The second in a 2-part series on the opiod crisis.
Thursday, February 18 and Thursday, February 25
5:30 to 7 p.m. via Zoom: us for a two-part series on the opioid crisis and treatment interventions, presented by Dr. Bruce Trigg.
Dr. Bruce Trigg is a pediatrician, public health physician, and addiction medicine consultant. He worked for the New Mexico Department of Health for 25 years where he helped to implement one of the first statewide harm reduction programs in the U.S.
Dr. Trigg will present two in-depth sessions describing the epidemiology of addiction in New Mexico and nationally; the scientific basis for using medications to treat addiction; the need to expand access to harm reduction interventions for people who use drugs; and how to address stigma and work to end the racialized war on drugs and mass incarceration.
The content will be relevant to behavioral health, social service and medical providers who work with people who use drugs, and for anyone who has friends, neighbors or family members impacted by the opioid epidemic.
Sponsored by the Facundo Valdez School of Social Work, School of Education, Counseling Department, and the Center for Teaching Excellence.
For more information, contact Lori Rudolph, Professor of Counseling at