Due to the weather events forecasted for Thursday, November 7, and Friday, November 8, the Las Vegas campus and Santa Fe center operations and all classes are canceled, effective at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, November 6.

L&C Faculty & Staff

Norma A. Valenzuela, Ph.D.


Department of Languages & Culture


P: 505-454-3114


Dr. Norma A. Valenzuela Pulido was born in Torreón, Coahuila, México, and arrived in Albuquerque, NM, in 1979. She earned an Associate’s in Business Technology and a B.U.S. with an emphasis in Spanish and Bilingual Education from the University of New Mexico. Her MA in Spanish Language and Culture and Ph.D. in Spanish Cultural Studies, with an emphasis in Chicano/Latino & Latin American Cultural Studies from Arizona State University. Her publications appear in Chicana/Latina Studies: The Journal of Mujeres Activas en Letras y Cambio Social, Chican@: Critical Perspectives and Praxis at the Turn of the 21st Century and a co-edited article in the International Journal of Curriculum and Social Justice. Her book Lourdes Portillo: Luchas feministas barriales y transnacionales en Después del terremoto, Las Madres y Señorita extraviada is the first single authored text that positions Portillo as a Chicana transnational filmmaker. Her most recent publications appear in Querencia: Essays on the New Mexico Homeland and in the first MLA Options for Teaching Series, Teaching the Narrative of Mexicana and Chicana Writers. Dr. Valenzuela is Associate Professor in Spanish at New Mexico Highlands University.

Research Interests: Ethnic Studies, Gender & Women Studies, Cultural Studies, Film/Documentary Studies, Literature and socio-linguistics. Primary focus is transnational Chican@, Latin@ and Mexican contexts.