CARES Telework Continuity of Services Plan

Main campus:

CARES staff on main campus in Las Vegas are currently providing support in person and through Zoom.

CARES staff will be available for individual contact in person and through Zoom. Students needing this service should call CARES staff at the contact information below for a link. CARES staff will provide programming in person. Information regarding programming will be distributed the MYNMHU portal under the announcement sections. 

Statewide centers
CARES staff in the statewide centers will be accessed through zoom. Center staff and students are advised to contact Mr. Leon Bustos directly via email for assistance as needed.

Crisis calls main campus:

On the main campus CARES staff will be available to assist campus police as necessary.

The on-call schedule will continue to be distributed to Campus police and Residence Hall staff as needed.

CARES staff will rely on the campus police initial assessment and provide telephone assistance directly to the student whenever possible.

In-person assistance to students will be offered only if appropriate with CARES staff maintaining all necessary distance recommendations at residence halls in a private area identified by residence hall staff.

Students in need of referrals for behavioral or medical health issues will be referred to El Centro Student Health Services by CARES staff and directed to follow-up with student health staff once contact has been made.

Student health will be open Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Pam Trujillo from El Centro Student Health Services can be reached at 505-426-4191 for students who have questions.

Students transported to the hospital will be contacted via telephone by CARES staff and receive follow-up via phone post discharge depending on the outcome.

Please note: CARES staff will not be accompanying any students to the hospital. Alta Vista Hospital is restricting access due to the outbreak.

Leon Bustos, Director of Health Education and Wellness:
Phone: 505-454-3445
Email: leonbustos@nmhu.edu