advising sessions, leadership and professional development workshops, and recognition for student leaders. Additional privileges include the following:

  1.  Use of most NMHU facilities free of charge
  2.  Access to campus resources
  3.  Conduct on-campus fundraising activities
  4.  Be recognized in Highlands publications
  5.  Advertising on the Portal, digital signage, and Engage
  6.  Use the Highlands name in publicity
  7.  Apply for funding from the Associated Students of New Mexico Highlands University (ASNMHU)

For more information, contact the Student Development Coordinator at