Edward Martinez, Ph.D.


Edward Albert Martinez, Ph.D.

Edward Martinez, originally from Northern New Mexico, earned his bachelor of science in environmental science from Highlands University in 1994, a master’s in environmental and regional planning in 1998, and a doctorate in environmental and natural resource sciences from Washington State University-Pullman in 2000.  He did his postdoctoral work at Washington State University with the department of natural resources and with the School of Veterinary Science from 2001-2002. He was an assistant professor at California State University-Sacramento from 2002-2005. From 2005 to the present, he has worked as a professor in the department of natural resources management at Highlands. Dr. Martinez’ research interests are in the multidisciplinary fields of environmental science, specifically in heavy metal impacts of aquatic systems, lake restoration and management, stream characterization and restoration and heavy metal toxicity of aquatic insects. Dr. Martinez is also interested in STEM education and is currently the P.D. of numerous STEM education grants from various granting agencies such as the USDA-HSI program, the U.S. Department of Education, and the NSF EPSCoR program.