The Strategic Planning committee invites you to attend a forum to initiate the process for developing the strategic plan for graduate education at NMHU. The current enrollment trends indicate that graduate (and professional) students accounted for 35% of total enrollment for the Fall (n=1224) and 38% of Spring enrollment (n=1254).
Graduate education is multifaceted at NMHU; we have students working to earn the credentials required for professional licensure and those earning the MA/MS for either employment or as a step toward a doctoral program. Some of our graduate students are enrolled in on-line programs while others attend lectures and working side-by-side with the faculty.
The purpose of this forum is to take a moment and reflect upon the strengths and weaknesses of our graduate programs and from that perspective begin the work of envisioning how we would like them to appear in the year 2020.
Broadly speaking, the following questions will be addressed:
These and other issues related to graduate education will be explored in a three way conversation: those attending the forum, Linda LaGrange (Dean of Graduate Studies), and graduate coordinators from several programs.
Questions will be addressed to various parties via a moderator. If you have a particular question you would like to propose, please share it with the Strategic Planning Committee.
Come and participate in a lively discussion about the strategic plan for graduate education.