Here you’ll find resources for flood alerts, readiness, safety and recovery related to the Hermit’s Peak and Calf Canyon fires.
Weather and alerts
Las Vegas area weather (
Flood watch and severe weather alerts (
Northern New Mexico flash flood information from the National Weather Service at
Safety, readiness and recovery
NEW: Recovery
Local group partners with national organization on assessing unmet fire/flood impact needs
The Mora-San Miguel Long Term Recovery Group is partnering with World Renew to conduct an assessment of long-term recovery needs of families impacted by the Hermit’s Peak/Calf Canyon fire and post-fire floods.
The Mora-San Miguel LTRG is a community-based organization of volunteers from the local communities affected by the HP/CC fire and floods. The LTRG was established during the disaster and works with other local groups such as Neighbors Helping Neighbors to help residents who after insurance and government benefits still need help to recover.
The World Renew team will be in the area Oct. 17 to Oct. 28 and will be providing door-to-door surveys and staffing two walk-in centers – one in Mora and one in Las Vegas. The Mora Relief Center is at 3268 NM Hwy 518 and the Las Vegas Center is at Sala de Madrid, 801 University Ave.
Walk-In-Centers and Hours:
San Miguel Walk-in-Center
801 University Dr. Sala de Madrid
Las Vegas NM 87701
10/17/22 9:00 to 4:00
10/18/22 9:00 to 4:00
10/19/22 9:00 to 4:00
10/20/22 9:00 to 7:00
10/21/22 9:00 to 4:00
10/22/22 9:00 to 1:00
10/24/22 9:00 to 4:00
10/25/22 9:00 to 4:00
10/26/22 9:00 to 7:00
10/27/22 9:00 to 4:00
10/28/22 9:00 to 2:00
Mora Walk-in Center
3268 Hwy 518
Mora NM 87732
10/17/22 10:00 to 4:00
10/18/22 10:00 to 4:00
10/19/22 10:00 to 4:00
10/20/22 10:00 to 7:00
10/21/22 10:00 to 4:00
10/22/22 10:00 to 1:00
10/25/22 10:00 to 4:00
10/26/22 10:00 to 7:00
10/27/22 10:00 to 4:00
10/28/22 10:00 to 2:00
World Renew teams will be wearing green shirts with the World Renew logo and will be wearing identification tags.
If you or someone you know has unmet needs and would like to fill out a needs assessment survey, please call 505-398-3634.
Read Staci Matlock’s full article here. [Excerpt below]
The Mora-San Miguel Long Term Recovery Group (LTRG) has paired with Neighbors Helping Neighbors (NHN) at New Mexico Highlands University to assist those affected by the recent fire and water disasters. The two groups – which share many of the same volunteers – have been collecting information on specific unmet needs for individuals and families across the burn scar area from Mineral Hill to Chacon.
The team is already processing more than 150 unmet needs cases and are looking for the funding, labor, and materials to help them one family at a time.
NHN is working to meet emergency and short-term needs such as food, household goods, simple property repairs and clean-up assistance. The Mora-San Miguel LTRG will be focused over the next year on larger, more costly needs, such as finding the money and construction crews to help families whose primary houses burned in the fire or who lost their wells and roads in the floods. More than 900 structures burned in the fire, including hundreds of houses.
Both the LTRG and NHN have worked closely with federal and state agencies, encouraging families to apply for all available grant programs and to be patient with the process. They are also working with other nonprofits, trying to match up those with needs to those who have the right resources.
Find out more about the Mora-San Miguel Long Term Recovery Group at The site also lists upcoming community events.
If you have an unmet need related to the fire/floods or you would like to volunteer, email
Flood risk map from New Mexico Fire Information (blog updated daily at
Also from NMFireInfo:
Evacuations: For updated evacuation information from the Hermits Peak and Calf Canyon Fires: The Ready, Set, Go evacuation guide is available in English and Spanish here: For disaster assistance resources, visit:
Checklists: Flood Preparation and Supplies and Post-Fire Flooding Guide (excerpted from’s Floods Following Wildfire information guide)
Flood preparedness, insurance and safety information from the New Mexico Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (NMDHSEM)
Flood recovery, health and safety, and FEMA resources from the American Institute of Architects (AIA)
Notice of Opportunity to Perform FEMA-Reimbursable Tasks of Flood Debris Collection and Removal in Mora and San Miguel Counties
SANTA FE- The New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT) is requesting interest from licensed and bonded parties to collect, remove, and dispose of flood debris from county and private lands located in Mora and San Miguel Counties. The NMDOT’s request for interest is in conjunction with approval by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to include flooding impacts in New Mexico’s disaster declaration for counties affected by wildfires related to the Hermit’s Peak/Calf Canyon Fire.
Qualified Providers:
Interested parties must be able to demonstrate or attest to the following:
1. The ability to timely provide essential labor and equipment to safely collect, remove, and properly dispose of flood debris (including, but not limited to soils and sediment, rocks, boulders, trees, logs, and other vegetation, etc.) from county and private lands located in Mora and San Miguel Counties. In some locations, soil may be contaminated and will require additional care in handling, removal, and disposal.
2. The ability to perform related work, which includes but is not limited to cleaning existing retention/detention ponds, acequias, arroyos, and culverts, including on private property, building earth berms, and placing sandbags and concrete wall barriers to mitigate future drainage issues and to protect infrastructure, and properly utilizing authorized disposal and stockpile locations.
3. The ability to provide essential equipment, materials, and work force, including to maximize the use of state contractors and subcontractors, to perform the described work.
4. The possession of essential equipment within the State of New Mexico or in proximity, including frontend loaders, motor graders, backhoes, bulldozers, excavators, chainsaws, and dump trucks.
5. The ability to timely acquire essential temporary work permits for access onto properties from which flood debris will be removed and related tasks performed.
6. The ability to absorb the costs through the completion of the project to collect, safely remove, and properly dispose of flood debris pending reimbursement by FEMA.
7. To be adequately bonded and insured, including that the NMDOT be identified as additionally insured.
8. Previous experience working on FEMA-reimbursable projects, including identifying and navigating required steps for FEMA reimbursement, securing approval, and complying with FEMA debris removal criteria, contracting eligible third-party monitors, and maintaining expenditure reports.
9. The capacity to substantively initiate collection, removal, disposal, and related work within two (2) weeks following issuance of a notice to proceed.
Letter of Intent Criteria:
1. Name and address, including of business or enterprise, and of primary contact,
2. Email address of primary contact,
3. Phone number of primary contact,
4. Demonstration or attestation the interested party meets the criteria of a qualified provider, including a narrative describing the party’s ability to meet all essential qualifications, and
5. An itemized list of costs/materials/personnel needed for the various anticipated tasks.
6. List of references to attest to interested party’s previous experience in working on FEMA-reimbursable projects, including with regards to operations of collection, removal, disposal, and related tasks.
Letter of Intent Submission:
The Letter of Intent must be received by the NMDOT no later than 12:00 p.m., Monday, August 22, 2022.
Please email your letter of intent to the Office of the Cabinet Secretary, New Mexico Department of Transportation, P.O. Box 1149, Santa Fe, NM 87504-1149; or hand deliver to the Office of the Cabinet Secretary at 1120 Cerrillos Road, Santa Fe, NM 87504; or email to
We appreciate your time and attention to this request. Please send any questions to Christina Baca, New Mexico Department of Transportation, at
Related links
Return to main fire information page
NMHU campus/academic fire response page I Medical and emotional support I Post-fire government resources and recovery I Donations and how to help
Related: Midnight Fire information from InciWeb