April 8, 2021

Heath Anderson
Las Vegas, N.M. – The School of Business, Media and Technology at New Mexico Highlands University is sponsoring the first COWBOY UP! business “pitch” competition, giving students and alumni the chance to present business plan ideas and be eligible for cash prizes.
“COWBOY UP! is a ‘pitch’ competition that provides participants with the opportunity to present their business idea to a panel of judges including Highlands faculty, business and community leaders and entrepreneurs,” said Heath Anderson, business professor at Highlands. “Have you ever watched ‘Shark Tank’ and thought, ‘I have the perfect idea for a business, product or organization?’ Here is your chance to make it happen.”
First prize in the COWBOY UP! competition will be $2,500; second prize will be $1,000; third prize will be $750; fourth prize will be $500; and fifth prize will be $250.
“The reason we launched the business ‘pitch’ competition is because it’s a great resource for our students, the local community and the economic development of Northern New Mexico,” Anderson said.
Judges will evaluate pitches based upon the business concept and the market opportunity. The business competition is in two rounds.
The deadline for students to enter the first round in the competition is May 7. Participants will submit a one-page summary of their business idea to Highlands business professor Rod Sanchez via email to rodsanchez@nmhu.edu
The business plan summary must include: 1) Your name(s); 2) Your organization’s name and/or project title; 3) A description of the product and/or service including your target market(s), sales channels, and your competitive advantage(s) relative to your competition.
“Up to 10 of the best ideas will be selected for the final round – a live business ‘pitch.’ The live business ‘pitch’ competition will be held via Zoom on May 18 and will offer participants three to five minutes to present, or ‘pitch,’ their ideas, followed by up to 10 minutes of questions and answers from our judges,” Anderson said.
Winners will be announced May 18. All participants will receive a certificate of participation.
Anderson said the first COWBOY UP! business “pitch” competition is also open to students at Luna Community College, San Juan College, Central New Mexico Community College, and Díne College.
If you have questions, contact Anderson at hsanderson@nmhu.edu