LAS VEGAS, NM — The Mora-San Miguel Long Term Recovery Group (LTRG) has paired with Neighbors Helping Neighbors (NHN) at New Mexico Highlands University to assist those affected by the recent fire and water disasters. The two groups – which share many of the same volunteers – have been collecting information on specific unmet needs for individuals and families across the burn scar area from Mineral Hill to Chacon.The team is already processing more than 150 unmet needs cases and are looking for the funding, labor, and materials to help them one family at a time.

NHN is working to meet emergency and short-term needs such as food, household goods, simple property repairs and clean-up assistance. The Mora-San Miguel LTRG will be focused over the next year on larger, more costly needs, such as finding the money and construction crews to help families whose primary houses burned in the fire or who lost their wells and roads in the floods. More than 900 structures burned in the fire, including hundreds of houses.

Both the LTRG and NHN have worked closely with federal and state agencies, encouraging families to apply for all available grant programs and to be patient with the process. They are also working with other nonprofits, trying to match up those with needs to those who have the right resources.

Find out more about the Mora-San Miguel Long Term Recovery Group at https://hermits-peak-calf-canyon-fire-resources-nmhu.hub.arcgis.com/pages/long-term-recovery-group. The site also lists upcoming community events.

Read Staci Matlock’s full article here.

If you have an unmet need related to the fire/floods or you would like to volunteer, email hpccltrg@gmail.com.