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Electronic Resources: The Thomas C. Donnelly Library purchases access to Licensed Electronic Resources for the use of current NMHU students, faculty, staff and library users only. These resources are protected by copyright and other laws. Click Here for details.
Check out the Library’s Tutorials on searching databases.
*** Nexis Uni is now available in databases as the replacement for the previous platform LexisNexis Academic ***
Please contact the Donnelly Library if you need help finding the new Nexis Uni.
Video Database News: VAST is now Alexander Street!
Once called VAST, the newly renamed Alexander Street still offers the same array of over 65,000 easily searchable streaming films.
Click the letter “A” below, or simply scroll down to the “A’s” below, and you will find Alexander Street – ready for all your academic video streaming needs!
As always, contact the Donnelly Library if you have any questions about Alexander Street, any database product, or any of your research needs.
Or, start your search in one of our general databases:
Academic Search Complete
ProQuest Research Library
OmniFile Full-Text (Wilson)