LAS VEGAS – With a gift of $130,000 more than 30 years ago, Ken Crimmin has made it possible for generations of Highlands students from Las Vegas succeed in college.
The Ken and Sue Crimmin Memorial Scholarship is typically awarded to six graduating seniors from Robertson High School and West Las Vegas High School, chosen by a five-member committee.
“We are grateful for the foresight of Mr. Crimmin in establishing the fund and for the service of the Crimmin committee in recommendation of deserving students,” said Theresa Law, Highlands’ vice president for advancement and executive director of the Highlands Foundation.
Law said since the initial gift of $130,000, the scholarship fund has grown since the initial gift, made in September 1985, to more than $600,000 and has helped scores of students pay for tuition and books through scholarships funded through the interest generated from the endowment. The scholarship fund was one of the first gifts made to the Highlands Foundation.
“It is extremely important to me that Highlands is an accessible institution to all students who strive to live a life of deep meaning and purpose,” said Highlands President Sam Minner. “The Crimmins Scholarship is an important component of helping many Las Vegas students in the past, now, and in the future succeed.” Minner said donor scholarships serve and important role for students beyond helping pay for college.
“Knowing there’s someone out there who believes in you and wants you to succeed is a great motivation for students,” Minner said.
Ken Crimmin joined the U.S. Army in the late 1930s on the brink of World War II. When the Army established Camp Luna in Las Vegas, Crimmin managed the commissary. His wife Sue joined him in Las Vegas and worked for many years at Highlands. Later, Ken purchased the Las Vegas Credit Bureau, which he operated profitably for many years.
“He was determined that their money be used to help local students achieve their educational goals,” said Chris Martínez, adviser and past chairperson for the Ken and Sue Crimmin Scholarship Committee. “He loved the Las Vegas community and wanted to give back through the scholarship endowment. The beauty of this scholarship is that we just use the interest on the endowment and never touch the principle.”
To be eligible for the scholarship, a student must be a graduating senior from at Robertson or West Las Vegas high schools, have a G.P.A of 3.0 or better. To apply for the scholarship, students can log on to