Undergraduate-level Interdepartmental Course Description

Interdepartmental Course Description Content Areas:



Symbols And Abbreviations in Course Listings:

Courses are listed by course number followed by course title. Courses offered concurrently at more than one level are listed with a split number (e.g., 234-334).

The number in parentheses following the title indicates the number of credits for that course. When a range of credits is offered, the specific number of credits within that range is determined either when the course is scheduled or, for variable-credit courses (identified as “VC”), when each student selects an individually approved number of credits.

When there are numerals following the number of credits, it indicates a number of contact hours per week different from the number of credit hours. In this example, BIO 484 Hematology (4); 2,4, the first number indicates lecture contact hours, and the second number indicates lab or studio contact hours. Their sum equals the total contact time. The total contact time may exceed the course credit hours. When no numerals follow the number of credits, the course’s contact hours per week match the number of course credit hours (with one hour comprising 50 minutes of meeting time).

Any specific prerequisites or corequisites are stated at the end of the course description. These are enforced by academic program advisers and by the faculty member teaching the course in question. In cases where specific course prerequisites are not stated, assumption of ability to perform at the appropriate level in that discipline is still made. Students must achieve a grade of C or better in prerequisite courses in order to advance to the next course.


Honors (HONR), Courses in

HONR 100: Honors Forum (2). An exploration of the research, scholarship, and creative activity ongoing in the academic fields represented at NMHU, with a focus on discovery.

HONR 151: Honors Seminar 1: The Ancients (4). An introduction to the modes of organization of knowledge through the Middle Ages up to the Renaissance.

HONR 251: Honors Seminar 2: Renaissance (4). An investigation of the shifting intellectual and scholarly perspectives of the Renaissance.

HONR 351: Honors Seminar 3: Reason and Romanticism (4). An examination of the periods of the Age of Enlightenment and Romanticism, in terms of the shifting modes for the organization of knowledge.

HONR 451: Honors Seminar 4: The Modern and Beyond (4). An examination of the intellectual movements of the latter 19th and 20th centuries, with a focus on shifting ideological models.

HONR 490: Honors Thesis (3). A capstone team-taught by at least two faculty members, one of whom is the student’s major adviser, who form an undergraduate thesis committee. Students complete a senior thesis project of professional quality, which is submitted for conference or campus presentation.


Interdepartmental (INDP), Courses in

234. Co-op Education Practicum (1-6 VC)
With program supervision, students from a variety of disciplines gain practical knowledge through experiential learning in a professional setting.

434. Co-op Education Practicum (1-6 VC)
With program supervision, upper-division students from a variety of disciplines gain practical knowledge through experiential learning in a professional setting.

435. Selected Topics in Coop Education Placement Practicum (1-6 VC)
Open to upper-division students, this course provides topics in interdisciplinary studies. The specific topic is stated when the course is scheduled. Ensure success for NMHU students. Freshmen will sharpen their study skills, become familiar with university resources, and improve academic inquiry and electronic access skills. An advanced/challenge section is available for students with strong academic skills.

Personal Skills: “N”
Personal learning courses assist students as they acclimate to college life. These interdepartmental courses focus on skills necessary for success; supplemental instruction in a variety of topics, such as library research skills, reading comprehension, and general learning skills; and practicum courses that provide experiential learning through field placements. Course numbers that are followed by N are skill-based courses. While they count toward the credit hours required for financial aid, they do not count toward the graduation requirement of 128 credit hours.


Library (LIB), Courses in

100. Library Research (1)
This five-week course provides hands-on experience in learning how to do effective research. The course familiarizes students with a variety of academic library services, teaches how to effectively search for and evaluate print and electronic resources, and provides instruction on creating a bibliography and proper bibliographic citation in a specified citation style.

400. Advanced Library Research (1)
This five-week course facilitates the use of academic library resources and services for the purpose of discipline-specific research. The course enables students to effectively search for and evaluate print and electronic resources for a targeted topic. The course advances scholarship and mastery of content areas as students work with subject-specific resources and explore issues in scholarly communication. Students learn the components of a literature review and annotated bibliography as well as proper bibliographic citation in a specified citation style.


University Studies- Bachelor (USBA), Courses in

100. Introduction to University Studies (1)
BUS 100 is an introduction to the theory of interdisciplinary studies. The course focuses on exploring common pathways and connections among disciplines. It enables students to develop a personal theory of interdisciplinary studies and culminates in a detailed plan for an individualized major.

400. Capstone Course (3)
This multidisciplinary capstone course is designed to be a culminating experience for a general education. Students from a range of study areas will work, in groups, on various projects. They will explore connections among their various disciplines and between their own college and off-campus community experiences.


Women’s Studies (WNST), Courses in

200 Introduction to Women’s Studies (3)
Lecture, discussion. This course centralizes women’s experiences in terms of interpretation and analysis. Basic concepts and orientations as part of women’s studies courses are introduced. The course focuses on women’s lived experience, with a special attention on the ways gender construction interacts with race, class, sexual orientation, and ethnicity. The main goal is to develop among students, critical thinking and readings skills that relate to women’s lives, the ways in which the interlocking systems of colonialism, racism, sexism, ethnocentrism and heterosexism that shape them and create space for resistance and re-articulation. The course will take an international perspective. Emphasis of the course will change depending on the instructor.

300. Feminist Theory (3)
Feminist theory explores the basic forms that organize everyday society and that influences dominant ways of thinking. Feminist theory employs a variety of schools of thought including liberalism, Marxism, psychoanalysis, postcolonial theory, and transnational feminist theory. Students in feminist theory will gain an insight into the range and uses of feminist theory.

The main goal of this course is to introduce ways of investigating and reflecting upon recent topics and discord within feminist dialogues, within an international context. Central content areas include: feminism and nationalism; cultural identity; diaspora dialogue; the social construction of gender, race and sexuality; perspectives on pornography and racial hatred propaganda/speech/acts; and international sex trafficking and prostitution. Questions considered include: What makes up theory in women’s studies? How useful is theory in reflective, critical, challenging debates revolving around dominant sex/race/class power structures? What can theory offer activists? What recent debates and dialogues are emerging within feminist/womanist theory? These questions continue themes in this class is to teach students basic tools of analysis for addressing these issues.

435. Special Topics (1-4 VC)
Gender and Politics; eating disorders, gender and education

499. Women’s Studies: Internship/Directed Study (3)
This course includes directed studies on a women’s issue, in the student’s major field, to be approved by the Women’s Studies Committee as a whole and to be supervised by a designated faculty member of the committee in conjunction (if necessary) with a selected faculty member in the field of the study. Internships: apply theory, concepts and skills developed in the women’s studies minor to work on projects related to profit or nonprofit organizations. A final research paper in the range of 15-20 pages will result from the student’s directed study. Prerequisites: WMST 200 AND 300 and senior status and approval of women’s studies.

