Highlands University President Sam Minner, at the far left, and his wife, Joan Minner, talk with Mariah Hausman Fox, at the far right, and Angela Meron, media arts and technology professors who were among the faculty recognized for academic excellence.
Las Vegas, N.M. – Faculty members at New Mexico Highlands received recognition for academic excellence ranging from scholarly research papers to conference presentations at a reception April 18.
“The main driver of learning outcomes in a university is the quality of its faculty,” said Highlands University President Sam Minner, “The excellence of faculty accomplishments highlighted today is impressive. While it’s not a comprehensive list, it gives a sense of the breadth and depth of scholarly contributions our faculty is making across many disciplines to advance knowledge.”
The university’s Office of Academic Affairs organized the event that recognized some recent faculty accomplishments. Faculty receiving individual recognition and thanks include:
Helen Blythe, English, ‘Rubbish and Paste’: Reading and Recurrence in an Old Man’s Love,” to be published in The Edinburgh Companion to Anthony Trollope.
Sarah Corey-Rivas, Biology, “Population-Level Variation in Southern Rocky Mountain Boreal Toad Susceptibility to Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis,” presented at the Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists.
Lauren Fath, English, “Fall Creek Road,” published in HoosierLit.2017
Sarra Hinshaw, Biology, co-author, “Vegetation Loss Decreases Salt Marsh Denitrification Capacity: Implications for Marsh Erosion,” published in Environmental Science Technology.
Brandon Kempner, English, Higher Learning Commission Assurance Argument writer and editor.
Tyler Mills, English, “Hawk Parable” poem awarded the 2017 Akron Poetry Prize.
Jesús Rivas, Biology, co-author, “Home range and habitat use of Beni Anacondas (Eunectes beniensis) in Bolivia,” published in Amphibia-Reptilia.
Jessica Snow, Biology, co-author, “Actin Polymerization Contributes to Enhance Pulmonary Vasoconstrictor Reactivity Following Chronic Hypoxia,” published in American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology.
Benjamin Villarreal, English, “The world could always use more heroes: Why overwatch matters,” published in First Person Scholar.
Donna Woodford-Gormley, English, “Cuban Improvisations: Reverse Colonization via Shakespeare,” forthcoming in Volume 71 of the peer-reviewed journal, Shakespeare Survey.
Peter Linder, History, “19th and 20th Century Venezuela,” published in Handbook of Latin American Studies.
Edgar Vargos Blanco, Languages and Culture, “Linguistic attitudes of parents in Colombian and Mexican families in Houston,” published in Forma y Funcion.
Carlos Velasquez Torrez, Languages and Culture, edited the book, Irlanda en el corazón.
Blanca Cespedes, Foresty, “Traditional fire use impact in the aboveground carbon stock of the chestnut forests of Central Spain and its implications for prescribed burning,” published in Science of the Total Environment.
Jennifer Lindline, Geology, co-author, “Fingerprints of magma mingling processes within the Miocene Zebín tuff cone feeding system,” (Jičín Volcanic Field, Czech Republic), published in Journal of Geoscience.
Michael Petronis Geology, co-author, “A global framework for the Earth: putting geological sciences in context,” published in Global and Planetary Change.
Kyle Rose, Forestry, Heteroblasty in Acacia koa and its relevance for restoration and management in Hawaii,” presented at Annual TopHTIRC Meeting.
Joshua Sloan, Forestry, co-author, Changes in soil properties under Eucalyptus relative to Pinus massoniana and natural broadleaved forests in South China,” published in Journal of Forestry Research.
Julie Tsatsaros, Forestry, reviewing editor, “Working toward an engagement turn to agricultural research in the Tonle Sap Biosphere, Cambodia
Jeanie Flood, Nursing, published in Clinical Lactation.”
Rebecca Alvarez, Sociology “From Stoning to Men’s Rights Activists: Backlash and Vigilante Gender Violence,” presented at California Sociological Association Conference.
Erika Derkas, Sociology, co-editor, Fulbright Hays grant, “Radical Reproductive Justice: Origins, Theory, Practice, Critique.” Awarded Fulbright Hays grant for “Central Asia: Crossroads of Civilization.”
Victoria Evans, co-author, “El Pueblo Ruin,” presented at the Pecos Conference.
Gloria Gadsden, Criminal Justice, served on 24 university committees in 2017-2018 academic year.
Orit Tamir, Anthropology, “On Being Nontraditional Students: What Really Matters,” presented at Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting.
Chien-Chung Chen, Marketing, “Satisfying State Residents with Fewer Inputs: A Data Envelopment Analysis,” presented at the Association of Collegiate Marketing Educators (ACME) Annual Conference.
Mariah Fox Hausman, Media Arts and Technology, editor, Jean Michel Basquiat, Neptune Paper and Panels: Early Works Curator’s Note by Al Díaz. She wrote the forward, chronology and epilogue for Private consultation, design and publication for collector,”
Angela Meron, Media Arts and Technology. “Things We Keep,” Solo show at Galeria 10, Las Vegas, New Mexico.
Rodney Sanchez, Business Administration, published the book, Ben and the IQ Explore Hot Air Ballooning.
Kathryn Dziekan, Education Counseling and Guidance, “Sychopharmacological Implications for Individuals with Chronic Pain and Co-Occurring Conditions: Opioid Use and Alcohol Consumption,” presented at 44th Annual School on Addiction and Behavioral Health.
Anna Koch, Education Counseling and Guidance, “Relapse is not mandatory: A qualitative study on veterans in recovery from alcohol,” presented at American Counseling Association 66th Annual Conference and Expo.
PJ Sedillo, Education Special Education, “The ‘T’ Is Missing From Gifted: Gifted Transgender Individuals: A Case Study of a Female to Male (FTM) Gifted Transgender Person,” published in Journal of Education and Social Policy.
Ann Wolf, Education Curriculum and Instruction, “Using Reading Strategies to Support Learning from Multiple Texts,” presented at the Teaching Academic Survival and Success Conference.
Judith Barnstone, Social Work, “Minimizing and Preventing the Negative Effects of Environmental Stress on Physical Health,” presented at National Association of Social Workers Annual Conference.
Maria Munguía, Social Work, volunteer co-anchor for more than 15 years for “Voces Feministas,” a bimonthly KUNM radio production.
Rey Martiñez, Social Work, co-author, “Identifying the Needs of Latino Children as expressed through Drug & Alcohol Curriculum Data: Adding Our Voices,” presented at Latino Social Work Organization Annual Conference.
Dolores Ortega, Social Work, “Persistence Difference and Living the Lives We Want,” presented at National Federation of the Blind Convention.
Sam Terrazas, Social Work, co-author, “Critical Cultural Competence in Social Work Supervision,” published in Human Service Organizations, Journal of Family Strengths and Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences.