Mac Program Requirements

MArt 600 Principles of Media Art & Computer Science 3
MArt 610 Synthesis of Media Arts & Computer Science 3
MArt 620 Advanced Project Development 3
MArt 697
MArt 699
Field Project
Required core: 15


Choose 21 credit hours (seven courses) from the following courses, from any approved graduate level course in computer science, mathematics, or media arts. At least one of the courses must be in a discipline other than the area of concentration. Students may be able to add courses from psychology, education, art, music or other disciplines, depending on interests. Students working toward a master of science degree must choose courses from computer science, mathematics, or from a discipline offering a master of science degree.


MArt 510 Media Law and Ethics 3
MArt 518 Principles of Multimedia 3
MArt 526 Multimedia Project Management 3
MArt 527 Web Production Workshop 3
MArt 528 Principles of Game Design 3
MArt 529 Adv Game Design 3
MArt 567 Character Animation 3
MArt 566 Designing Physical Interfaces 3
MArt 545 Screenwriting 3
MArt 562 Video Effects 3
MArt 563 Video Animation 3
MArt 566 Audio for Video, Radio, and Animation 3
MArt 568 Adv Lightwave Modeling 3
MArt 569 Adv Video Animation 3
MArt 533 Digital Imaging 3
MArt 545 Electronic Photography 3
MArt 573 Typography 3
MArt 517 Publication Design 3
MArt 595 Exhibition Design 1 3
MArt 596 Advanced Exhibition Design 3
MArt 597 Exhibition Internship 3
MArt 513 Non-linear Editing 3
Program total: 36