Core Accreditation And Outcomes


Rehabilitation Counseling | School Counseling | Professional Counseling

The Rehabilitation Counseling Program (RCP) at New Mexico Highlands University was fully accredited in 2012 by the Council on Rehabilitation Education (CORE). Students and graduates are afforded all of the benefits of full accreditation, including the option to seek national certification as a certified rehabilitation counselor as part of the RCP degree.

Over the last three years, performance indicators for the RCP include an average 69 students enrolled, and an average of 13 graduates each year. Our three-year retention rate for students enrolled in the fall of 2011 currently stands at 89%, and the three-year average percentage of our students who are working within six months after graduating is 89%. Our graduates work in state rehabilitation agencies, community rehabilitation programs, school transition programs, independent living centers, tribal rehabilitation agencies, rehabilitation hospitals, and private-for-profit rehabilitation settings. The average cost of attending Highlands University for a resident, graduate student taking nine hours per semester is $19,140 per year.

Students can take the CRC Exam as the comprehensive examination for our program and graduate as Certified Rehabilitation Counselors. 68% of our students who have taken the CRC Exam have passed it. All of our applicants for graduation pass at least one of a combination of assessments used to measure student learning across CORE knowledge domains, and all of our graduates are eligible for state licensure as rehabilitation counselors in New Mexico.