April 6, 2020
Las Vegas, New Mexico – New Mexico Highlands University will hold a virtual parade on Facebook April 10 at 4 p.m.
The idea is to help lighten the mood during the COVID-19 pandemic by posting a parade “float” entry that showcases remote fun during these difficult times. The virtual event has been dubbed the HU QuaranTEAM Parade.
“This will be the first social-distancing parade in Las Vegas,” said Linda Anderle, a community liaison for Highlands. “We may be stuck in isolation, but that’s no reason not to have a safe celebration from home. Let’s stay immune to the gloom and have some fun.”
Entries for the virtual parade from the Highlands community and Las Vegas community will be accepted in the form of still photos, videos or graphics.
“The virtual parade will begin by being posted on the Highlands Facebook page prior to 4 p.m. Friday, April 10. Entries can be submitted in the comments for the parade post,” Anderle said.
Anderle said tongue-in-cheek the virtual parade is easy, with no applications forms or permit fees required. There’s also no waiting in a parade line up, and the parade will go on rain or shine.
“Make sure to remember social distancing as you prepare your parade entry, and keep groups limited to five people with at least 6’ between each person. Be creative and develop your entry in the true sense of quarantine,” Anderle said.
Anderle said the hope is that a broad cross-section of the Highlands community and Las Vegas community will participate in the in the virtual parade.
The HU QuaranTEAM virtual parade may be viewed at www.facebook.com/HighlandsUniversity/