Photo by Sean Weaver
Local dance groups and musicians will be featured at this year’s College Night at the Abe Montoya Recreation Center.

College Night 2011: Feb. 9 at Abe Montoya Rec Center 

New Mexico Highlands University and Luna Community College will sponsor the 12th annual College Night 2011 on Feb. 9 from 5 — 7:30 p.m. at the Abe Montoya Recreation Center at 1751 North Grand Ave. in Las Vegas.   

“College Night gives high school students a chance to talk to faculty, and gather information about different disciplines and career paths,” said Gil Gonzalez, director of recruitment for Highlands University. “We also want students to know about the changes that are coming in financial aid packages so they can maximize their opportunities to help fund their higher education.”  
Gonzalez said an important goal of College Night is to help first-generation college students from Northern New Mexico navigate all aspects of college enrollment.
“We want College Night to help students transition successfully into higher education,” Gonzales said.
Highlands University will have about 40 academic departments with information tables at college night. The university will also have information tables for student organizations such as the Student Ambassadors, the Student Senate, and the Native American Club.
Luna Community College will also have about 40 information tables at College Night.
Mardi Gras is the theme for College Night, with traditional Mardi Gras finger food served in a free light buffet.
“Every information table will give Mardi Gras beads to people who visit their table,” said Jenny Arguello, who works in the Highlands University Recruitment Office and organizes college night each year. “Participants who collect beads from 15 tables will get a free college night T-shirt.”
Entertainment for College Night includes the local youth ballet folklorico Los Zapateados, along with Highlands University dance groups like Los Rumberos salsa club.
Last year more than 600 participants from across northern New Mexico attended college night to learn about programs at Highlands and Luna.
Registration is not required for College night. For more information, call Highlands at 505-454-3593 or Luna at 505-454-5312.