Placement Rates of NMHU Forestry Graduates* Academicyear PlacementRate Employers 2013/2014 86% USDA-Forest Service USDI-BLM, USDI-BIA, Graduate School 2012/2013 100% USDA-Forest Service Graduate School 2011/2012 86% USDA-Forest Service Graduate School 2010/2011 67% USDA-Forest Service NMFWI 2009/2010 100% USDA-Forest Service NM Forestry division, USDI-BLM 2008/2009 100% USDA-Forest Service Graduate School 2007/2008 83% USDA-Forest Service, NM Forestry division NM State Parks USDI- National park Service 2006/2007 100% USDA-Forest Service *Placement of graduates in professional Natural resources positions or admitted to graduate school.