Fifteen faculty, staff and students from New Mexico Highlands’ Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences attended the National Strength and Conditioning Association’s Personal Training conference in Las Vegas, Nev. March 10-11. The faculty included Dr. Pete Leroy, a professor of health; Dr. Yongseek Kim, a professor of sports administration; Dr. Kyle Busing, a professor of physical education, and Dr. Kathy Jenkins, a professor of exercise science. The conference included hands-on presentations by nationally recognized personal and sports trainers on information such as, plyometrics, strength training, elastic band exercise, kettle bell training, stretching, squat analysis, and medicine balls. Additionally, presentations, such as nutritional strategies for athletes and performers, kid fitness, and metabolic training were attended.The conference was paid for by a grant from the ESS department and the ESS club. The ESS club raised funds from last year’s Remembrance Run. The students will be presenting a class to all NMHU faculty, staff and students interested in learning kettle ball exercises. The department has purchased kettle balls following the excitement generated from the presentation at this conference. The balls should be available in the NMHU Wellness Program next month.