
Denise Montoya

September 5, 2019

Las Vegas, N.M. –Denise Montoya, the department of human resources director at New Mexico Highlands, has completed the 2019 HERS Institute, a leadership development offering provided by HERS (Higher Education Resource Services).

Montoya joined 63 competitively selected women leaders from across the United States and Canada to take part in the intensive leadership development program at the School of Mines in Golden, Colorado.

“The HERS Institute experience created a deeper understanding of the national complexities that exist in higher education today that need to be resolved with innovative solutions,” Montoya said. “The program connected me to women leaders across the nation who are passionate about reimagining higher education in the 21st century, specifically for first generation, low income minority students.”

Montoya is going into her fourth year as the Human Resources director at Highlands. For 2018 through 2019, she is serving as a Presidential Leadership Fellow at the university. Highlands President Sam Minner appointed Montoya to this leadership position.

According to HERS, the organization was founded nearly 50 years ago to fill leadership pipelines across the United States with dynamic women, each capable of ushering their respective institutions into a more inclusive and equitable future.

To date, more than 1,400 institutions of higher education are represented within the HERS Network.