Las Vegas, N.M. – Prospective college students can learn about career opportunities related to fields of study and more at College Night 2016 Oct. 26 from 5–8 p.m. in Las Vegas.
Highlands University and Luna Community College are sponsoring the 17th Annual College Night. It will be in Highlands’ Student Union Building Ballroom, 800 National Ave. It is free and open to the public.
“College Night is a great opportunity for students to learn about our academic programs at Highlands and Luna,” said Jessica Jaramillo, director of student recruitment and undergraduate admissions at Highlands. “Students will have the chance to meet with faculty and staff from both institutions and explore their career interests.”
Jaramillo said financial aid staff from Highlands and Luna will be on hand to share information about the financial aid process.
“Something that’s new this year is that students can complete their FAFSA, the free application for federal student aid, online as of Oct. 1 this year rather than Jan. 1 as in past years. We encourage students to apply early for FAFSA,” Jaramillo said.
The U.S. Department of Education’s FAFSA website is at
The information fair at College Night includes information tables for Highlands University and Luna Community College academic departments, as well as programs and services for students. A number of community organizations will also staff information tables.
“Last year we had more than 500 prospective students participate at College Night and are anticipating even more this year. In addition to sharing helpful information about college, another goal for College Night is to increase enrollment at both institutions,” Jaramillo said.
She said the partnership with the New Mexico MESA program helps boost College Night attendance each year. MESA stands for mathematics, engineering and science achievement.
With Halloween around the corner, the theme again this year for College Night is Monster Ball. There will be free finger foods in a light buffet.
Local sponsors for College Night 2016 include Alta Vista Hospital Regional Hospital, Fort Union Drive-In, Days Inn, Best Western, Pino’s Quick Lube Center, State Employees Credit Union and AHEC, the Area Health Education Centers program at Luna.
Students may register for College Night 2016 online at For more information, call Highlands at 505-454-3594 or Luna at 505-454-2550.