Master of Arts Education

Educational Leadership
This program is structured around three components: required core, emphasis area, and research methodology.

Two options are available for master degree candidates in educational leadership.

Option One: to pursue a master’s degree with eligibility for a New Mexico K-12 School Administrator License. Stipulations for admission to this option is that candidates will have received licensure for teaching in the State of New Mexico or the equivalent AND have at least one year of licensed K-12 teaching.

Option Two: to pursue a master’s degree without eligibility for a New Mexico K-12 School Administrator License. This option is tailored for candidates who do not have a teaching license or teaching experience, yet wish the background leadership and administrative knowledge obtained from the program. Candidates who choose this option would take all course requirements except the two semesters (six credit hours) of internship. Instead they would take two additional three-credit elective courses approved by their adviser in the program to meet the 36-hour M.A. requirements.

Required courses: 15

EdLd 6oo Leader Exploration (3)
EdLd 625 EdLd & Principal (3)
EdLd 680 Reflective Leader (3)
EdLd 698 Internship I (3)
EdLd 698 Internship II (3)

Emphasis Area: 12 Complete four of the six courses from the following list.

EdLd 615 Sch Fin & Budge(3)
EdLd 620 School Law (3)
EdLd 630 Sch Comm Relat (3)
EdLd 640 Supervise & Eval of Personnel (3)
EdLd 660 Chng Tech & Gov (3)
Gned 663 Prin of Curriculum Const (3)

Required Research Courses: nine

GnEd 605 Statistics for Educ (3)
GnEd 610 Educ Res Interpret (3)
Choose one of the following:
EdLd 697 Field Project (3)
OR EdLd 699 Thesis (3)
OR The Portfolio Block:
EdLd 608 Res Sem I (1)
EdLd 651 Res Sem II (1)
EdLd 697 Field Project (1)

Program total: 36