Highlands University exercise and sport sciences professor Jay Lee, right, and Raymond Sanchez, an ITV engineer with Educational Outreach Services, are two of the university’s veterans honored Nov. 11 during a Veterans Day ceremony the Alumni Office sponsored. Lee served four years of active duty during the Vietnam War as a corporal with the U.S. Marine Corps. Sanchez served 21 years with the U.S. Army National Guard including two years of active duty in Afghanistan from 2009 – 2010. Kimberly Blea, interim dean of students, led the Pledge of Allegiance and introduced Highlands’ faculty, staff and students who are veterans. Nita Lujan, a Highlands’ alumna and current music technology student, sang America the Beautiful and the Star-Spangled Banner while music faculty member Kevin Zoernig accompanied on piano. The Fort Union Historical Regiment presented the arms, with Greg Baker talking about the history of military service in New Mexico.