Photo of two counselors chatting.

Robertson High School guidance counselors Jennifer Armijo, left, and Desiree Martinez talk at the Counselor’s Workshop at Highlands Oct. 18. Photo by Margaret McKinney / University Relations

October 18, 2019

Las Vegas, N.M. – New Mexico high school counselors, community college advisers, and tribal education leaders learned more about what New Mexico Highlands University has to offer at a free workshop Oct. 18.

“Our intent is for these professionals to gain first-hand experience into the support services and academic opportunities at Highlands as well as gain insight into campus life through the eyes of a student,” said Jane Clark, campus visit specialist at Highlands. “Our hope is that these attendees can use this experience to better guide the students they serve.”

The workshop included many campus leaders such as Kimberly Blea, dean of students; Ruthy Watson, HU­–CARES director; and Kelly Trujillo, director of Achieving in Research, Math and Science (ARMAS).

The all-day gathering also featured the Highlands Undergraduate Enrichment (HUE) program, and the offices of Financial Aid, Career Services, and Admissions. Campus tours were offered to participants.

A panel of current Highlands students made a presentation, as did students from the Native American Club.

“Our students offer tremendous firsthand insight into the wealth of information the participating counselors received today,” Clark said.

Nora Mendoza, an adviser for math, science and engineering at Central New Mexico Community College, participated in the event.

“The biggest opportunity at the workshop today is to learn more about Highlands University’s transfer pathways,” Mendoza said. “I’m trying to steer our CNMM students to environmental science programs of study at Highlands.”

Clark said, “This is the fourth year we’ve presented the counselors workshop and it’s a successful event.”

The Highlands Office of Admissions sponsored the event in collaboration with the campus community. For more information, call Clark at 505-454-3472.