Forgiveness: Unshackling Yourself from the Past

Robert Schout, LMSW 6 CEUs

The definition of “forgiveness” is to “unshackle or unbind oneself or others from the past, an emotional condition, or from shame.” This act seems so elusive to so many people, yet it is one of the most critical elements for the healing of self and relationships. This provocative seminar will explore and reveal both barriers and bridges to forgiveness that can be used for one’s own life and in clinical-counseling settings.

For more information Contact:
New Mexico Highlands University
Lou Ann Romero, Continuing Education
Ph: 505.454.3087
Fax: 505.454.3290
Lou Ann Romero

June 6, 2014

8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.

Rio Rancho
Rio Rancho Highlands Campus,
1700 Grande Blvd.,

10.00 per CEU
Checks payable to:
Highlands School of Social Work.
Please call or email to confirm
attendance. Space is limited!