Financial Aid Made Easy
Our office staff is here to help you! You are not a number to us at New Mexico Highlands University, you are a very important person who has chosen Highlands as your school!
Here are some general hints for a pain-free financial aid process:
- Apply early for financial aid. Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as soon as possible. Priority consideration is March 1. We recommend using the internet to complete the process as it provides built-in edits to help prevent error, and a faster turn around time. Once you complete the application at, you will immediately receive your eligibility indicator (your Expected Family Contribution or EFC).
- Apply early (January through March) for fall admission and register early for classes (as soon as early registration for the semester is open). You must be registered for classes to receive your financial aid.
- Ask questions. It’s our job to answer them.
- Complete your file as soon as possible, and bring in requested documents promptly. Always check the status of your application online. (View Status on-line 24 hours a day/ seven days a week at select My NMHU and enter secure area)
- Keep a log of all activities regarding your submission of paperwork or conversations with staff. Keep accurate notes.
- Be patient, especially at the beginning of the semester, when everyone is trying to get help or money.
- We recommend calling ahead to set up an appointment. If you stop by without an appointment, and your financial aid adviser is busy, you may have to wait to be seen. For special needs, ask to see the director, associate or assistant director of financial aid.
- Be sure that your final high school transcripts are sent to the admissions office after graduation and that your transcripts from other colleges are submitted (if applicable).
- Expect to hear about scholarships beginning in April and about Financial Aid Packages in May. You should hear about your entire Financial Aid Package in early June, although scholarships and loans will continue to be awarded until all existing funds are used.
- For those seeking spring semester aid, expect to hear shortly after your FAFSA process has been completed.
- Most Financial Aid for the Fall and Spring semesters will be disbursed to your account at the business office on the third Friday after classes starts (assuming you have received notice of an award). Your aid is first applied to the balance you owe the university. If any funds remain, you will be issued a check, which must be picked up from the cashier’s office. Be sure to bring proper identification.
- If you do not receive notice of an expected disbursement, call a financial aid officer for help. If there is a hold on your account that prevents you from registering, contact either the registrar’s office or business office, depending on the nature of the hold.
Survival Tips
An education is a privilege and your responsibility. Therefore, you are expected to contribute toward your education to the best of you and your family’s abilities. Financial aid is only a supplement to help meet some of the costs associated with your education.
- Financial aid representatives are here to help, utilize this great resource!
- Read and be aware of financial aid programs and processes.
- Understand your rights, responsibilities, and the implications of all forms you sign.
- Keep copies of all documents submitted to the financial aid office and note the dates submitted.
- Take responsibility for your part in the financial aid process, and ensure yourself of the most aid possible by being prompt, organized, and alert.
- Read the university catalog and course schedule thoroughly. Know and understand policies regarding registration, tuition and fee charges, refunds, course changes and financial aid disbursements.