March 6, 2020
Las Vegas, N.M. – The New Mexico Highlands University Department of Music presents a Bach and Vivaldi concert March 22 at 3 p.m. in the First United Presbyterian Church in Las Vegas at 1000 Douglas Ave.
The concert features five soloists from the New Mexico Bach Society based in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The Highlands University Madrigal Choir will also perform at the concert.
Highlands music professor Andre García-Nuthmann and Franz Vote, artistic director and conductor for the New Mexico Bach Society, are the artistic directors for the concert. Vote is also the piano accompanist.
“We’re performing a selection of Bach’s cantatas and Vivaldi’s ‘Gloria,’” said García-Nuthmann, who directs the choral program at Highlands. “The music is very rhythmic and energized contrasted with pieces that are slower and melodic.”
Johann Sebastian Bach, a German composer, and Antonio Vivaldi, an Italian composer, were contemporaries during the Baroque period. Bach lived from 1685 to 1750 and Vivaldi lived from 1678 to 1741.
“Bach is most famous for his cantatas, musical works that incorporate singers and an orchestra and are usually based on themes from the bible. Vivaldi was primarily known for his violin concertos, but also was very prolific in composing choral and orchestral works,” García-Nuthmann said.
García-Nuthmann, a tenor vocalist and longtime member of the New Mexico Bach Society, will also sing a solo for the concert.
“The Highlands Department of Music has a history of collaborating with the New Mexico Bach Society. Working with maestro Franz Vote is very inspirational for me personally and for our Highlands choirs,” García-Nuthmann said.
Other soloists from the New Mexico Bach Society include Jennifer Perez, soprano vocalist; Kehar Koslowsky, alto vocalist; Tim Wilson, bass vocalist; and Linda Marianiello, on flute.
Advance tickets for the concert are $20. Call 505-454-3359. Tickets at the door are $22.
The program for the evening of Bach and Vivaldi includes:
-Bach BWV 62 Opening Chorus: Nun komm der Heiden Heiland
-Bach Matthäuspassion Mache dich mein Herze rein
-Bach Duet: Wir ehren diese Herrlichkeit
-Bach Matthäuspassion: Aus Liebe
-Bach BWV 62 Chorus: Lob sei Gott, dem Vater
-Vivaldi Gloria #1 Chorus
-Vivaldi Gloria #2 Chorus
-Vivaldi Gloria #6 Aria
-Vivaldi Gloria #8 Aria
-Six selections from Bach’s Christmas Oratio