The annual event offers a broad range of activities and events open to the community
New Mexico Highlands University is celebrating Geek Week from Sunday, April 16 to Friday, April 21. The slate of events for Geek Week is sponsored by the NMHU English department.
All events are open to the public and all are free with the sole exception of the Geeks on the Run 5K, which is $10 for students at any level and $15 for non-students. Geeks on the Run will take place on Sunday, April 16 at 10 a.m. at the intersection of Mills and the River Walk, and all funds go to support future Geek Week programs. Interested runners or walkers can register in advance at Douglas Hall (DH) 134, on-site on race day from 9 to 9:30 a.m., or online:
Other events throughout the week include a songwriting workshop, open mic, t-shirt painting, book making, role playing, quill writing, and jeopardy, among many other activities. Many of the events will be available both in person and online through the following Zoom link:
NMHU English professor, Dr. Donna Woodford-Gormley said she is personally looking forward to her students’ presentations on fractured fairy tales and classical mythology and to the open mic, where students can read their own work.
“In the past, the community has particularly enjoyed interactive activities like bookmaking, quill writing, and playing Jeopardy, Kahoot!, or role-playing games, and we are very pleased to bring many of those back for this year’s Geek Week.” Woodford-Gormley said.
According to Dr. Woodford-Gormley, Geek Week is a way for NMHU to showcase all the interesting things the English Department is doing and highlights the creative things students are engaged in.
“The English Department is more than just composition and literature classes; we’ve got a lot of interesting things going on in the department,” Woodford-Gormley said. “Geek Week has been a lot of fun in the past and I think people like to come to check out what it’s all about.”